Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4909: Fight against the Lord of the Seventh Building

"Are they the eight young posters of Suiyuelou?"

The Heavenly Spirit Master asked.

"Yes, it's them."

Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei used to deal with these young owners of Suiyuelou before.

"If there are only eight young posters, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Speaking of it, they should be afraid of us. "

Heavenly Spirit Master smiled slightly.

"Lin Fei, with your current strength, you can single-handedly deal with these young landlords of Years House."

Heavenly Spirit Master said with a smile.

"The strength of these eight young posters seems to be much stronger than before. It seems that they have made great progress over the years."

Lin Fei felt the breath of the eight young posters of Suiyuelou, and found that the eight posters had become much stronger.

"In addition to the eight posters, a large number of Chaos Gods from the Years Tower have also arrived."

Lin Fei said.

"Lin Fei, you just take this opportunity to show a little bit of color time building."

Heavenly Spirit Master said with a smile.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei nodded.

Is talking at this time.

In the distance, eight fierce figures appeared, rushing towards Lin Fei and Master Tianling at an astonishing speed.

The eight young posters of Years House have finally arrived! Behind these eight young posters, there are also a large number of Chaos Gods of the Years Building, majestic and imposing! Behind it, followed by a large number of creatures who came to see the excitement! "The scale is not small."

Lin Fei and Master Tianling couldn't help laughing at this scene.

For the current strength of Lin Fei and Master Tianling, apart from encountering top masters of the level of the three masters of darkness and the four old masters of the Years Building, no matter how many other creatures come, it doesn't make much sense.

It would not pose any pressure to Lin Fei and the Master of Heaven! "Lin Fei, it really is you!"

"Hahaha...This is called Skynet's recovery, careless but not leaking!"

"Lin Fei, this time, you can't escape with your wings! Today is your death date!"

...The eight owners of the Suiyuelou rushed towards Lin Fei at the same time, each of them burst into laughter.

"Lin Fei, I can't think that after so many years, you are still in the realm of the tenth main god, which is really disappointing!"

"Back then, weren't you known as one of the best young evildoers in the sea of ​​absolute space! I really thought how powerful you were. I never thought that after such a long time, you were still a master god!"

... These eight young posters felt Lin Fei's current realm, and after discovering that Lin Fei was the tenth-order lord god, they all sneered.

"Lin Fei, there are two options before you! First, immediately kneel in front of us and apologize and confess for the death of the 9th floor master! Then commit suicide! This way we can keep you a whole body! Second, we will do it ourselves. , Will beat you to death, leaving you dead!"

The second floor master stepped forward, staring at Lin Fei with fierce eyes, and said with a sneer.

The second floor master was wearing golden armor and holding a double-edged great axe in his hand. The great axe was engraved with mysterious runes, exuding a terrifying aura.

"No! It's cheap to kill him! I will arrest him and let him taste the cruel punishments in the world before allowing him to die!"

The third poster showed a cruel smile.

Above the body of the third floor master, a fiery red chain lingered, and a surging flame emerged.

The other young posters also looked terrifying.

These eight young posters are no longer what they used to be! "Just with you guys, do you want to deal with me?"

Lin Fei stood in front of the eight young posters, facing the fierce gazes of the eight young posters, he looked very plain, even showing some disdainful expressions, and said lightly.


Lin Fei, death is imminent, I never thought you were so stiff! "

The building owner took a step forward and released a mighty energy and pressure to suppress Lin Fei.

Lin Fei didn't move, looking calm and calm.

"Huh! Lin Fei, I can't think of you being a little way! You can resist my energy coercion! However, you have a limit of a tenth-tier main god! Today you can't escape death anyway!"

The owner of the building was a little surprised and said in a loud voice.

"Stop talking nonsense, just shoot if you want to kill me, don't waste my time."

Lin Fei said lightly.

The attitude that Lin Fei showed did not seem to put these eight young posters in his eyes at all.

"Lin Fei, when this is the time, you still pretend to be in front of us, is it useful! The typical case does not shed tears without seeing the coffin, well, let me teach you a lesson!"

Seeing Lin Fei's attitude, the fifth floor master couldn't help it, and rushed up with a roar.

With two big knives in his hands, he slashed towards Lin Fei.

Rumble...In this space and time, there immediately appeared one after another huge blade lights, densely packed, and slashed towards Lin Fei from different directions.

Lin Fei did not evade, and with a movement of his mind, he displayed more than three hundred mental power worlds, and immediately imprisoned the fifth-floor master in these mental power worlds.

The billowing heart energy slammed into the body of the fifth floor lord.

The fifth floor master was caught off guard, and was attacked by a large amount of mental energy into his body, and immediately screamed loudly.

"how so?"

The other seven young posters were a little dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Their strength has increased greatly over the years, and they were confident one by one, and they wanted to come to deal with Lin Fei, but unexpectedly, this happened just now.

"It seems to be mental energy! Lin Fei's mental energy level is so terrible!"

"Everyone, it seems we are underestimating Lin Fei! His strength may be stronger than we thought! Everyone be careful!"

The seven young posters secretly communicated with each other.

"Let's do it quickly and rescue the fifth brother!"

At this time, the old master saw that the fifth floor master was in the mental power world, and he had not been able to break through, and said quickly.

"Okay, let's do it and deal with Lin Fei together!"

The other old masters also nodded one after another.


The seven young posters uttered sky-shaking roars at the same time, rushing from all directions, and the terrible energy pressure enveloped Lin Fei mightily.

Lin Fei's face looked very plain when he saw the seven young posters rushing over at the same time.

next moment.

With Lin Fei's thoughts moving, a thousand mental worlds were released at the same time, shrouded in the past few young posters.

Mental power and the world of mental power are the hardest to defend! Suddenly, the seven young posters were all shrouded in these mental worlds.

"How can it be?

He was able to condense so many mental power worlds! "

Those young posters couldn't believe it at all.

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