Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4969: Tiandilou Battle Array

"Sure enough, this war is not just a matter between the Thirteen Dark Alliance and the Reincarnation Alliance, but will affect the entire Absolute Space Sea! Moreover, the war has just begun! Our Absolute Space Sea, from all walks of life. All races will suffer huge losses because of this war!"

In the sea of ​​absolute space, countless creatures are sighing, and are terrified of this war.

"It's a clone of Lin Fei!"

At this time, an old host of Suiyuelou suddenly spotted Lin Fei on the battlefield.

Because the combat power displayed by this clone of Lin Fei is really astonishing, two or three thousand formations have been set up to continuously kill batch after batch of thirteen Dark Alliance men and horses.

The place where Lin Fei was, the Thirteen Dark Alliance's men and horses were almost emptied! "Kill me this clone of Lin Fei! Use the battle formation against him!"

The old poster immediately sent a voice message to those Chaos Gods on the battlefield in the Suiyuelou.

Shoo... Immediately, a batch of chaos from the Years Tower rushed towards the location of Lin Fei's clone from all directions.

Moreover, there are a large number of people and horses with the strength of the main **** and below the main god, also following those chaotic gods, and slaying Lin Fei mightily.

"The battle formation that formed our Time Tower! Heaven and Earth Tower!"

A total of more than fifty years of Chaos God roared at the same time.

Boom...Under the leadership of more than fifty Chaos Gods, a large number of people from the Years Tower began to form a large battle formation.

A tall building radiating radiant light appeared.

This building is a battlefield! Rumble... This tall building came from the sky, carrying terrifying energy, shaking this piece of time and space constantly, as if it could not bear it, and was about to disintegrate.

This tall building condenses all the energies, laws, and spirits of the people of those years, and everything is tightly condensed into an unbreakable whole, and its combat power is very powerful.


Tiandilou? "

Lin Fei was taken aback when looking at the large building that was howling.

"Block me!"

Lin Fei yelled.

Boom...Lin Fei arranged more than 3,000 formations at the same time, densely packed, and bombarded the large building continuously.


There was roaring roars in that building, and the people of those time buildings burst out one by one, causing the huge building to explode with amazing energy.

Rumble... Those formations that Lin Fei blasted out violently collided with the large building, making a violent explosion.

The endless terrifying impact energy shattered this piece of time and space continuously, and the fragments of time and space in the sky turned into hurricanes of time and space, which were rushing frantically, roaring and roaring.

Boom...The Tiandilou is worthy of a very terrifying battle formation of the Years Tower, constantly shattering the formations that Lin Fei arranged, and constantly approaching Lin Fei.

Although Lin Fei's formation level is high, this Heaven and Earth Tower is composed of a large number of time-honored people. All the energy laws and spirits are condensed and evolved, and the power is terrible.

"Lin Fei, die!"

Roars continued to be heard in that building, with murderous aura.

After a while, most of the formations that Lin Fei arranged were destroyed.

"Okay, I will try how powerful this battlefield is!"

Lin Fei sneered, waved his hand, and laid out more than 3,000 formations, like a rainstorm, densely packed, and smashed toward the large building.

At the same time, Lin Fei moved his mind and displayed more than a thousand mental worlds, covering the large building from all directions.

Boom...One by one, they rushed directly into the building, besieging all the people in the building.

You know, mental energy and mental power are the hardest to defend! Has terrible penetrability! Boom...a world of mind and strength, in the interior of this building, completely erupted.

Rolling heart energy, constantly rushed to those people who lived in the past.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Moreover, the mental power world that Lin Fei displayed contained a large number of illusions and illusions. These illusions and illusions tightly surrounded the men and horses of these years, creating one illusory world before their eyes. They can't tell where they are now.

The mental power and the mental power created by the illusion energy are Lin Fei's own creation, and the power is terrifying.

kill! In Lin Fei's mental power world, there are still a large number of army of creatures constantly appearing, and the endless army of creatures rushed to the people of the years from all directions.

Originally, the battle power of the Heaven and Earth Tower composed of the men and horses of these ages towers was very powerful, and it was difficult to break through from the outside.

But what Lin Fei displayed was his mental energy and the world of mental energy. All of a sudden, he easily attacked the inside of the battle formation. Therefore, this powerful battle formation did not have any advantage in front of Lin Fei.

Ahhh... the people of the Years Tower kept screaming, and after a while, the Tiandi Tower battlefield collapsed.

With a loud rumbling noise, it exploded directly, and the men and horses of the Years Tower were thrown out from the inside of the battle formation, and each one was seriously injured.

"Die to me!"

Lin Fei let out a loud roar, pushing the formations and mental power worlds to bombard the people of these ages.

Without the protection of the battle formation, the people of these ages towers are not Lin Fei's opponents at all.

He was completely killed in a few moments, and there was not one left! "Damn it, a clone of Lin Fei actually has such a strong combat power! This kid is really against the sky!"

In the distance, the old landlord of that Years Tower saw this scene and couldn't help feeling frustrated.

"Organize elite men and horses to kill Lin Fei's clone!"

At this time, the three Dark Lords of the Dark Clan also discovered this clone of Lin Fei and secretly gave orders.

With the order of the three Dark Lords, immediately, the Thirteen Dark Alliance had a large number of elite men and horses, rushing toward Lin Fei's clone from all directions.

"Contact the Great Master Heba immediately to see what the situation of Lin Fei's body is now! If possible, immediately use all means to interfere with Lin Fei's body, and he must not be able to smoothly impact the realm of Chaos God! "

The First Dark Lord gave an order to a high-level next to him.


This high-level contact immediately contacted the Great Master Heba.

The wizards of the dark clan did not follow the thirteen dark alliance's men and horses to participate in the war, but stayed in the second lair of the dark clan to deduct the war.

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