Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4967: War begins

"Well, you can follow Lin Fei and form an army."

Upon seeing this, the master of the first round said in a loud voice, he knew that these juniors had a very good relationship with Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, in this war, have we participated in the war in the boundless sea of ​​chaos?"

At this moment, Lin Fei suddenly received a voice from the real old way.

The real old way, with the boundless chaotic sea creatures, has been living in those small worlds in the Valley of Fallen God.

The White Emperor God Sovereign brought the Valley of Fallen God to the Palace of Reincarnation, so the real old Dao and other creatures in the boundless Chaos Sea are very clear about the reincarnation and the dark race, as well as this war.

"The boundless sea of ​​chaos, no one has broken through to the chaos **** yet. Even if you participate in the war, it will not have a big impact on this war, but it will cause unnecessary casualties."

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

"Our boundless sea of ​​chaos, now there are many people who are beginning to attack the realm of chaos gods."

Said really old.


who is it! "

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this.

Lin Fei has not gone back to see the creatures of Boundless Chaos God for a long time.

"Azi, goblin, and Rong'er, Wan'er, Tianyi Shencan, these people you are more familiar with, are now trying to attack the realm of Chaos God.

In addition, many people you are not familiar with have also begun to try to attack the realm of Chaos God.

Over the years, Senior Baidi Shenjun, Senior Huang, and three reincarnation masters have all given us tremendous help to the boundless Chaos Sea, which has greatly improved the overall strength of our creatures in the boundless Chaos Sea.

It won’t be long before a group of chaotic gods will emerge in our boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Lin Fei, you are too busy and haven't paid attention to the development of our boundless Chaos Sea for a long time.

Therefore, you may not be very clear about these situations. "

Said really old.

"So that's it! That's great! Indeed, I ignored the development of Boundless Chaos God."

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard what the old man said.

If Baidi Divine Sovereign and the three reincarnation masters help the development of the boundless Chaos Sea, then it is really not difficult to create a group of Chaos Gods.

"Well, let the boundless sea of ​​chaos first, and then develop it well.

No need to go to war for the time being. "

Lin Fei said to the real old man.

The creatures of the Boundary Chaos Sea are relatively weak compared to the outside world, and even if they participate in the war, they will not play a big role.

At this time, in the sea of ​​absolute space, finally, the people on both sides began to approach.

"You three fellows in the same line of reincarnation, in the war that year, you were lucky not to die and became the fish that slipped through the net. Since you are not dead, you should cherish it and find a place to live quietly.

Unexpectedly, you actually ran back to the Sea of ​​Absolute Space, which is really a long life.

This time, you are not so lucky! Wait for it to fall! This time, the cycle of reincarnation will be completely eradicated, and there will never be a chance to turn over again.

Therefore, the forces and creatures associated with the cycle of reincarnation will also be wiped out extinctly! After this war, the line of reincarnation will disappear forever and can only exist in history. "

At this time, the voice of the Lord of the First Darkness suddenly sounded, spreading throughout the endless time and space, echoing in the sea of ​​absolute space.

"Huh! What a boastful statement! The great war that year was just because of your dark race colluding with many forces, and some of the forces that have a better relationship with our reincarnation line, betrayed our reincarnation line, and suddenly launched an attack. , Let us be caught off guard by reincarnation.

In the battle that year, if we were prepared for reincarnation, we would certainly not lose.

This time, our reincarnation line is fully prepared, and you dark race will fail, wait and see. "

The first round dominates coldly replied.

"Haha...failure is failure, don't give reasons for failure, is it interesting?

In this war, our dark race will still win, and your reincarnation line will be completely wiped out! "

The icy voice dominated by the first darkness resounded through endless time and space.

Finally, the people on both sides looked at each other and stopped at the same time.

"Everyone, prepare to kill the enemy! Kill all the fellows of the Reincarnation Alliance!"

The body of the First Dark Lord exuding terrifying dark energy stood at the forefront of the Thirteen Dark Alliance, a pair of cold and terrifying black eyes, staring at the horses of the Samsara Alliance from afar, and shouted.

"Ready to kill the enemy!"

The first reincarnation master also waved his hand and shouted.



…At this moment, the people on both sides roared in unison at the same time, killing intent to the sky, and the entire sea of ​​absolute space was shaking and shaking for it.

next moment.

The war broke out completely.

kill! The armies of both sides rushed out at the same time, and smashed toward each other's camp mightily.

It is as if two terrifying torrents of the universe collided together.

Of course, the vanguards of both sides who took the initiative to rush to fight were all troops who were particularly good at close combat.

Moreover, as soon as the troops on both sides started to work, they immediately put on an ancient battle formation! The reincarnation and the dark clan, as the two most powerful forces in the sea of ​​absolute space, are accustomed to long-term battles and attacks, and naturally have their own unique battle formations.

On the battlefield, the power that the battle formation can exert is far more powerful than individual fighting alone! Therefore, the high-levels of both sides have already prepared various big formations! Boom...One by one, the battle formations continuously released terrifying attack energy, blasting toward the opponent's camp.

With the outbreak of the war, this piece of time and space began to be continuously shattered.


Lin Fei's clone suddenly rushed out, displaying the cycle of reincarnation, a winding cycle of reincarnation emerged under Lin Fei's feet, supporting Lin Fei to rush forward.

Now Lin Fei's level of the law of reincarnation has reached a very terrifying height, and the speed of the reincarnation body technique he has shown is much faster than before.

Shoo... Lin Fei kept traveling through time and space, and all of a sudden, he met a group of dark people head-on! Boom boom boom... With a wave of Lin Fei, more than a thousand large formations were laid out in an instant, covering the front with a mighty force.

Immediately, many people of the dark race were shrouded in more than one thousand great formations.

The formations that Lin Fei arranged were too powerful, even those ordinary Chaos Gods could not break through the formations. For those main gods, true gods and ordinary gods, the power of these formations seemed even more terrifying. .

Bang, bang, bang... Those dark people who are trapped in Lin Fei’s formation can barely be supported by Chaos God level masters. Those who are the main **** and below are directly shattered by the power of the formation, and their bodies continue to be shattered. The explosion turned into a cloud of blood mist, just like a cloud of fireworks continuously set off.

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