Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 809: Let your elders come out

In a moment, the black-clothed old man had already landed on the hillside, his big sleeves fluttering, his walking lightly, and a powerful and unparalleled force of power quietly dispersed on the hillside. Literary fans. Ω.

The people on the entire hillside felt that the circulation of the vitality in their bodies was affected, and they couldn't help showing a shocked expression.

I have to say that the powerhouse of Yingjie Realm is really terrifying.

"Too master, I didn't expect to disturb your old man."

More than 30 high-level members of the Tiancang Pavilion stepped forward and saluted the black-clothed old man respectfully.

The gaze of Master Supreme Master glanced at Lin Fei for a moment, revealing a little surprise.

Lin Fei's face was indifferent, without any nervousness, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, looking at the Supreme Master in the Sky Cang Pavilion.

Then, the Supreme Headmaster didn't look at Lin Fei at all, but immediately released his divine consciousness and felt it from a distance in all directions.

After a while.

Obviously nothing.

"Where is your elder? Let him come out."

This Supreme Headmaster, Lin Fei's cultivation base is only a high-level respect.

And the strange divine consciousness that swept into his secret room before was so powerful that even he felt inferior.

The Supreme Headmaster of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, no matter what, he couldn't expect that Lin Fei came out of that divine consciousness.

He felt that besides Lin Fei, there must be a strong and powerful man hiding nearby.

"Oh, what elders?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Hmph, just now I have sensed your elder's divine power scan, where he is now, you let him speak.

You an insignificant junior, don't show your ugliness here. "

Taishang Master flicked his sleeves and said coldly.

"What, behind this person, there is an elder hiding nearby?"

The other high-levels in the Sky Cang Pavilion were all taken aback.

Just the person in front of him, the combat power has been very abnormal, extremely difficult to deal with, then the elders behind him, aren't they even more terrifying?


"Hahaha, I think you must have misunderstood.

I came alone.

I can destroy the Tiancang Pavilion alone.

No need for elders. "

Lin Fei finally understood why this supreme head teacher suspected that an elder was hiding behind him.

It must have been just now, when he released his divine consciousness and felt the master master, he was discovered by the master master.

Because his divine consciousness is too strong, this too high master thinks that besides himself, there is a strong person nearby.

"Hmph, with your strength, but so arrogant.

Well, I will teach you a lesson and see when the elders behind you can hide. "

The Master Master gave a cold snort.

On the entire hillside, the wind was surging, flying sand and rocks, a majestic and powerful force, suddenly condensed above Lin Fei's head, and instantly turned into a few acres of pitch-black power palm.

The monstrous Yuanli coercion pressed down from the huge Yuanli palm.

The space where Lin Fei was standing was completely imprisoned by the powerful force of this pitch-black giant palm.

Not only is the body unable to move, but the vitality in his body has also stopped flowing.

"Well, the strength of Yingjie Realm is really terrifying."

This is the first time that Lin Fei has personally dealt with the robbery realm powerhouse.

Feeling slightly, I can't help but secretly admire.

The strength of the primordial strength of the strong in the robbery realm is far more powerful than the warrior in the virtual realm.

Although he can crush the martial artist of the virtual realm cultivation level.

However, it was inferior to the strong in the Ying robbery realm. He still had no way to defeat the strong in the Ying robbery realm.

In the face of the Supreme Headmaster of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, no matter whether he releases his strength or uses his vitality martial arts, there is no chance of winning.

"It seems that only by releasing the unicorn thunder beast can we win.

The big deal, afterwards, all the people in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion will be killed, or they will all be taken as servants.

In this way, I am not afraid of my whereabouts leaked out. "


Lin Fei made up his mind and immediately thought.


There was a thunderbolt-like beast roar, and a ferocious behemoth bathed in bright thunder and lightning appeared on the hillside.

Boom boom boom...

The behemoth opened its mouth, a dozen buckets of violent thunder light, tore through the space, and slashed towards the master.

In an instant, the pitch-black giant hand taught by the Supreme Master was blasted into nothingness.

"It turned out to be the legendary unicorn thunder beast!"

