Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4964: Thirteen Dark Alliance

Finally, the more than a dozen forces allied with the Dark Clan are all here! At a glance, the dense army almost filled this sea of ​​space! "The three masters, all the men and horses, have been assembled! Now, it is time to officially declare war on the line of reincarnation."

The four old posters, as well as a dozen other high-level powers, all gathered in front of the three dark masters, an old poster said.

"it is good.

The alliance formed by our thirteen forces is called the Thirteen Dark Alliance! Now, in the name of the Thirteen Dark Alliance, officially declare war on the line of reincarnation! "

The First Dark Lord said in a deep voice.

"Everyone, this time, we must completely eliminate the line of reincarnation, so that they will not have any chance of turning over! Our Thirteen Dark Alliance will win!"

The First Dark Lord continued.

The Dark Clan, Years Tower, and eleven other forces formed an alliance to fight the reincarnation line together! "Sure victory! Sure victory!"

At this moment, in this sea of ​​space, all the army roared loudly.

The mighty sound waves not only shook the sea of ​​space, but also rushed out of the sea of ​​space, all the way out to the distant time and space.

Shocked the heavens and all realms! "Master number one, we can set off now."

A high-ranking power said to the First Dark Lord.


All the troops of the Thirteen Dark Alliance, listen to my orders, now, let’s go! "

The gaze of the First Dark Lord slowly glanced over this space sea, all the troops in this sea of ​​space, raised their luck and said loudly.

The first is the high-levels of the thirteen forces, taking the lead in rushing out of the sea of ​​space.

The high-levels of these thirteen forces are headed by the three dark masters.

Because the strength of the three Dark Lords is the strongest, and the overall strength of the Dark Clan is also the strongest! I saw that on a black car, three dark masters stood with their hands, and nine black dragons pulling the cart, all exuding a frightening atmosphere, went straight through time and space, and rushed out of the sea of ​​space in the blink of an eye.

The other twelve high-level forces, some standing on the chariot, some on the spaceship, and some sitting under some rare and ferocious beasts, each with a terrifying aura.

A murderous army followed behind the high-levels of these thirteen forces and walked out of the sea of ​​space.

Rumble...A large army filed out. Soon after, the army of the Thirteen Dark Alliance all walked out of this sea of ​​space and marched in the sea of ​​absolute space.

at the same time.

An astonishing news, like a hurricane crossing a border, spread through various means in a short period of time throughout the entire sea of ​​absolute space.

The dark clan ruled the thirteen major forces, formed the thirteen dark alliances, and officially declared war on the line of reincarnation! "The Dark Clan finally declared war on the reincarnation line again! The Absolute Space Sea is about to be involved in a terrifying war!"

"Unexpectedly, history is always repeating in amazing ways! In ancient times, the dark race once joined forces with other forces to launch a war against reincarnation.

Unexpectedly, the same thing happened again today! "

"Yes, history has happened again, we have to witness an important historical moment!"

"Once this war is fought, it will definitely not be a war between the Thirteen Dark Alliance and the line of reincarnation. It will inevitably affect many other forces. The absolute sea of ​​space will be chaotic! Wait and see, take it. Coming down, the sea of ​​absolute space will spread the corpse all over the field, and the blood will flow into a river!"

…The entire Absolute Space Sea, I don’t know how many forces and souls are talking about this madly.

The dark clan and the line of reincarnation officially started war, which is really amazing! "In that war, the Dark Clan defeated the reincarnation line and almost wiped out the reincarnation line.

You said, what will be the outcome of this war now? "

"I think the result is mostly that the Thirteen Dark Alliance won, once again defeating the reincarnation line.

Moreover, this time the Thirteen Dark Alliance will most likely completely annihilate the cycle of reincarnation.

Because, in the great war that year, the line of reincarnation was defeated, the vitality was strong, and the loss was very heavy.

Now, although the reincarnation line has barely returned, it certainly has not recovered to its peak state of the year.

The Dark Clan has always been in continuous development and progress, becoming stronger and stronger.

One goes down and the other goes up. In this situation, you said, how can the cycle of reincarnation have a chance to win. "

"I don't think it is necessarily. I heard that although the reincarnation line was defeated in the war that year, the loss was not as heavy as we thought, but a considerable part of its strength was retained and hidden.

Moreover, these years, the reincarnation line has been secretly developing its strength and making continuous progress.

Now, the reincarnation line suddenly returns strongly. If there is no certainty, how can the upper level of the reincarnation line choose to return?

So, in my opinion, it's too early to draw conclusions about who wins and who loses in this war. "

…In the sea of ​​absolute space, many creatures began to speculate on the outcome of this war.

Boom...At this time, in the sea of ​​absolute space, the army of the Thirteen Dark Alliance was rolling forward.

The goal is the reincarnation palace.

"Huh! Declare war, declare war, we are in the same line of reincarnation, and no one is afraid!"

At this time, before the palace of reincarnation, the three reincarnation rulers also gathered a large number of reincarnation people, and the first reincarnation ruler said loudly.

"Our desolate beasts have arrived!"

At this time, in the distant time and space, a large army suddenly crossed out of time and space, and in the blink of an eye, it came before the army of the reincarnation line.

This army is composed of huge monsters. On the body of each monster, there are a number of laws related to time, which makes this space-time space-time affected, constantly distorted, and some Time slowed down in some places, accelerated in some places, and stopped in some places, presenting a bizarre scene.

The army of the wild beasts is here! "Haha, Brother Zhongnian, thank you for your support from the Wild Beasts."

The master of the first round laughed and said to Huang Zhongnian.

"Amitabha Buddha, the three masters, and the people of our Buddhist world, also come to join in the fun."

At this moment, in the distant time and space, suddenly rolling Buddha's light bloomed, and a series of breathtaking Buddha sounds continued to sound.

A large army of monks appeared, and every monk was erupting with dazzling Buddha light, illuminating the emptiness of hundreds of thousands of miles, and there was a smell of the lost people who wanted to cross the world! The leader is the old monk that Lin Fei met in the Arctic Continent before!

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