Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5031: good news

"Haha... Master Heba, the good news about the ancestors that you have introduced, it is too timely! If it is announced, it will definitely boost the morale of our Thirteen Dark Alliance! Haha, great!"

The First Lord of Darkness felt so happy that he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Master is still alive, and ancestors are still alive. Our two top masters of the dark clan are all alive and will return! From now on, our dark clan will rule the absolute space sea for a long time and become the only super master in the world. Power! Our dark race will continue to flourish!"

The three dark masters are very excited.

"Okay, I'll go and tell the good news to the other senior leaders of the Thirteen Dark Alliance, so that everyone can boost their morale.

Last time, we fought a defeat, and until now, morale has been very low. This situation is very unfavorable for our Thirteen Dark Alliance. "

The First Dark Lord said.

"By the way, the three masters, there is one more thing I want to tell you.

This incident is bad news. "

The black bar master suddenly said.


bad news?

Hmph, as long as the master and ancestor are still alive, other things are nothing, let's talk about it. "

The First Dark Lord said.

"I and the other mages have seen Lin Fei many times during the deduction of this war.

The scene we saw was that Lin Fei was standing on the battlefield, murderous, and constantly slaughtering our Thirteen Dark Alliance men and horses. Under his feet, we stepped on the corpses of countless our Thirteen Dark Alliance men and horses.

Moreover, the pictures we saw about Lin Fei were all in the final stage of the war.

This indicates that Lin Fei will have a huge impact on this war! The three masters, the other mages and I have a hunch, that is, Lin Fei will definitely have a huge impact on the final victory of this war, and may even become a key figure influencing the direction of the war.

Therefore, we have to guard against Lin Fei! "

The black bar master said.

"It's Lin Fei again!"

After hearing the words of the Great Master Heba, the three dark masters immediately roared in a low voice.

For Lin Fei, these three dark masters hated them to the extreme.

It has long been regarded as a thorn in the eye, a thorn in the flesh, and I want to get rid of it quickly, now I have heard the news again! Thick anger and crazy killing intent rose from the eyes of the three dark masters! "Lin Fei, this little beast, is more than guilty! He must be found out and killed him!"

The Third Dark Lord roared.

"Yes, I had a foreboding that if Lin Fei didn't get rid of it, it would definitely become a huge hidden danger for our dark people!"

The first darkness dominates gritted teeth.

He knows that most of the deductions made by the black master and those masters are true! It is precisely because of the presence of these wizards that the Dark Clan can seize the opportunity and win in many things. In many actions, they are one step ahead of the enemy.

In most cases, the deductions made by the wizards of the Dark Clan are quite correct! Therefore, since these mages deduced that Lin Fei will play a very important role in this war, then it is mostly true! "The three masters, in any case, we must get rid of Lin Fei! It can be said with certainty that Lin Fei not only has the talent of evildoers, but also he is a man of great luck.

The person with great luck is the most terrible, because he will have unlimited development possibilities! Over the years, we have personally watched Lin Fei step by step from weak to strong, and has grown to the height it is today, but our dark race has no way to help him grow. This has already explained the problem.

Without getting rid of Lin Fei, no one knows what role he will play in this war in the end.

In case, in the end, this war caused us the Dark Clan to fail because of Lin Fei, that would be terrible.

Although, the ancestors of our dark clan and the black bully, are still alive.

However, Lin Fei is a person with great luck, invisibly, offsetting some of the advantages of the ancestors and black masters still alive.

In any case, based on the results of my deduction and other mages, Lin Fei must be killed as soon as possible! In this way, this war can guarantee the victory of our dark race! "

Heba Master said in a loud voice.

"Master Heba, so to speak, you and the other mages have raised the importance of Lin Fei to the same level as the ancestor and the master?"

The First Lord of Darkness heard the words of the Great Master Heba, his face couldn't help being very solemn, and he asked in a deep voice.

"Yes it is.

I and the other mages in the clan believe that Lin Fei's importance can be compared with the ancestors and the black masters.

Therefore, the three masters, you can imagine how urgent it is for us in the dark race to kill Lin Fei. "

The black bar master nodded.

After hearing the words of the Great Master Heba, the three dark masters were silent for a while.

The three of them did not expect that Lin Fei's importance in the minds of those mages could be compared to the dark ancestors and black tyrants! "Okay, Master Heba, we know."

Endless crazy killing intent surged in the eyes of the First Dark Lord.

At this moment, the killing intent of the three dark masters on Lin Fei reached an unprecedented level.

"Next, at all costs, spend all manpower and material resources, we must get rid of Lin Fei!"

The First Dark Lord said slowly.

"Master Heba, you immediately go back, and together with the other mages, start deducing the whereabouts of Lin Fei! Not only deducing the whereabouts of Lin Fei, but also deducing the whereabouts of all the creatures related to Lin Fei.

We have to do everything we can to find Lin Fei, or force Lin Fei to show up. "

The First Dark Lord said to the black bar master.

"Okay, the three masters don't worry, we will try our best to play Lin Fei."

The black bar master nodded.

"All right.

Master Heba, go back now. "

The First Dark Lord said to the black bar master.

So, the Great Master Heba bid farewell to the three dark masters and left the palace.

"Immediately gather all the senior leaders of the Thirteen Dark Alliance, go to the conference hall, and discuss major issues."

The First Dark Lord issued an order.

After a while, all the senior officials of the Thirteen Dark Alliance came to the meeting hall.

"Everyone, now there is good news, I want to tell everyone!"

The First Dark Lord said loudly.

He knew that there must be good news to boost everyone's morale.

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