Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4957: Unstoppable

In the face of these mage's questions, the three dark masters and the four old posters looked ugly and said nothing.

When the wizards of the dark race saw this, their hearts sank.

They understood that Lin Fei had escaped again this time! "Three masters, more than 70 mages of our clan were killed by Lin Fei! This is a **** hatred! That kid Lin Fei is too cruel!"

"Three masters, this hatred must be reported! Otherwise, the more than seventy wizards will die! Moreover, our dignified dark clan was actually bullied to such an extent by a junior kid. If it spreads out, it will become A laughingstock of Absolute Space Sea!"

…Those mages remembered what happened just now, and started crying one by one, it was the cuckoo weeping blood ape mourning! "Injustice, injustice, the three masters, we died so unjustly, we must avenge us!"

In this piece of time and space, those more than 70 mages who were killed by Lin Fei still left many remaining fragments of consciousness, which had not completely dissipated for a while, and a hideous and distorted face appeared in the time and space. , Made a miserable cry.

"This time, we really suffered a very heavy loss! Three adults, I am incompetent, unable to stop the evil thief Lin Fei from committing the crime."

The Great Master Heba looked at this piece of time and space, and the remaining fragments of consciousness that had not been completely dissipated by the more than seventy masters, was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"Lin Fei! We dark people will never die with you! I swear, I will kill you!"

The Third Lord of Darkness couldn't help it anymore, and screamed loudly.

Cut you... His voice turned into a billowing thunderbolt, spreading vastly, continuously spreading out hundreds of millions of miles of time and space.

"Lin Fei, we will never die with you too!"

An old host also gritted his teeth and said in a loud voice.

Those old posters of the Years Tower were arrested because of Lin Fei. Of course, these four old posters hated Lin Fei deeply.

"Masters, rest in peace, rest assured, the three of us will definitely avenge you."

The gaze of the First Dark Lord scanned the consciousness fragments left by the more than seventy wizards killed by Lin Fei, and said slowly.

The consciousness fragments of the more than seventy wizards still reluctant to dissipate, wandering around in this space and time, making waves of mourning.

"Four old posters, go back and be prepared, we are about to fight the reincarnation line!"

The First Dark Lord said to the four old posters.


The four old posters nodded.

Then, the three dark masters left with the remaining wizards.

The four old landlords are also heading back to the headquarters of the Suiyuelou.

at this time.

The Heavenly Spirit Master took Lin Fei, already far away in time and space.

"Lin Fei, we have completely got rid of tracking."

Heavenly Spirit Master said with a smile.

"It is not difficult to get rid of the stalking of the celestial spirit seniors."

Lin Fei also smiled.

"This battle was so fun, and finally taught the mages severely.

The Dark Clan has fallen to more than 70 wizards, and it is estimated that the three Dark Lord Gods should be heartbroken. "

Lin Fei felt very relaxed.

"However, among the Dark Clan, there are still many mages.

Looking for an opportunity in the future to kill all the wizards of the Dark Clan, that would be really cool. "

Lin Fei said.

"Those mages are one of the most important backgrounds of the dark clan. If they are all killed, the three dark masters and black tyrants will probably go crazy."

The Heavenly Spirit said with a smile.

"Senior Tianling, do you think the black bully is still alive?"

Lin Fei couldn't help feeling a move when he heard Master Tianling mention the black bully, and immediately asked.

Lin Fei had known for a long time that among the dark races, the strongest and true masters were not the three dark masters, but the three masters of the dark masters, the black tyrant! This time, the situation is the same as in the cycle of reincarnation.

In the line of reincarnation, the most powerful is not the three reincarnation rulers, but the reincarnation master! It's just that the Hei Ba and Master Samsara seem to be missing.

"As far as I think, most of the black bullies are still alive.

The strength of the black tyrant is very good, in the entire sea of ​​absolute space, there are very few people who can kill the black tyrant. "

Venerable Heavenly Spirit thought for a while and replied.

"But, if the black bully is still alive, why hasn't he seen his face for so many years?

Moreover, if the black bully is still alive and has already taken action against our reincarnation line, how can we allow the reincarnation line to return in the sea of ​​absolute space? "

Lin Fei asked again.

"I estimate that the most likely scenario is that the black bully may have been injured in the war that year, and he has been hiding somewhere to heal his injuries. Until now, he has not been released."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"Similarly, most of your reincarnation masters are still alive."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"It's possible that the reincarnation master of our reincarnation line is still alive?

! "

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this.

Lin Fei knew that with the strength of the Heavenly Spirit Master, he had already developed the sixth sense supernatural powers, and he could perceive many unknown things.

Therefore, since the Heavenly Spirit Master said that neither the Black Tyrant nor the Samsara Master has died yet, then the possibility of these two powerhouses being alive is very high! "In other words, in the final battle between your Samsara family and the dark clan, the final real victory or defeat is very likely, and it will still be decided by the Samsara master and the black tyrant."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"Senior Tianling, you are right."

Lin Fei nodded.

"It's just that, now, there is a new situation in your reincarnation line."

The heavenly spirit master suddenly smiled.

"what's the situation?"

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

"I showed up."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"Yes! With your joining, Senior Celestial Spirit, we have a great chance of winning in the line of reincarnation!"

Lin Fei reacted in an instant and said overjoyed.

Lin Fei almost forgot that the Heavenly Spirit Master in front of him was a terribly old antique.

The strength possessed is stronger than the three reincarnation masters and the three dark masters! Moreover, Lin Fei understood that Master Heavenly Spirit had only been resurrected not long ago, and had not yet recovered to its peak state.

Once Heavenly Spirit Master returns to his previous peak state, his strength will definitely be stronger! "Senior Tianling, with your joining, our reincarnation line has a greater chance of winning!"

Lin Fei said excitedly.

"Well, let's go back to the Samsara Palace first."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"Okay, we will go back to the Samsara Palace immediately!"

Lin Fei nodded.

Therefore, Lin Fei and the Master of Heaven headed back towards the Samsara Palace.

Reincarnation Palace.

"Report the three masters, we have news about Lin Fei!"

In a conference hall, three reincarnation masters and a group of high-level reincarnations were discussing business affairs. A spy suddenly walked into the hall and replied loudly.

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