Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 803: Tiancang Pavilion


Fenger! !

My poor Feng'er, I only have such a son! ! "

Suddenly, Na Lu Zhi came back to his senses, completely mad, his eyes were splitting, and he roared like a concubine. Wen Δ learning fan. Ω.

"Damn it, treason!

You actually beat me Feng'er to death!

You arrogant, must die! "

Lu Zhi witnessed his only son, Lu Feng, being beaten into meatloaf by Lin Feisheng.

Suddenly, he was a little mad, roaring like a madman.

Also, he himself was picked up and raised since he was a child, and he doesn't know who his parents are by their names, and he doesn't have any relatives who are really related by blood.

And this Lu Feng is his only relative and his most beloved son in this world.

Lu Feng wants to marry Lu Chan as the wife of the seventh house. On the one hand, he wants to humiliate Lu Zhenyi.

On the other hand, more importantly, Lu Feng is a pervert himself, and he is attracted by Lu Chan's beauty.

As long as Lu Feng likes something, Lu Zhi will give it to him!

Now, the most doting son died tragically in front of him, and Lu Zhi could not accept it.


In the crazy roar of Zhuangruo, Lu Zhi suddenly moved, dragging an afterimage, and rushing towards Lin Fei.


Lu Zhi's claws were like eagle's claws and volleyed at Lin Fei.

Suddenly, the screams of eagles resounded, and the phantoms of eagles with a vigorous body fluttered out of Lu Zhi's ten fingers.

Each eagle, staring at the cold and bloodthirsty eyes, vibrating its wings, mighty and powerful, fought against Lin Fei, densely packed, hundreds of thousands.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, a thought that created demons and a flying spear of divine consciousness, released at the same time, and penetrated into Lu Zhi's sea of ​​knowledge.

At the same time, with a thought movement, the golden giant ball in the dantian came out through the body, the golden light was flaming, the heat wave rolled, rumbling out, and spinning around Lin Fei.

The illusion of the eagle that was overwhelmingly pounced at Lin Fei was all smashed by the golden giant ball and turned into nothingness!

Lin Fei moved his body, launched a thunderous step, teleported to Lu Zhi's body, and suddenly released 40,000 jin of power.

"Die to me!"

With a loud thunderbolt, Lin Fei's fists lined up like mountains, squeezing and squeezing the masses of air into a vacuum.

Just now, Lin Fei only released a little bit of strength against Na Lu Feng.

Now, it's the real effort.

Looking at Lin Fei, the people in the entire hall had the illusion that they were looking at a peerless beast!

Boom boom boom boom boom...

The punches are like the wind, and every punch is solid, with a force of 40,000 jin, blasting towards Lu Zhi like lightning.

Lu Zhizhihai was restrained, and his own combat effectiveness had been compromised. Facing Lin Fei's violent fists, he was unable to resist. He desperately used his vitality in front of him to form a defense wall of vitality and resisted.

Even in his space ring, there are still several magic weapon-level defensive weapons, and it is too late to take it out.

After a few punches, Lu Zhi's eyes, ears, mouth and nose were filled with wisps of blood, constantly oozing out.



Lu Zhi is a member of our Heavenly Cang Pavilion, if you hurt him, you will be chased by my Heavenly Cang Pavilion! "

An old man shouted loudly, unfolding his body skills, and rushed towards Lin Fei.

This old man was exactly the old man who had been following Lu Feng before, the intermediate-level cultivation base of the virtual realm.


After Lin Fei hit a dozen punches in a row, he finally broke through all the defenses of Lu Zhi and hit him with a punch.

Lu Zhi's body exploded in an instant, turning into a cloud of blood!

"Bold fanatic!

The person who killed my Heavenly Cang Pavilion, you are dead! "

The old man watched Lu Zhi die in front of him, and couldn't help but roar.

"Huh, it's you who is bold!"

A figure rushed out in an oblique thrust and stood in front of him.

It was the leader of the Green Wolf Gang, and Lin Fei brought him out.

"Void Realm Advanced!"

The old man's eyes condensed, staring at the Green Wolf gang leader, with jealousy in his eyes.

The Green Wolf gang leader not only has a higher vitality realm than him, but also a ferocious and violent aura radiating from his body. Obviously, he is a generation who has been slaughtered for a long time, and his combat power must be extremely powerful.

"Who is Your Excellency?

You'd better leave it alone about our Tiancang Pavilion. "

The old man once again carried out the name of Tiancang Pavilion.

"What is the origin of Tiancang Pavilion?"

Lin Fei asked.

"Back to the master, Tiancang Pavilion is a force organization in the triangle.

The scale and the number of people are one rank better than the Azure Wolf Gang, and they have a superior master teacher, which is the elementary strength of Yingjie Realm.

Therefore, the overall strength is much stronger than the Green Wolf Gang. "

The green wolf gang leader replied.


the host?

That day, the old man in Cang Pavilion stared at Lin Fei and couldn't help but wonder, what kind of origin this person had, a high-level virtual realm, actually called him the master.

Could it be that the hidden family, or the person from that powerful sect?

"What is your identity?

You must have an explanation for killing our people in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion. "

The old man began to scream inwardly.

He had to be cautious. Although Tiancang Pavilion was powerful, it was still only a medium-sized power that dominated a place. If it really got into some powerful powers.

I'm afraid the possibility of extinction will come at any time.

"Well, kill him."

Lin Fei said casually.

Ying Jie Jing is a junior, and doesn't have much pressure on Lin Fei.


The old man's face changed drastically, and he backed away suddenly.


The blue wolf gang rushed out of the overwhelming black power in the main body, condensed into a pure black giant wolf, and rushed to it.

Less than ten moves, the old man was torn into pieces by the black giant wolf.

Next, Lin Fei waved his hand and released a whole hundred corpse monsters. The dark corpse energy was like thick ink. Each corpse monster had the strength of the emperor realm.

This was left by the old city owner of the city on Lin Fei.

More than 30 servants and a hundred corpse monsters worked together to slaughter all of Lu Zhi's cronies in the city lord's mansion!

In less than half a time, all of Lu Zhi's horses were wiped out by Lin Fei using thunderous means!

In the hall, those Lu family members have not yet reacted at all!

Because things changed too quickly, too suddenly, and too unexpectedly.

Not long ago, the whole situation seemed to be firmly controlled in Lu Zhi's hands.

However, Lin Fei suddenly got into trouble, like a thunderbolt, beheading Lu Zhi and his son one after another, and even the old man in Cang Pavilion was also beheaded that day!

These people of the Lu family wanted to help Lu Zhi, but it was too late.

Moreover, many of the Lu family members were forced to give in because they were afraid of Lu Zhi's brutality and the Tiancang Pavilion behind him.

Deep down, he didn't want to work hard for Lu Zhi.

And Lin Fei didn't do anything to the Lu family members, intending to leave it to Lu Zhen to deal with it.

"Master, thank you for your help!"

The City Lord said gratefully to Lin Fei.

Thanks to Lin Fei's help, Lu Zhen's house finally waited for the opportunity and was about to get rid of the predicament!

At this time, in the heart of the master of the big city, the master of Lin Fei is already desperate!

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