Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4954: Ready to leave

"I have been prepared long ago, waiting for the revenge of your dark people, I only hope that you dark people, don't let me down."

Lin Fei looked at the black bar master and sneered.


Lin Fei let out a loud roar and shattered the body of a mage.

what! The mage screamed and fell on the spot.

His body had been shattered by Lin Fei fifty or sixty times in a short period of time, his vitality was exhausted and he could no longer support it! "Three masters, don't worry, we are about to reach Lin Fei's location."

At this time, the four old posters of Suiyuelou were getting closer and closer to Lin Fei, and one of them sent a voice transmission to the three dark masters.

At this time, the three Dark Lords were still fighting fiercely with the Heavenly Spirit Master.

Although the Celestial Spirit’s combat power was strong, he suffered some losses in one-to-three, so in a short period of time, he could not defeat the three dark masters.

After all, these three dark masters have been famous for a long time, have dominated for a long time in the sea of ​​absolute space, and their combat power is not weak.

Of course, these three dark masters could not defeat the Heavenly Spirit Master.

Instead, he was forced to retreat step by step by the Heavenly Spirit Master.

"No, we have killed dozens of the dark wizards by Lin Fei! The loss is huge!"

The First Dark Lord received the messages from the Great Master Heba and was so anxious that he yelled at the other two Lords.

"How could it be like this! Although the wizards of our dark clan are not good at fighting, they are all veteran chaos gods, and their real combat power is not weak.

The ordinary Chaos Gods in the Absolute Space Sea can't be the opponents of the wizards of our dark clan at all! How could Lin Fei kill dozens of them! "

The other two dark masters were both startled and angry, a little bit unbelievable.

"Lin Fei also has a group of helpers, and every one of them is not weak.

If this continues, the wizards of our dark clan will die more! "

The First Dark Lord gritted his teeth and said.

"However, the strength of this old guy is too terrifying. In a short time, we can't get rid of him at all!"

The other two dark masters are also very anxious, but they have nothing to do.

"This time, we were fooled by Lin Fei! From beginning to end, it was clearly a trap set by Lin Fei. The real purpose was to deal with the wizards of our dark clan! Lin Fei, this kid, is so hateful! From now on At the beginning, Lin Fei is the most important enemy of our dark clan! If you don't kill Lin Fei, he will always be our dark clan, one of the biggest hidden dangers!"

The First Dark Lord said.

"Yes! You must kill this kid Lin Fei!"

The other two dark masters also nodded in agreement.

Just now.

"Good news, the four old landlords of Suiyuelou are about to arrive at the space-time coordinates where Lin Fei is now! As soon as the four old landlords arrive, the wizards of our dark clan will be saved!"

The first Dark Lord suddenly showed joy and said to the other two Dark Lords.


The other two dark masters were refreshed.


The three of them seem to have encountered something surprising.

what is it? "

How powerful is the perception ability of the Heavenly Spirit, he can clearly see the expressions of the three dark masters.

"If the three of them continue to fight, it will be difficult to beat me.

So, what do they have, such a surprise?

It seems that there is only one possibility, and that is Lin Fei's battlefield. It is very likely that something has happened! Could it be that some powerful master has come, is it about to attack Lin Fei and the others? "

The heavenly spirit master guessed in his heart.

"The four old posters of Suiyuelou are here! I have to meet Lin Fei and them!"

The Heavenly Spirit Master soon wanted to understand.

You know, although Lin Fei and others are powerful, they are still not enough to face the four old posters of the Years Tower.

"It seems that this battle is about to end.

If he drags on, wait until the four old hosts of Suiyuelou arrive, and if Lin Fei and the others are ready, the situation may be a bit bad. "

The heavenly spirit master secretly said in his heart.

As a result, the Heavenly Spirit Master made the decision to stop being in love with war.

"You three old guys, go to death for me!"

With a loud roar, the Heavenly Spirit Master suddenly displayed several very powerful exercises and martial arts, and pressed towards the three dark masters.

Boom... Under the full burst of the Heavenly Spirit Master, what a terrifying strength, the mighty energy, like a stormy sea, drowned toward the three dark masters.

"Old guy, do you want to work hard!"

The three dark masters were a little surprised. For a while, they were forced to retreat continuously by the offensive of the Heavenly Spirit Master, a little embarrassed.

"Haha... you three little rascals, you are worthy of being the three masters of the dark clan, and your strength is pretty good.

I played this big battle very freely! It's just that, that's it.

Next time, we will have another good fight! Bye now! "

The body of the heavenly spirit flashed, and he displayed a clever space-time secret technique, which turned into a ray of divine light, and disappeared in an instant, leaving only bursts of laughter.

"This old guy, don't you want to fight anymore?"

When the three dark masters saw this, they couldn't help being taken aback.

Because, in the battle just now, the Heavenly Spirit Master has always had the upper hand, and the three of them can't win the battle together.

Unexpectedly, the Heavenly Spirit Master suddenly left.

The three dark masters looked at the departed back of the Heavenly Spirit Master, and couldn't help but stare at each other.

"Why did this old guy leave suddenly?"

The Third Lord of Darkness couldn't help but said.

"No! I see, this old guy is going to pick up Lin Fei!"

Suddenly, the First Dark Lord reacted and shouted.

"Yes! This old guy seems to know that the four old posters of Suiyuelou are here!"

The other two dark masters also reacted instantly and shouted at the same time.

"This old guy, the perception ability is terrible! Let's go, we must also hurry! Otherwise, when this old guy goes to Lin Fei's current location, the situation is even worse for the wizards of our dark clan! With the strength of this old guy, it is too easy to deal with the wizards of our dark clan!"

The First Lord of Darkness thought of this and couldn't help exclaiming.

"Yes, let's go!"

The other two dark masters were shocked when they heard this.

Shoo! The three dark masters no longer dared to neglect the slightest, and immediately displayed their methods, rushing towards the time and space coordinates where Lin Fei was now.

"Lin Fei, the four old posters of Suiyuelou are rushing in your direction. Are you ready to leave."

At this time, Master Tianling was also rushing towards Lin Fei's direction with all his strength, and at the same time sending a voice transmission to Lin Fei.


At this time, Lin Fei let out a loud roar, and completely destroyed a mage.

Then, Lin Fei received a voice transmission from the Heavenly Spirit Master.

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