Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4959: Samsara Palace

Soon after, Lin Fei and Venerable Heavenly Spirit finally returned to before the Samsara Palace.

"Haha... Lin Fei, Senior Tianling, you are finally back!"

The three reincarnation rulers have the most powerful perception ability. Outside of distant time and space, they found that Lin Fei and the Heavenly Spirit Master had returned and laughed.

"Lin Fei, they came out to greet us. It seems that they already know what's going on."

The Heavenly Spirit Master also perceives the situation of the Samsara Palace from a distance, and smiles to Lin Fei.

The speed of the Heavenly Spirit Master was so fast, and after a while, he took Lin Fei back to the entrance and exit of the Samsara Palace.

The headquarters of the Samsara Palace is a sea of ​​space.

The three samsara masters and a large group of high-level samsara are standing at the entrance and exit of the space sea.

"Lin Fei, this time, you have done a great job! I gave a sigh of reincarnation for us, it's so cool!"

"Lin Fei, you killed more than seventy dark masters, so angry that the three dark masters will vomit blood!"

…As soon as I saw Lin Fei, the senior leaders in the line of reincarnation greeted Lin Fei with a big smile and were extremely enthusiastic.

"Senior Tianling, this time, Lin Fei can kill so many mages, the main reason is because of your help.

Thanks a lot! "

The three reincarnation masters, Baidi Shenjun and others respectfully salute the Heavenly Spirit Master.

"It seems that the main body of this predecessor Tianling has been successfully resurrected! This time standing in front of us is his main body, not the clone!"

"The strength of this senior Tianling is too strong, much stronger than the three of us! I am afraid that only our master can compare with him!"

The three reincarnation masters felt the aura exuded by the heavenly spirit master, and they were shocked in their hearts, and secretly transmitted voices to each other.

The perception abilities of the three of them are very powerful, and they can feel the terrifying power of the Heavenly Spirit Master.

"This senior Tianling has a very close relationship with Lin Fei. He followed Lin Fei to our reincarnation line. This is a great thing for our reincarnation line!"

Said the master of the first round.

"Yes, this Senior Celestial Spirit is so powerful. If we are willing to help us deal with the Dark Clan, then we are much more likely to defeat the Dark Clan!"

The other two masters nodded secretly.


Lin Fei came to the front of Baidi Shenjun.

"Haha, yes, Lin Fei, your strength has improved a lot.

It seems that you have gradually walked out of the shadow of the last failure to assault the Chaos God Realm, which is very good. "

Baidi Shenjun felt Lin Fei's breath, couldn't help being very satisfied, and nodded in praise.

"Haha, old man Baidi, Lin Fei's current strength is much stronger than you."

At this time, Huang Zhongnian came over and said with a big smile.

Although he is a master of the Desolate Beast clan, he spends most of his time in the Samsara Palace.

Now, the desolate beast clan has joined forces with the reincarnation palace to form an alliance, planning to deal with the dark clan together.

The dark clan quietly attracted a group of forces, ready to join forces to deal with the reincarnation line.

The reincarnation line also secretly attracted a lot of forces, not alone.

Of course, in the sea of ​​absolute space, there are very few people who are willing to form an alliance with Samsara and deal with the dark clan together.

Because, in the sea of ​​absolute dimensions, most of the forces are afraid of the dark race, and are not optimistic about the cycle of reincarnation.

Only a few of the forces that once had feuds with the Dark Clan are willing to form an alliance with Samsara.

For example, the desolate beast clan.

"Senior Tianling, Lin Fei, let's go back and sit down first, then let's talk slowly.

I have sent an order to set up a generous banquet for the two of you. "

The master of the first round said with a smile.

"Dominate your lord, don't have to be too grand."

Lin Fei said.

"Haha... Lin Fei, you are a great hero in our reincarnation line. Senior Tianling is the senior of our three. Of course we have to be more grandiose."

The first dwarf reincarnation master laughed and said.

Then, the three reincarnation masters and a group of high-level reincarnations greeted the Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei into a palace in the reincarnation palace, set a generous banquet, and enjoyed a drink.

"Lin Fei, you have a good relationship with this senior Tianling, and you must maintain it in the future.

I estimate that it won’t be long before the Dark Clan will officially declare war on our reincarnation line. A terrible large-scale war is about to come.

If this Senior Celestial Spirit is willing to help us in the cycle of reincarnation, then our chances of winning in the cycle of reincarnation will be much greater.

After these years of development, the Dark Clan has become stronger and stronger.

And our reincarnation line suffered huge losses in the war that year.

If we really fight, it will be difficult for us to beat the Dark Clan in the reincarnation line. "

At the banquet, the master of the first reincarnation suddenly spoke to Lin Fei.

"Master Number One, don't worry, if our reincarnation line fights against the dark clan, Senior Celestial Spirit will help us reincarnate in the line."

Lin Fei replied.

"That's good."

The first round dominates nodded.

"But, Master Number One, I don't understand one thing.

Since the current strength of our reincarnation line is not strong enough, why should we return to the sea of ​​absolute space ahead of time?

Why not keep lurking, develop power in the dark, and wait until the power is strong enough before returning to the sea of ​​absolute space? "

Lin Fei asked curiously.

In fact, Lin Fei wanted to ask this question a long time ago.

"Lin Fei, I also understand what you said.

I used to think the same way. Let us reincarnate in the dark and develop our strength in the dark. After the strength is strong enough, we will return to the sea of ​​absolute space to find the dark race to settle accounts.

However, afterwards, all three of us received a voice from Master.

Master asked the three of us who immediately led the remnants of the reincarnation line to return to the sea of ​​absolute space.

Therefore, the three of us let the line of reincarnation return to the sea of ​​absolute space ahead of time. "

The master of the first round said to Lin Fei.

"Your Master, Master Samsara?"

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

The three masters who dominate reincarnation are the master of reincarnation! "Not bad.

Our three masters are Masters of Samsara. "

The first round dominates nodded.

"In that case, Master Samsara is still alive, isn't it."

Lin Fei was surprised and delighted.

The Samsara master is the strongest master in the Samsara line. If he is still alive, then the Samsara line doesn't have to be afraid of the dark clan at all! "The three of us also think that most of the Master is still alive, but we don't know where the Master is now.

Since the great war that year, the three of us and Master have completely lost contact.

We searched for a very long time, but we couldn't find the master.

Not long ago, the three of us suddenly received a sound transmission from the master at the same time, allowing us to return to the sea of ​​absolute space with the people of the reincarnation line.

The three of us originally thought that since Master had let the three of us return to the Sea of ​​Absolute Space with the line of reincarnation, his old man must come back soon, but I didn't expect to see it until now. "

The master of the first round said to Lin Fei.

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