Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4921: Enter the Arctic Continent again

"I will be back as soon as possible."

Lin Fei nodded.

Then, Lin Fei and Master Tianling bid farewell to everyone, and left the Samsara Palace towards the direction of the extremely cold continent.

With the strength of Lin Fei and Master Sky Spirit, the speed of driving in the sea of ​​absolute space is of course very fast.

Soon after, Lin Fei and the Heavenly Spirit Master arrived before the extremely cold continent.

In front is a huge white vortex.

The mighty cold wind roared in that whirlpool, with a terrifying momentum.

This white whirlpool is the entrance to the extremely cold continent.

"Senior Tianling, wearing this white whirlpool is an extremely cold continent.

This white whirlpool is filled with a lot of ice-cold power and laws of ice-coldness.

Let's go in now. "

Lin Fei said to Master Tianling.

Then Lin Fei and Master Tianling walked into the white whirlpool.

Rumble... The endless cold wind screamed, as if a large number of ice skates were cutting at the bodies of Lin Fei and the Master of Heaven.

It's just that for the strength of Lin Fei and Master Tianling, these cold winds are nothing but trivial matters.

After a while, Lin Fei and Master Sky Spirit easily passed through a white whirlpool and came to a vast continent.

This continent is an extremely cold continent! "Senior Tianling, we have come to the extremely cold continent."

Lin Fei received.

The continent in front of me was covered with a thick layer of ice, and there were endless snow and ice floating in the sky.

From a distance, this is a large ice and snow world.

"It turns out that this is the extremely cold continent.

I don't know what purpose my ontology entered this continent for.

Is it for adventure? "

The heavenly spirit master guessed and said.

Lin Fei and Master Tianling landed on the extremely cold continent.

"Senior Tianling, this extremely cold continent has a mysterious law. It is impossible to fly high in the sky or travel through time and space. We can only move forward on foot."

Lin Fei said to Master Tianling.

"Yes, I also feel that this continent is indeed unable to fly high in the sky, nor can it travel through time and space."

The heavenly spirit nodded and said.

"Senior, I know where your body is. Let's rush over now."

Lin Fei led the way and strode forward.

After a while.

Lin Fei found that he had arrived, the territory of the three brothers of the Bingyuan Clan.

Lin Fei and Master Tianling had just stepped into the territory of the three brothers of the Ice Origin Clan, and three tall black humanoid creatures appeared on the distant earth! "It's Brother Lin Fei!"

The three Bingyuan clan brothers saw Lin Fei at a glance and were very surprised.

"Hahaha... Lin Fei, are you finally willing to come back and see us again! I thought you forgot my three brothers."

The three Bingyuan clan brothers were very enthusiastic, and they came up to pat Lin Fei's shoulder.

Back then, the three Bingyuan clan brothers and Lin Fei spent some time in the Arctic Continent, and established a deep friendship with Lin Fei.

"How come, am I not coming back to see you guys now."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Who is this?"

The three brothers of the Bingyuan clan looked at the spiritual master on this day, with a puzzled expression.

"This is Senior Tianling, this time I came to the Extreme Cold Continent, mainly because of the affairs of Senior Tianling.

If you three brothers are free, please accompany us and take the route of the year again. "

Lin Fei said to the three brothers of the Bingyuan Clan.

"Oh, Lin Fei, do you plan to walk the same route again."

The three brothers of the Bingyuan clan were all taken aback.

"Yes it is."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Well, Lin Fei and our three brothers will accompany you again."

The boss nodded after thinking about it.

"In that case, let's set off now."

Lin Fei said.

"Well, we have nothing to clean up, let's go now."

The three Bingyuan clan brothers are very refreshing.

Thus, the three Bingyuan clan brothers followed Lin Fei and the Master of Heaven on the road.

Soon after.

"Brother Lin Fei, we have come to the land of that monster."

The boss said suddenly.

"Yes, we have indeed come to the territory of the Shuiyuan clan."

Lin Fei smiled and nodded.

There is a vast ocean ahead.

Wow...The vast sea over there suddenly changed, and the mighty sea rolled up into the sky.

In a blink of an eye, this vast sea became a giant.

This giant is made of sea water all over! It is the water source family! "Brother Lin Fei, I didn't think it was you!"

The Shuiyuan tribe was surprised and delighted when they saw Lin Fei.

"Did you come back to see me on purpose."

Shuiyuan asked.

"Water monster, you think it's beautiful. Brother Lin Fei came back to the extremely cold continent mainly because of this senior.

Our three brothers are now going to the place where this predecessor's ontology is with Brother Lin Fei.

are you going. "

The boss asked.

"Anyway, I have nothing to do, so let's go with you."

The Shuiyuan tribe thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

So the Shuiyuan clan followed along on the road.

Along the way, everyone encountered various dangers.

Fortunately, there are surprises and no dangers.

With the strength of Lin Fei and Master Tianling, ordinary crises can be easily resolved.

Soon after.

Came to a vast plateau.

This is the territory of the ice wolf clan.

Back then, Lin Fei had confronted the ice wolf clan here, and finally escaped.

"Brother Lin Fei, we are faster, hope not to be discovered by those pesky ice wolves!"

As soon as they arrived on this plateau, the three Bingyuan clan brothers and Shuiyuan clan were a little scared.

"It's okay, I was thinking about meeting those ice wolves."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

Lin Fei's current strength is much stronger than before.

Lin Fei believed that he would never be as embarrassed when he encountered those ice wolves now.


Brother Lin Fei, do you know those ice wolves?

This is too risky. Let's hurry up and cross this plateau. It's best not to contact those ice wolves.

Those guys are too difficult to get around! "

The three Bingyuan clan brothers and Shuiyuan clan were shocked when they heard what Lin Fei said.

"Don't worry, I have my own score."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

As soon as Lin Fei's voice fell, there was a screaming howl after another in the distance.

"No, those ice wolves seem to have found us!"

The boss screamed.

Rumble...On the horizon in the distance, there appeared one after another black ice wolves, densely packed, like patches of black tide rushing over.

"Brother Lin Fei, Senior Tianling, let's go quickly!"

The three Bingyuan clan brothers and Shuiyuan clan were a little panicked and urged again and again.

"Don't worry.

I promise you are all right. "

Lin Fei stood still and said with a smile.

"Unexpectedly there are so many ice wolves here."

With his hands on his back, the Heavenly Spirit Master was a little surprised to see those ice wolves rushing back.

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