Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4994: Go to the door

So, the black bar master took these masters and started deducing Lin Fei's whereabouts.

It can be said that Lin Fei has become a hurdle in the hearts of the three dark masters and these mages! For a long time, the Dark Clan had spent much manpower and material resources to hunt down Lin Fei. Even the three Dark Lords had personally dispatched several times, and these mages often spent time deducing Lin Fei.

However, until now, they have been watching, Lin Fei is growing day by day, and his strength is getting stronger and stronger! Such a result makes the three dark masters and these mages unacceptable! In the hearts of the three dark masters and these mages, killing Lin Fei is already obsessed with them! It can be said that if Lin Fei is not killed, the three dark masters and the wizards of the dark clan will never be reconciled.

At this moment, Lin Fei and Master Tianling had quietly arrived outside the second dark lair.

"The mages are in this lair."

Lin Fei said to Master Tianling.

"We are sneaking in now."

The Heavenly Spirit nodded.

After speaking, the Heavenly Spirit Master displayed the supernatural powers of time and space and directly crossed the space barrier of this dark lair and entered this dark lair.

Ye Yunfei also followed the Master of Heaven, crossed the space barrier, and entered this dark lair in one step.

After breaking through to the realm of Chaos God, the law of time and space displayed by Lin Fei has been astonishingly improved.

And various supernatural powers of space were born.

Therefore, Lin Fei could easily cross into this dark lair when the dark clan was unprepared.

"Let me see where the mages are."

After entering this second dark lair, the Heavenly Spirit Master immediately released his divine consciousness to perceive this lair.

This dark lair is actually a large plane.

at the same time.

The wizards of the dark clan were deducing Lin Fei's whereabouts.

"It's strange, Lin Fei doesn't seem to be in the Samsara Palace.

Could it be that he went to participate in the war just after breaking through? "

A mage said suddenly.

"If this is possible, I will deduce it more clearly.

Lin Fei should leave the Samsara Palace now, find out his whereabouts, and report to the three masters in time. "

The black bar master said.

Next, the black bar master and these masters continued to deduct Lin Fei's whereabouts.

The secret technique performed by the Heavenly Spirit Master was so brilliant that those mages were unexpectedly unable to deduct it for a while. Lin Fei had already entered this dark lair and was about to come before them! "There is a black palace over there, and there are a group of creatures in it, like those mages, let's go over!"

The Heavenly Spirit said to Lin Fei.

As a result, the Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Feizhan quietly walked towards the palace where the masters were.

Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei's body skills are too smart. Walking in this dark lair, those dark people who are responsible for guarding this dark lair can't find Lin Fei and Heavenly Spirit Master at all.

Soon, Master Tianling and Lin Fei came to a dark palace.

"Those mages are here! I feel them!"

Before coming to this palace, Lin Fei was refreshed and felt the black bar master and the other mages.

Because Lin Fei and Heba Master and some of the Dark Clan's wizards had been in close contact! Last time, Lin Fei personally wounded the Black Bar Master! So, now when he came here, Lin Fei immediately sensed their breath.

"Go, let's go in and kill it all.

These mages are one of the important backgrounds of the dark clan, and the death of any one of them is a great loss to the dark clan.

If a batch of them died, the three dark masters of the dark clan might go crazy! "

Heavenly Spirit Master said with a smile.

"Yes, let's get in!"

Lin Fei nodded.

Between Lin Fei and these dark clan mages, the hatred is extremely deep! Lin Fei attacked the realm of Chaos God twice in a row, and was calculated by these wizards, and then three dark masters and four old posters went to stop Lin Fei from breaking through based on the deduction of these wizards.

In addition, these mages have repeatedly deduced the specific location of Lin Fei and sent troops to chase and kill Lin Fei.

It can be said that these Dark Clan wizards have caused great trouble to Lin Fei all the time! Now, the chance of revenge has finally come! at this time.

Inside the palace.

The black bar master and those masters are demonstrating Lin Fei.

"It's weird. Why do I suddenly feel like Lin Fei is next to us, very close to us?

What has actually happened? "

One of the wizards said suddenly.

"Yes, I have this feeling too, Lin Fei seems to be very close to us! Even, I think he is standing next to me!"

Another mage also screamed.

"I have a bad premonition. It seems that a disaster is about to fall on our heads, and this disaster is related to Lin Fei!"

Another mage called.

Next, the other mages also started screaming.

These mages deduced the same result. Lin Fei seemed to be nearby, very close to them! "Everyone, don't deduct it, I have already sensed Lin Fei! He is indeed very close to us, because he has already come!"

At this time, the Great Master Heba suddenly looked towards the gate of the palace and found that two people were walking in, one of them was Lin Fei.

All of a sudden, the Great Master Heba understood that Lin Fei was here specifically to deal with these Dark Masters! As for the reason, needless to say, Heba Master also guessed it.

The enmity between these mages and Lin Fei is too deep! "Yes, you don't have to deduct it.

Because you can go to death! "

Lin Fei sneered.

At this time, Lin Fei and the Heavenly Spirit Master had already walked into the palace, staring at the mages with murderous eyes.

"Everyone, escape! Try your best to escape! You can escape as much as you can!"

The black bar master said to the other masters.

As soon as the voice of the Great Master Heba fell, all the mages in the palace began to show off their moves and rushed out in all directions.

Boom...a large array full of dark energy began to emerge continuously.

"I want to escape now, it's too late."

Lin Fei sneered, and pointed.

Boom boom boom... Around the palace, inside the palace, large arrays continue to emerge.

In the blink of an eye, there were five or six thousand large formations constantly appearing inside and outside the palace, dividing all time and space.

"Do it!"

Heavenly Spirit Master said softly.

As soon as the voice fell, the Heavenly Spirit Master came to a mage like a ghost, and patted the mage with a palm.

Rumbling... the power of billowing energy smashed towards the mage.

"you dare!"

The mage was shocked and angry, and roared.

Boom... A large number of magic weapons rushed out of his body, continuously activated, and bloomed with bright divine lights, like suns, which tightly protected this mage's body.

"it's useless."

The Heavenly Spirit sneered.

Puff puff... Wherever the palm of the Heavenly Spirit Master went, those magic weapons were directly smashed into pieces, like blisters that were punctured one by one.

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