Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5056: Let's talk about it after we pass

Shoo! The three dark masters displayed their starting method and hurriedly headed towards Lair No. 41.

At this time, Lin Fei and Meng Po were lurking near Lair No. 41, watching the battle between Hei Ba and the Heavenly Spirit Master.

"No, Lin Fei, the three Dark Lords rushed towards us.

We are not rivals of the three of them. "

Seeing that the three dark masters were rushing over, Po Meng couldn't help but her face changed drastically.

"Indeed, the two of us are not rivals.

Must escape! "

Lin Fei was also taken aback.

Lin Fei understood that with his current strength, not just three dark masters, even one dark master can't beat it.

So Lin Fei and Meng Po immediately rushed out of their hiding place, preparing to leave.

Just now.


"Lin Fei, Po Meng, don't worry, we are here.

Let us deal with these three dark masters.

You two hurry up and collect all the remaining reincarnation fragments quickly, and then take them back to reorganize the reincarnation circuit. "

The sound transmission of the first round of dominance sounded in the sea of ​​knowledge of Lin Fei and Meng Po at the same time.

"The three reincarnation masters are here!"

Both Lin Fei and Meng Po were refreshed.

"Great! The three masters of reincarnation come, we don't have to be afraid of the three masters of darkness."

Po Meng said excitedly.

"Yes, in this case, we don't have to hide our traces. Let's go straight into this lair No. 41 and find that piece of reincarnation fragment."

Lin Fei said.

"Okay, just go in, save trouble."

Po Meng nodded in agreement.

"Do it!"

Lin Fei took the lead and rushed towards the entrance and exit of Lair No. 41, followed by Po Meng.

"Stop! Who are you!"

Just before Lin Fei and Meng Po came to the entrance and exit of Lair No. 41, the people responsible for guarding the entrance and exit shouted loudly.

"We are here to take your dog's life!"

Lin Fei roared, ready to kill.

"Control them directly and become your slaves!"

Po Meng reminded.


Lin Fei nodded and immediately displayed the secret technique of the puppet's thread. A large number of the puppet's thread continued to spit out, and the people and horses were submerged in an instant.

After a while.

"See the master."

All the men and horses guarding the entrance and exit of Lair No. 41 became Lin Fei's slaves.

"All right.

Just stay here and do whatever you normally do. "

Lin Fei nodded, and walked directly into the entrance.

Po Meng also walked in.

"You guys stop!"

At this time, the three Dark Lords were getting closer and closer to Lin Fei. Seeing Lin Fei and Meng Po were walking into Lair No. 41, they couldn't help being furious and shouted sharply.

Lin Fei and Meng Po ignored them at all and walked directly into Lair No. 41.

"court death!"

The First Dark Lord gritted his teeth with anger.

"But it's okay for them to go in, let's seal off this lair and come to an urn to catch turtles!"

The Second Dark Lord said.

"This time, I want to see if Lin Fei can escape from our eyes!"

The Third Lord of Darkness sneered.

"I will now transmit the voice to the leader of this lair No. 41, let him lead people to block the entrance and exit of this lair, and all the main roads."

Said the Third Lord of Darkness.

"Don't worry.

Let's go in first. "

The First Dark Lord said, and then the First Dark Lord took the lead and prepared to rush into Lair No. 41.

However, at this moment.

"You want to deal with Lin Fei, there is no chance! Let's pass our level first."

A sneer sounded.


Shoo! Three fierce figures came from the sky, and directly stopped in front of the three dark masters.

Three reincarnations dominate! "It's you three guys!"

When the three masters of darkness saw the sudden arrival of the three masters of reincarnation, they were all extremely frightened.

"Yes, it's us."

The first round dominates with a cold smile.

They learned from the Heavenly Spirit Master that the Black Tyrant and the three Dark Lords were all chasing Lin Fei, and after a discussion, they put aside everything and rushed to help.

Because Lin Fei is too important! Among other things, Lin Fei collected a large amount of reincarnation fragments, and these reincarnation fragments were the best hope for rebuilding the reincarnation circuit.

If Lin Fei had an accident, these reincarnation fragments would definitely be destroyed.

In this way, there is no chance to rebuild the cycle of rebirth.

What's more, Lin Fei is the most enchanting young genius with unlimited potential among the younger generation of reincarnation.

The three reincarnation masters even pinned the hope of reincarnation in the future on Lin Fei.

Therefore, they would never allow Lin Fei to have an accident! "Every time we want to kill Lin Fei, you three guys will show up. It's so hateful! Go to hell!"

The three dark masters were so angry that they roared one by one, and rushed towards the three reincarnation masters.

They knew that the three reincarnation masters would never let the three of them kill Lin Fei.

If you want to kill Lin Fei, you have to pass the three-reincarnation rule first! Rumble...A fierce battle broke out directly between the three samsara masters and the three dark masters! At this time, Lin Fei and Meng Po had already walked into Lair No. 41.

This time, Lin Fei and Meng Po no longer hide their traces, but sway in the time and space of Lair No. 41.

Whenever encountering a member of the Dark Clan, Lin Fei did not hesitate to use the secret technique of the puppet's thread and directly conquered it.

Soon after, Lin Fei and Meng Po were followed by a large number of slaves of the dark race! "Everyone, the three masters of darkness just sent a message saying that Lin Fei has entered our lair. Let all of us in this lair take action to find Lin Fei!"

At this time, the leader of the lair received the voice of the three dark masters, and immediately summoned all the high-level members of the lair, and said loudly.

Rumble... Soon, this lair No. 41 began to become lively.

Teams of members of the dark clan kept appearing, searching for Lin Fei's whereabouts in this lair.

The leader of this lair, a Chaos God also personally led the men and horses, searching everywhere in this lair.

"They are over there!"

Soon, Lin Fei and Meng Po were discovered.

Because the two of them didn't hide their traces at all, but instead took a large number of people and horses, walking mightily in the time and space of this lair, which was very noticeable.

"Lin Fei is over there, come on, catch him!"

After discovering Lin Fei and Meng Po, a team of people kept rushing over.

Lin Fei displayed the secret technique of the puppet's thread, and the dense puppet's thread, like rain, sprayed out at the people of the dark race.

"Let's take action together to help the master against the enemy!"

Behind Lin Fei, the slaves of the dark race were furious when they saw someone trying to deal with their master.

In their minds, there is only Lin Fei, not the dark race.

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