Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5018: Find Rebirth Fragments

Soon after, in this sea of ​​space, all the subordinates of the three Chaos Gods arrived, and a dense army of creatures surrounded more than three hundred formations and groups, and began to break the formation collectively.

Boom... The mighty energy attack, bombarding those formations like raindrops.

However, based on Lin Fei's formation level, ordinary Chaos Gods couldn't break the formations laid down, so how could these ordinary creatures be able to break it.

No matter how these army of creatures attacked, the more than three hundred formations stood still, without even being shaken.

"You don't have to waste your efforts.

The three of us cannot crack these formations, and it is even more impossible for you to crack them.

Stop it all. "

Finally, a chaotic **** said with a sigh.

The other two Chaos Gods were also downcast. They felt that these more than three hundred formations were so hard that they couldn't crack them at all.

"I can feel that those two powerhouses are still in our sea of ​​space. What are they from?

Why do you want to attack us? Could it be that we offended them inadvertently? "

A Chaos God said suspiciously.

"We did offend these two mysterious powerhouses inadvertently. I already know what's going on."

Another Chaos God said suddenly.


It is how it happened? "

The eyes of the other two chaos gods were all looking at that chaos god.

"The two mysterious powerhouses must be the top powerhouses in the absolute sea of ​​space. They must have come to our sea of ​​space for some purpose, and they don't want us to know.

Therefore, we ran over to inspect and angered them, and they directly trapped us with these formations.

We are at fault, we shouldn't be troubled, and run over to check. "

The Chaos God said.

"It makes sense.

Generally speaking, those top powerhouses are not interested in contacting our weak and weak Chaos Gods, and we are not qualified to contact those top powerhouses in the Absolute Space Sea.

We shouldn't have troubled running over to check! However, I think the two mysterious powerhouses just trapped the three of us with formations instead of attacking us. They shouldn't have much malice towards us, they just intend to trap us here temporarily.

After they leave, it is estimated that we will be released. "

The third Chaos God said.

"Well, from now on, let's stay here quietly and do nothing."

The other two Chaos Gods nodded.

"You all go away, do whatever you need to do, and don't gather here anymore."

A Chaos God instructed the army of creatures gathered outside the formation.

Rumble...After receiving the order, the army of creatures surrounding the formation began to retreat like a tide.

After a while, all the army of creatures left.

Only three chaotic gods stayed quietly in the formation, meditating cross-legged.

at this time.

Lin Fei and Meng Po entered an interface of this space sea.


In the depths of this continent, the breath of reincarnation energy and laws faintly exudes! "

Lin Fei's face suddenly moved.

Boom... Lin Fei found that the eight reincarnation portals on his body had reacted, trembling lightly and gleaming.

"Yes! Deep in this continent, there is very likely a piece of reincarnation fragments hidden!"

Po Meng was also refreshed and said.

Shoo! Lin Fei and Meng Po landed on the continent within this interface at the same time, and then directly escaped beneath the ground and walked deep into the heart of the earth.

After a while.

A small-scale space-time appeared deep in the center of the earth.

Shoo! Lin Fei and Meng Po entered this space and time.

I saw that a piece of light blooming with the law of rolling reincarnation, floating in time and space, ups and downs.

"Reincarnation fragments!"

Both Lin Fei and Meng Po were very pleasantly surprised.

"Okay, Lin Fei, go up and collect it."

Po Meng smiled.


Lin Fei nodded, moved his body, came to the piece of reincarnation fragment, and began to use methods to collect the fragment.

Lin Fei had collected the reincarnation fragments many times before, and had a wealth of experience. After a while, Lin Fei succeeded in collecting the reincarnation fragments.

"Finally found the first piece of reincarnation fragment!"

Lin Fei was a little excited.

"Well, Senior Meng Po, let's continue to look for it."

Lin Fei said to Po Meng.

As a result, Lin Fei and Meng Po stretched out and left this space and time deep in the heart of the earth.

After a while, Lin Fei and Po Meng walked out of the sea of ​​space and returned to the sea of ​​absolute space outside.

"Let go of those three guys."

Lin Fei paused for a while, smiled, and waved.

Within the sea of ​​space.

Boom...More than 300 large formations besieged around the bodies of the three Chaos Gods began to disappear.

"Great! These formations began to disappear automatically! It seems that our guess is correct! Those two mysterious strong men did not want to contact us, so they arranged these formations and trapped us here. !"

A Chaos God shouted in surprise.

"The scary thing is that we have never been able to see these two mysterious powerhouses from start to finish, and we have not been able to see how they arranged these formations! This method is incredible! Fortunately, these two This mysterious powerhouse has no malice towards us, otherwise, with their terrible means, it is estimated that they want to kill us, and they will turn back! You say, who are these two mysterious powerhouses?"

Another Chaos God said.

"Forget it! Don't guess, don't talk nonsense, be careful to cause trouble to your upper body! We had better take care of those top powerhouses in the Absolute Space Sea! Maybe, what we say now will be heard clearly !"

A Chaos God reminded.

The other two Chaos Gods were shocked when they heard this, and they dared not say any more.

At this time, Lin Fei and Meng Po were already far away from this sea of ​​space and headed towards another sea of ​​space nearby.

Lin Fei and Meng Po's plan is to look for a space sea and a space sea, carpet-like! Next, Lin Fei and Meng Po went in and out of several seas in a row.

at last.

Within a plane of one of the space seas, inside a desolate planet, Lin Fei and Meng Po found another piece of reincarnation fragment! "Second Reincarnation Fragment!"

Lin Fei was in a good mood, and went into the depths of the planet with Po Meng, and said in surprise before the fragment of the cycle of reincarnation.

Then Lin Fei stepped forward and used his magical powers to collect this piece of reincarnation fragments.

As time went on, the reincarnation fragments found by Lin Fei and Meng Po began to increase.

at the same time.

The base camp of the Thirteen Dark Alliance, in the conference hall.

Three dark masters, four old posters, and a group of high-levels are all there.

After losing a battle last time, these high-level members of the Thirteen Dark Alliance spent a period of time in retreat and meditating.

Now, the three dark masters gathered these high-levels here to discuss war.

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