The Supreme Headmaster of Tiancang Pavilion was shocked.

The unicorn thunder beast, originally a kind of strange beast in the legend, has actually witnessed it with his own eyes.

Suddenly on the hillside, the unicorn thunder beast and the Supreme Master teacher fought fiercely.

The overwhelming powerful Yuanli shock wave, and a sea of ​​thunder-light arcs, collide with each other from time to time, bursting out earth-shaking noises.

Large tracts of ground collapsed, and huge terrestrial ravines constantly appeared.

The entire mountain peak was devastated. Large-scale mudslides continued to occur, forests were destroyed, and building palaces were destroyed.

Those Tiancang Pavilion disciples who had no time to escape, their bodies were instantly blasted into flying ashes.

All people, afraid of being affected, fled in a panic and fled as quickly as possible.

Lin Fei was also a little surprised.

Fortunately, I didn't work with this Supreme Master just now, otherwise, I might be injured.


Then, Lin Fei's gaze stared at the high-levels of the Void Realm cultivation base in Tiancang Pavilion.

"Then, solve you guys first."

Lin Fei controlled the teleportation power of the city, teleporting all his servants.

"You go to the Heavenly Cang Pavilion who are below the cultivation level, and you can't let anyone leave."

Lin Fei ordered.

Among Lin Fei's servants, there are three warriors with a virtual realm cultivation base.

There are three Void Martial Artists who are in the formation, and they should be able to deal with those members of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion below the level of cultivation.

Then, Lin Fei moved his body, launched a thunderous step, and teleported to a nearby high-level Void Realm Cultivation Base in Tiancang Pavilion.

One thought creates a demon, and flies a spear with divine consciousness, simultaneously attacking his sea of ​​knowledge.

Then he punched it.

The virtual realm martial artist, constrained by the sea of ​​consciousness, could not be distracted at all, was severely injured by Lin Fei's punch and knocked to the ground.

"Everyone work together to besiege him, don't disperse!"

The pavilion owner of the Tiancang Pavilion was shocked, he knew that no one was Lin Fei's opponent if separated alone.

Hurriedly reminded the other senior officials of the Void Realm in Tiancang Pavilion.

Tiancang Pavilion's high-level cultivation bases in the virtual realm all bit their heads and attacked Lin Fei together.

However, Lin Fei's body skills are very fast, and they did not give them a chance to besiege, but to expand their body skills, like a ghost, back and forth, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Thunder Step, with powerful divine consciousness attacks, and unparalleled strength, with Lin Fei's current strength, facing the Void Realm Cultivator, it can already be directly crushed.

Even the advanced cultivation base of the Void Realm, in front of Lin Fei, could not support a few tricks.

At most between four and five moves, you can defeat the Void Realm Advanced.

In the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters, Lin Fei descended like a **** of war, wherever he went, one virtual world after another, fell to the ground with serious injuries.

Looking at Lin Fei, everyone felt shocked.

As for the Supreme Headmaster of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, he naturally sensed this situation, and couldn't help feeling anxious.

However, because the unicorn thunder beast's combat power is very powerful, the master teacher can only barely deal with it.

There was no way to get out and deal with Lin Fei.


Half an hour later, the more than 30 high-levels of the Void Realm in Tiancang Pavilion, including the pavilion owner, were all severely injured by Lin Fei and lost their combat effectiveness!

Looking at the 30-odd Void Realms in front of him, Lin Fei was very satisfied with his current combat effectiveness.

It seemed that this time, because of the fusion of the soul tree, his divine consciousness increased exponentially, and his combat effectiveness had undergone a qualitative change by leaps and bounds.

Now, facing the martial artist of the virtual realm, it is completely crushing strength.

It is even easier to deal with noble martial artists, or imperial martial artists, you don't need to make a move at all, you can lose in seconds, or even kill in seconds!

All in all, the fusion of the soul tree has brought a huge change to Lin Fei's combat power!

"Now, before you, there are only two choices. First, hand over the soul brand and submit to me.

Second, die! "

Lin Fei's eyes were like cold electricity, scanning the thirty-odd high-level Celestial Pavilion one by one.

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