Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4946: Bad things are going to happen

"I understand.

Senior Tianling, don't worry, I have the confidence to deal with the wizards of the dark race.

Besides, I still have so many helpers, and I should be able to quickly solve those mages. "

Lin Fei replied.

"it is good.

Then I am now starting to work on the three masters of darkness. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master received Lin Fei's answer, nodded, his figure flashed, and rushed in the direction of the three dark masters.

At this time, the wizards of the Dark Clan were still trying their best to deduct Lin Fei's trail.

However, no matter how they deduced, they could no longer capture any breath of Lin Fei! The strength of the Heavenly Spirit Master is too strong, the secret technique that he personally performed on Lin Fei is so powerful that these Dark Clan wizards can't crack it at all.

"It's weird. Every time I am about to play Lin Fei, there is a mysterious power that blocks my deduction.

What is this mysterious power?

Could it be that Lin Fei cultivated a very clever technique that could specifically isolate the secret technique we deduced? "

A mage couldn't help but speak up.

"Yes, I also have this feeling, it seems that there is a kind of power that is isolating me from Lin Fei's deduction."

"Is there really such a clever secret technique in the world that can isolate us from the dark clan's deduction technique?"

…The other wizards of the Dark Clan also spoke up one after another.

Master Heba's face was very gloomy, and he didn't say a word.

He couldn't deduce any trace of Lin Fei! "Master Heba, how could this happen! Could it be that this time we are going to run for nothing!"

The First Dark Lord asked unwillingly.

"Haha, you won't run in vain, let me play with you!"

At this moment, a loud laugh sounded.


Rumble...A huge unmatched palm stretched out from the distant time and space, and zoomed in continuously, and blasted towards the three dark masters at the same time.

I saw that this palm contained infinite energy and all kinds of profound laws.

Boom... With the appearance of this palm, this piece of time and space immediately shook, as if unbearable.

"Who is so bold, dare to shoot at the three of us!"

The three dark masters were extremely angry.

Originally, the three masters of darkness were very angry because those mages were unable to deduct the trace of Lin Fei. At this juncture, someone unexpectedly jumped out to attack them, simply breaking the ground on Tai Sui.

Boom boom boom! The three dark masters erupted at the same time, releasing billowing and pure dark energy, and the dark laws that were as thick as a dragon continued to emerge.

Boom... With the explosion of these three dark masters, this piece of space and time was instantly flooded with terrifying dark energy. At first glance, it was dark everywhere, and even the divine consciousness could not perceive it! This piece of time and space has directly turned into a dark country.

And these three dark masters are the three absolute three in this dark kingdom, controlling everything, time, space, energy, laws, and all tangible and intangible matter.

Boom boom boom! The three Dark Lords made moves at the same time, hitting the giant palm that stretched out from the distant time and space.


The three dark masters roared, fists, or palms at the same time, carrying terrifying dark energy, and banging against the giant palm.

"Haha, just with you three little guys, you are not qualified to shout in front of me!"

A sneer sounded.

Rumble! A loud noise sounded, and the giant palm that stretched out from the distant time and space collided with the attacks of the three dark masters.

The two sides are deadlocked! It was a tie, unbeaten and unbeaten! "How can it be!"

The three dark masters were all aghast.

With the strength of the three of them, they can make moves at the same time, enough to crush all the top masters in the absolute space sea.

Unless it is the three reincarnations who dominate, they are eligible to tie the three of them.

But now, there is actually a palm, and it is tied with the three of them! This is simply impossible! "who are you?

How could it be so strong! "

The First Dark Lord couldn't help shouting.

"It doesn't matter who I am.

If you really want to know, I'll talk about it before you win. "

There was a voice in the distance with a bit of joking.

While speaking, the giant palm slowly retracted.

"Do it!"

The three dark masters glanced at each other, and then drank at the same time.

Shoo! The three dark masters stretched their bodies at the same time, traversed the space, and rushed towards the distant time and space.

Boom... After a while, there was a terrible fighting sound in the distant time and space.

The terrifying fighting energy spread violently in all directions.

At this moment, the infinite and vast space and time began to tremble.

"How can it be?

In this world, someone can actually play against three masters at the same time? "

At this moment, the wizards of the Dark Clan were stunned, unable to believe what was happening in front of them.

In their minds, the three dark masters belonged to the top three masters in the absolute sea of ​​space.

Except for the three reincarnation masters, there is no other top master in the world who can play against the three dark masters.

Even the four old posters of the Suiyuelou, the individual strength is slightly weaker than the three dark masters, unless the four old posters start at the same time, they can barely tie the three dark masters.

Now, suddenly there is a master who can single-handedly fight against the three dark masters at the same time! After such a thing is said, it is estimated that in the entire Jedi Space Sea, no creatures will believe it! "You said, will the three masters be opponents?"

A mage couldn't help but whispered softly.

"Although the opponent is strong, the three masters belong to the top masters in this world.

I think that soon, the three masters will be able to win. "

"Not bad.

I believe that in the sea of ​​absolute space, there will definitely not be a master who can win against three masters alone! "

The other mages also said one after another.

Just now.

"not good.

I seem to have a hunch, as if something bad is about to happen! "

A mage suddenly changed his face and said in a loud voice.

"I feel it too.

Something bad will happen soon.

My heart is beating.

What exactly happened? "

"Could it be that the three masters will lose?"

Then several wizards started talking.

These mages are good at deduction, can predict good and bad, and are very sensitive.

"I also have a bad hunch, and this bad hunch has nothing to do with the three masters, but with us.

Something bad is about to happen to us. "

The Black Bar Master frowned, and also spoke in a loud voice.

For a while, these mages were all a little panicked.

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