Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4937: The strength of white creatures

"Let me do it."

One of the white creatures said to the other four voices.

"Young man, I want to talk to you."

The white creature spoke directly and said to Lin Fei.

At this moment, Lin Fei was concentrating on comprehending a formation. He was startled when he heard the words of this white creature. He quickly opened his eyes and looked over.

"Lin Fei, be careful.

The breath of these five guys is a little bit evil and they don't seem to be kind.

No matter what they say, don't be fooled. "

Heavenly Spirit Master said to Lin Fei's voice transmission.

"Senior Tianling, don't worry."

Lin Fei's voice transmission replied.

"This senior, don't know what you want me to talk about?"

Lin Fei looked at the talking white creature and asked.

"Young man, you have a very high level of formation. You can understand these formations. It's really a hero.

You are the most enchanting young man I have ever seen in my life, none! I admire you very much. "

The white creature admired Lin Fei greatly.

"Senior praised."

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

"Young people, the five of us want to accept you as an apprentice and let you inherit our mantle. I don't know what you want.

Well, let you first understand the strength of our five.

Our five strengths are infinitely close to the creation gods, which can be said to be one step away from the creation gods.

Do you know what a creation **** is?

Everyone believes that the highest realm in this world is the God of Chaos.

In fact, Chaos God cannot truly detach from this world at all.

Only the God of Creation can truly transcend this world and out of the Five Elements Reincarnation! The creation **** is the ultimate creator, master and terminator of all worlds.

And the strength of our five is very close to the creation god.

Once we break through in the future and become the creator of the world, then we will be detached from this world! Let's put it this way, facing Chaos Gods of ordinary strength, the five of us don't have to take action at all, and we can kill a large number of Chaos Gods in seconds with the movement of our minds.

So, do you have any impression of the strength of our five? "

The white creature said to Lin Fei.

"Yes, young man, the five of us admire you very much.

You can meet the five of us, it is also your fate.

After you become the disciples of our five, the five of us will definitely teach you all of what they have learned throughout their lives.

After you have truly inherited our five mantles, your strength will be at least a thousand times stronger than now, ten thousand times stronger! At that time, you can dominate the world. "

Another white creature also spoke up.

"Young man, don't think about it. This matter will benefit you without any harm. Don't think about it. Please go to your teacher immediately."

The other three white creatures are also urging.

"You five want to accept me as a disciple?"

Lin Fei was taken aback when he heard the words of the five white creatures.

It seemed that these five white creatures seemed to want to make themselves worship them as teachers.

"What the **** is going on?"

Lin Fei was very strange, not understanding why these five white creatures did this.

"Senior Tianling..." Lin Fei looked at Master Tianling.

"Lin Fei, I feel that they seem to have some plot, not as if they really want to accept you as a disciple."

The Heavenly Spirit had long been observing the actions of the five white creatures in secret, and the voice transmission answered Lin Fei.

"Not bad.

I can also feel that they don't seem to be sincere, they seem a bit false.

I just don't know why they want to do this. "

Lin Fei answered.

"Don't promise them."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.


Lin Fei nodded.

"Five seniors, I appreciate your kindness.

It's just that I already have a master.

For the time being, I don't plan to apprentice anymore, so I hope the five seniors can understand. "

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.


Boy, you reject us? "

The five white creatures were all taken aback.

"Young man, do you know that our five strengths have been able to dominate the world.

If you can get the inheritance of our five, the future achievements will be limitless.

Moreover, in the future, once the five of us break through and become the creation gods, you have five creation gods as your backers. In all the worlds, you can be arrogant.

For you, this is a rare opportunity that can be met but not sought, you must seize it! "

One of the white creatures said in a loud voice.

"Boy, don't talk nonsense, go to a teacher immediately.

The five of us are now in a good mood and agree to accept you as a disciple.

When we are in a bad mood, even if you kneel down and beg us, there will be no chance! "

Said another white creature.

"Five seniors, I understand your kindness.

It's just that I really don't plan to worship the five of you as teachers. "

Lin Fei said.

"Boy, do you want to anger us! With our five strengths, willing to accept you as a disciple is your great blessing, you don't know how to cherish it! Well, now I will let you see our strengths !"

One of the white creatures was furious.

Boom... Abruptly, he stretched out a hand, the palm of his hand swelled soaring, and his arm kept swelling and getting longer, and the extremely terrifying death energy and law of death burst out from the arm.

Boom... The mighty death energy and the law of death, like violent storms, rushed towards Lin Fei, trying to suppress Lin Fei.

The white creature’s arms stretched too fast. Before Lin Fei could react, he immediately came to Lin Fei’s body. The terrible death energy and the law of death suppressed Lin Fei to death and let Lin Fei’s The body can hardly move.

Moreover, the angle of this palm's attack is very strange. Simply stretch out a single palm, and it seems that all of Lin Fei's retreat will be sealed, making Lin Fei nowhere to hide. It seems that he has to fight hard with this palm! Ka Ka... Lin Fei's body was constantly bent down under pressure, and it seemed to be overwhelmed.

"It's too strong! It's just one of his palms, I can't resist it!"

Lin Fei was shocked, ready to resist.

"Lin Fei, don't be afraid, I'll help you!"

The Heavenly Spirit Master also transmitted to Lin Fei, ready to help Lin Fei.

Just now.

The palm of the white creature suddenly stopped in front of Lin Fei and stopped attacking.

The terrifying death energy and law of death shook the space around Lin Fei's body.

"How about it, young man, do you know my strength now?

To be honest, with your strength, I can kill you instantly, just like killing an ant. "

In the tone of the white creature, there was an obvious threat.

"Boy, let me ask you one more question now, would you like to worship the five of us as a teacher? From now on, follow the orders of the five of us!"

The white creature's palm hovered in front of Lin Fei's body and asked in a loud voice.

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