Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5073: The queen is coming

With the help of those reincarnation phantoms, the combat effectiveness of the Heavenly Spirit Master has been greatly improved! Hei Ba and his five friends besieged the Heavenly Spirit Master with all their strength, but they can't help the Heavenly Spirit Master! "It is indeed the cycle of Megatron's entire sea of ​​absolute space!"

The Heavenly Spirit could not help being praised.

"Damn reincarnation!"

The black bully was so angry that he roared again and again.

"Haha...Black bully, now you know how powerful reincarnation is! In the war that year, if it were not for your dark race to collude with so many masters and launch a sudden attack to break the reincarnation, our reincarnation line would definitely not be defeated. But now it’s different. There is the protection of reincarnation. In this war, we will win in reincarnation!"

The three reincarnation masters were very excited to see the power of reincarnation so powerful, and the first reincarnation master laughed and said.

It turned out that before the outbreak of the war, the dark race secretly colluded with a large number of masters of other forces and launched a sudden attack on the cycle of reincarnation. Before the cycle of reincarnation could react, it broke the cycle of reincarnation, making the cycle of reincarnation one. Mai Yuanqi was severely injured and finally failed.

"Huh! You three little guys, dare to be presumptuous in front of me! The Samsara Master was also injured by me back then! Even if you rebuilt the reincarnation circuit, so what? I will break the reincarnation circuit again! , I see if you can still laugh!"

The black bully was furious.

While speaking, the black tyrant suddenly showed his starting technique and rushed towards the circuit of reincarnation.

"When I don't exist!"

The Heavenly Spirit Master roared and rushed over, blocking the path of the black bully.

At the same time, phantoms of reincarnation continued to emerge, blocking the path of the black bully.

"Hei Ba, first concentrate on killing this old guy, as long as you kill him, there will be no one in the reincarnation alliance, and you can stop the six of us!"

Shouted a friend of Hei Ba's.

"Okay! Kill this guy first!"

The black bully roared, fighting with the Heavenly Spirit Master again.

At this time, the sound of the battle became more and more scattered, forming a vast battlefield after another.

Many people on both sides fought while chasing or fleeing, and the war had begun to spread into some seas of space.

At this time, Lin Fei took the Princess of Reincarnation, Fire Source Beast and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast and others to form a very terrifying team. Wherever he went, he killed the Chaos Gods of the Thirteen Dark Alliance and killed Guiwailanglanghou.

This is mainly because Lin Fei's combat power is too strong! Lin Fei alone could easily kill those chaotic gods of ordinary strength, and with the help of a group of chaotic gods such as the reincarnation princess, the lethality was even more terrifying.

Not to mention Lin Fei, even the Chaos Swallowing Beast, the Fire Origin Beast, can easily deal with the Chaos God of ordinary strength! "Lin Fei, we are here too!"

Suddenly, a loud roar sounded, and the three Bingyuan Clan brothers, the Shuiyuan Clan, and the six wolf kings appeared, rushing from a distance.

They followed Lin Fei before coming out of the Arctic Continent, and then they simply joined the Reincarnation Alliance to participate in this war.

"Okay, come on, kill the enemy together!"

Lin Fei laughed.

At the same time, a group of slaves that Lin Fei had conquered in the extremely cold continent also rushed over.

All these slaves were of the Chaos God level. At that time, in the extremely cold continent, the Heavenly Spirit Master personally helped Lin Fei conquer.

In this way, a large number of Chaos Gods gathered beside Lin Fei and followed Lin Fei to fight together, and soon a fixed battle mode was formed.

First of all, Lin Fei arranged thousands of formations and thousands of mental power worlds, and shrouded the people of the Thirteen Dark Alliance.

Those creatures of ordinary strength did not have much resistance at all in the face of the formation and mental power set up by Lin Fei.

Then, the reincarnation princess, the fire source beast and other chaotic gods led the people and horses, and they swarmed up to kill all the thirteen dark alliance people and horses that were besieged by the formation and the world of mental power.

With the passage of time, Lin Fei and everyone cooperated more and more tacitly, and the lethality demonstrated was getting more and more terrifying.

In this way, Lin Fei led the crowd to push all the way, wherever he went, he killed all the enemies he encountered, not one left! It can be said that the team led by Lin Fei is almost like a sharp knife. The place it passes through is like a knife cutting butter, cutting the thirteen dark alliance's horses to pieces, and they are crushed. ! "damn it!"

The three dark masters looked in their eyes, and couldn't help being anxious and angry.

"The dark clan, the **** crimes you have committed against us, the dark elves, have a deep hatred, now it's time to settle the accounts!"

A voice sounded, passed from a distance, and then, I saw a queen with a large army of murderous, constantly rushing across time and space, and then slaughtered the people of the dark race.

"The queen of the dark elves!"

Lin Fei immediately recognized the identity of the empress.

"Lin Fei, here I am."

The dark elf queen blasted a chaos **** of the dark clan with a palm, and then looked at Lin Fei with her beautiful eyes and smiled.

She had just sent some people to the Samsara Palace before and returned to the Samsara Alliance.

After learning that the war had officially started, she immediately came with the main force of the dark elves.

You know, back then, the dark clan suddenly launched a disaster and killed many members of the dark elf clan. The dark elf queen has always been waiting for revenge! Now, it is the best opportunity! "Kill! Revenge for those people who died tragically at the hands of the dark clan!"

The dark elf queen waved her hand and shouted.

kill! The men and horses of the dark elves, like a tide, rushed towards the men and horses of the dark clan, one by one, they rushed madly without fear of life and death.

Among them, the dark elf queen has the most powerful combat power, and the general chaos gods can only be killed by spikes in front of her! It can be said that the combat power of this dark elf queen is stronger than Lin Fei! "This **** mad woman is here too!"

The three dark masters couldn't help frowning when they saw the dark elf queen coming.

They knew that this dark elf queen was powerful and hated the dark clan to the extreme. In order to get revenge, she would definitely desperately desperately.

At the same time, in the dark elf clan, in addition to this dark elf queen, there are several very powerful elders, and their strength is only slightly weaker than this empress.

Therefore, the army of the dark elves is a very powerful force! Sure enough, with the arrival of the dark elves, a large number of thirteen dark alliance troops were beheaded in a moment! "It's Lin Fei! He is over there, we touched it quietly and killed him!"

Suddenly, the four old hosts of Suiyuelou noticed Lin Fei and secretly spoke to each other.

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