Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4977: Guardian War

"Hmph, I am here today, you seven guys can't interfere with Lin Fei!"

The Heavenly Spirit screamed.

Boom... Under the urging of the Heavenly Spirit Master, the new planes he created not long ago bloomed together, and new laws emerged in these new planes, making the roar of the great road. .

A dozen new planes were like dozens of indestructible shields, surrounding the small world where Lin Fei had hit the realm.

"Open up a new world and new laws!"

The three dark masters and four old posters looked at the dozen new worlds, secretly shocked.

When they reach their level of strength, they know more deeply that being able to create a truly new world and new laws is a great magical power.

You should know that these new worlds and new laws created by the Heavenly Spirit Master are completely different from the human body world created by the ordinary Chaos God in the body, and their level is much higher.

All chaotic gods can open up human worlds in their bodies, or use the laws of time and space to open up some small worlds.

This is a method that every Chaos God has.

However, the new world created by the Heavenly Spirit is a new plane completely independent of the body and truly complete.

This is the real means of creation! Only when the strength is infinitely close to the God of Creation, can you have such a great power of creation! "Everyone, be careful, this guy's origin is mysterious, and his strength is not weak."

The First Dark Lord secretly communicates to others.

"What are you afraid of! The big deal is that I don't want this clone, I will fight with him!"

An old host gritted his teeth and said.

"Yes! As long as I can prevent Lin Fei from getting a breakthrough, even if I sacrifice this clone, it doesn't matter!"

Another old poster also said.

"Okay, let's do it!"

The First Dark Lord said.

"The avenue is cut!"

The First Lord of Darkness made a direct move, slashing towards the small world of Lin Fei's retreat.

Chi Chi Chi... Black lotus flowers continue to emerge, and the black petals are flying, with weird laws of darkness, spinning rapidly.

Boom...These black lotus flowers kept zooming in, splitting time and space, and cut off towards the small world where Lin Fei was.

Pieces of petals will fall in time and space, it is truly beautiful.


The heavenly spirit shouted and stretched out his hand.

Rumble...A bright sword light appeared, like a galaxy, shaking the entire space and time violently.

Where this sword light passed, the black lotus was split in half.

"Let me fight this old guy!"

An old landlord roared, stepped forward, and the laws of rolling time and space were released from his body. A total of nine dazzling stars appeared under his feet, and there were many stars in each of them.

These stars are refined and reduced from real stars, containing the power of terrifying stars.

Nine stars in the sea, carrying countless stars, densely rushing towards the sky and suppressing the master.

"Huh, I dare to show ugliness even though I'm a little bit tricky."

The Heavenly Spirit master dismissed it and slashed at will, splitting out a wide space-time abyss, dark and bottomless, sending out terrible suction, and forcibly swallowing the nine sea of ​​stars.

"Let's attack him together!"

The three dark masters stepped forward together and attacked together.

Boom boom boom! Three horrible dark energies erupted, crushing the surrounding time and space, and hundreds of thousands of miles of time and space were collapsing, disintegrating, and could not bear it.

Boom...The Third Lord of Darkness directly hit the Master of Heaven with a punch. The moves were simple and direct, but they contained the brightest fist in the world.

All of a sudden, huge fist marks continued to emerge, densely packed, crowding this piece of time and space, and blasted towards the Heavenly Spirit Master.

Each fist mark represents a brilliant fist technique in the world, and its power is terrible.

Master Tianling shot it out with a palm, blocking the past.

Rumble... The palm of the Heavenly Spirit Master collided with the fist of the Third Dark Lord.

The laws between the two collided violently and fiercely, emitting terrible collision energy.

puff! The attacks of the two sides were in a stalemate for a brief moment, and the fist of the Lord of the Third Darkness exploded directly, and then his entire right arm also exploded.

The main body of the Heavenly Spirit is here, and the Lord of the Third Darkness is just a clone. This kind of head-to-head style of play, he is not an opponent at all.

"damn it!"

The Third Dark Lord roared.

"Old stuff, I fight with you!"

The Lord of the Third Darkness roared, the flesh and bone **** that splashed out after his right arm exploded and began to burn, turning into a sea of ​​fire and swept across the heavenly spirit master, trying to submerge the heavenly spirit in the sea of ​​fire.

He is burning his essence and blood, and he is ready to use this clone to work hard! Boom... The mighty sea of ​​fire may incinerate everything and wrap around the body of the Heavenly Spirit Master, burning that piece of time and space into a distortion.

The Heavenly Spirit sneered, stretched out his palm and wiped it lightly, all kinds of mysterious laws flew out of his palm, and wiped out the sea of ​​flames without any effort.

"This old thing is terrible!"

The three dark masters and the four old posters all showed surprise.

Facing the combined attack of the seven of them, the Heavenly Spirit Master seemed extremely calm and effortless.


The three dark masters and the four old landlords rushed forward again, using all kinds of supernatural powers, and blasting forward.

"Huh! It's just a few clones, even if your body comes, it's not my opponent!"

The Heavenly Spirit snorted coldly.

Rumble...Beneath the words, the palms of the Heavenly Spirit Master turned into bronze, spewing out the breath of years, there are endless fragments of time flying, and more mysterious avenues are hanging down, like a waterfall, and an instant is constructed. The cage, suppressed by the seven masters in front.

Boom...With the hands of these top masters in the world, this piece of time and space began to shake violently.

Fortunately, before he started, Master Tianling had created more than a dozen new worlds, firmly guarding the small world where Lin Fei was.

Therefore, Lin Fei's small world was not affected much.

However, at this time, beyond the long distance of time and space, the wizards of the Dark Clan were still using their magical powers to interfere with Lin Fei.

I saw that there were so many terrifying black runes that were constantly infiltrating the small world where Lin Fei was. They wanted to enter the small world and interfere with Lin Fei.

If it hadn't been for the Master of Heaven to create more than a dozen new worlds, closely guarding Lin Fei's small world, these black runes would have entered the small world long ago, seriously affecting Lin Fei's breakthrough.

Last time, Lin Fei failed to break through. One big reason was that he was disturbed by these black mysterious runes! at this time.

In the small world, Lin Fei was still sitting cross-legged, like an old monk participating in meditation, falling into deep silence.

Lin Fei was waiting and waiting for the arrival of Thunder Tribulation. As long as Thunder Tribulation could arrive successfully, it showed that Lin Fei had entered the final state of the impact realm.

After the thunder tribulation, Lin Fei will become a chaos god!

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