Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5015: Reincarnation

In the past, Lin Fei thought that to break through to become the Chaos God, he was already the top group of masters in the world.

Now, Lin Fei knew that above the Chaos God, there was another God of Creation.

No matter how powerful the Chaos God is, he will always be in this world, participating in all kinds of battles in this world. In fact, a Chaos God is equivalent to being a member of this world.

The God of Creation will not appear in the world, but detached from the world! However, everything in the world is under the control of the God of Creation.

Regarding the difference between the **** of chaos and the **** of creation, it can be summed up in this way. In all worlds, the highest realm that a creature can reach is the **** of chaos.

And the world was created by the God of Creation! "The God of Creation does not appear in the world, so where will the God of Creation be?

Is it another unknown space?

In this way, is there no end to time and space? "

Lin Fei couldn't help thinking.

"What's more terrifying is that even the God of Creation will fall!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but think of the corpse of the old man who had met before.

"Who can kill a creation god?

Perhaps it was another God of Creation that killed a God of Creation. "

Lin Fei said to himself.

"In short, there is no end to cultivation, and breakthrough to Chaos God is another beginning for me!"

Finally, Lin Fei concluded.

"This war, I don't know what will happen in the end.

In case this war, in the end, our Samsara Alliance loses, then, from now on, we creatures of the Samsara Alliance must avoid the thirteen dark alliances everywhere.

I want to bring the creatures of the Boundless Chaos God back to rebuild the Boundless Chaos God, it is impossible.

Therefore, in this war, our reincarnation alliance must win, otherwise, I will lead the life of the boundless chaos **** and live the life of escape from being chased and killed. "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

"However, judging from the current situation, the strength of the Reincarnation Alliance and the Thirteen Dark Alliance does not seem to be much different.

No matter which side wants to win, it doesn't seem to be easy.

Our reincarnation alliance, how can we achieve victory? "

Lin Fei was thinking.

Now, Lin Fei is not thinking about today's battle, but thinking about the direction of this war.

Just now.

"Lin Fei, after your retreat is over, come to the conference hall immediately to discuss something."

Lin Fei suddenly received the voice of the first reincarnation master.

"My retreat can be over now.

I'll go over immediately. "

After Lin Fei received the transmission, he immediately got up and walked out of the camp.

After a while, Lin Fei came to the meeting hall.

The three reincarnation masters, the Heavenly Spirit Master, and the Baidi Divine Sovereign, Huang Zhongnian and more than a dozen core high-level leaders of the reincarnation alliance are all there.

"Lin Fei, I believe you also know the current situation of this war.

The overall strength of our Samsara Alliance and the Thirteen Dark Alliance is actually the same.

Therefore, it is difficult to tell the winners and losers in this war.

If we want to win this war, we must find ways to increase our overall strength. "

The master of the first round said to Lin Fei.

"Master First, I understand what you said.

However, is there any way to enhance the overall strength of our reincarnation alliance? "

Lin Fei replied.

"There is one thing that can enhance the strength of our reincarnation alliance."

The master of the first round said.


what is it then? "

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.


The master of the first round said slowly.


Lin Fei was refreshed.

"Yes! You know, back then, reincarnation was the most important magic weapon of our reincarnation line, and it was also the core combat power of our reincarnation line.

It is no exaggeration to say that the cycle of reincarnation is the treasure of the town of our reincarnation line. With reincarnation there, no force in the entire sea of ​​absolute space dares to easily provoke the reincarnation line of us.

Later, the Dark Clan secretly colluded with a large number of masters and forces in the Sea of ​​Absolute Space, and suddenly attacked the cycle of reincarnation and launched a surprise attack.

We never imagined in the reincarnation line that someone would dare to attack the reincarnation circuit, and when caught off guard, the reincarnation circuit would be shattered.

After the cycle of reincarnation was broken, the dark race immediately organized an army and officially declared war on the cycle of reincarnation.

After losing the reincarnation circuit, the strength of our reincarnation line dropped drastically, so we failed.

Back then, if it were not for the defeat of the cycle of reincarnation, we would not be defeated in the same line of reincarnation in that war! "

Said the second round master.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei nodded.

"So, I now have a plan to find all the reincarnation fragments, and then reorganize the reincarnation circuit.

If the reincarnation circuit can be successfully reorganized, then the overall strength of our reincarnation alliance will surely rise sharply. At that time, our reincarnation alliance will be sure to win this war.

At present, reorganizing the cycle of reincarnation is the most effective and direct way to enhance the strength of our reincarnation alliance. "

The master of the first round said.

"It makes sense."

Lin Fei nodded.

In the hall, other senior leaders of the Reincarnation Alliance also nodded one after another.

"So, next, we will send people to find all the samsara and reorganize them."

The master of the first round said.

"Lin Fei, you have collected part of the reincarnation fragments before, and you have given them to me.

Only Naihe Bridge is still on your body.

However, there are still a lot of reincarnation debris lost, and we still need to continue to collect them. "

The master of the first round said.

"Lin Fei, you have some experience in collecting reincarnation fragments, so I plan to let you continue to collect reincarnation fragments."

The first reincarnation ruler looked at Lin Fei and said.


Lin Fei nodded without hesitation.

"Also, Lin Fei, you have left a few clones on the battlefield to hide.

Otherwise, once the people of the Thirteen Dark Alliance know where you are going, they will definitely go after you.

Those people in the Thirteen Dark Alliance have already regarded you as a thorn in their eyes and will not be unhappy. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master said suddenly.

"alright, I understand."

Lin Fei nodded.

"By the way, Lin Fei, these six portals are for you."

The master waved his hand in the first round, and six ancient portals that exuded the breath of the mulberry of the years flew out and hovered in front of Lin Fei.

"These six portals are part of the cycle of rebirth, and belong to the end of the cycle of rebirth, called the six reincarnations.

Back then, countless souls walked on the cycle of reincarnation, and finally reached the six portals, and then selected one of the portals to enter the next reincarnation cycle. "

The master of the first round said to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei looked at the six ancient portals floating in front of him, and couldn't help being very surprised.

While still on the earth, Lin Fei had heard various legends about the Six Paths of Reincarnation from some Chinese myths.

Unexpectedly, those legends are actually true, there are really six portals of reincarnation!

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