Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 814: Kilometer giant

After a long time, above the horizon ahead, there is now a huge city with dark walls. . .

"Master, this is Black Rock City."

The leader of the Green Wolf Gang flew beside Lin Fei and said.

At this moment, next to Lin Fei, all the people flying together were people with a cultivation base of Void Realm and above.

There are six people in total.

Including, the leader of the Blue Wolf Gang, and the two Elementary Void Realms, the Supreme Headmaster of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, and the two Senior Void Realms.

These six people are now the strongest servants among Lin Fei's servants.

As for the servants of the cultivation base of the noble and imperial states, because of their relatively weak strength, Lin Fei directly let them stay in the city of his body.

There were also sisters Na Ying and Yan'er, and Lin Fei also let them enter the city.

Because these two sisters have only the primary cultivation base of the Emperor Realm, and both of them are very beautiful and can be called stunning, Lin Fei feels that it is better to let them stay in the city.

"So this is Black Rock City."

Lin Fei nodded, looking at the huge black city in front of him, feeling a bit strange.

I saw that there were many warriors at the gate of the city, densely packed, like ants returning to their nests, constantly entering, loud noises, and extremely lively.

Obviously, these warriors all rushed to participate in the auction in Black Rock City.


"Master, in Black Rock City, there are a total of nine auction venues of various sizes.

The nine auction venues are divided into three levels.

High auction venue, one.

Medium auction venue, four.

Four inferior auction venues.

Every year at the Black Rock City Auction Conference, these nine auction venues are all open at the same time.

Those who come to participate in the auction are free to choose which auction venue to enter according to their actual economic situation.

In addition, in addition to these nine auction venues, during the auction conference, there are a large number of roadside stalls in Black Rock City, selling all kinds of items needed by the martial artist.

In short, every Black Rock City Auction Conference is actually the entire Triangle Area, the Martial Arts Exchange Conference. "

The Green Wolf Gang leader continued to say to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was surprised.

Originally, Lin Fei thought that in the so-called Black Rock City Auction Conference, there was only one auction venue, and everyone was concentrated in one auction venue for auction.

Unexpectedly, there are nine auction venues of different orders that are open at the same time for auction.

"Hehe, no wonder so many people came."

Lin Fei looked at the densely influx of warriors at the entrance of the Black Rock City gate, and finally understood why there were so many people.

"Indeed, the annual Black Rock City Auction Conference is not only the largest auction in Triangle Land, but also the largest in the entire Yuanwu Realm Nanda 6, and there is no one.

During the Black Rock City Auction Conference, Nanda 6, many forces and sects will send representatives to participate. "

Master Supreme Master said to Lin Fei next to him.


Do you mean that in addition to the warriors in the triangle, the three holy kingdoms, and other empires, large and small, will have sectarian forces and send representatives to participate? "

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Not bad."

Master Taishang nodded.

Lin Fei couldn't help being a little big when he heard it.


Lin Fei knew that many of the sects in Nanda 6 in the Yuanwu Realm should have their own portraits.

Moreover, many big forces, martial arts, must have their own spirit aura.

If the Black Rock City Auction Conference, all the major factions, and all major forces, all have representatives to participate.

During the auction, I was very easy to expose myself.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Damn, how do I feel that wherever I go, there is a possibility of being chased by others."

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile wryly.

However, it was impossible for Lin Fei not to participate in the auction meeting in Black Rock City for the clues of the black bones.

"So, Master, you must be careful during the auction."

The Supreme Master said that he is a strong man in the Yingjie Realm, so he naturally knows that now, in the Yuanwu Realm Nanda 6, many people are looking for Lin Fei's whereabouts.

"Well, regardless of it, you can only see walking now."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Azi, you can help me change my spirit now."

Lin Fei spoke to A Zi using divine sense.

Immediately afterwards, Azi released a beast soul power, dived into Lin Fei’s sea of ​​consciousness, and turned into a series of mysterious symbols, shrouded in Lin Fei’s soul body, the half-meter-high soul tree. on.

"Master, how did your spirit aura become strange?"

The master teacher beside Lin Fei was taken aback.

He is a strong person in the Ying-Jie Realm, and his divine consciousness is naturally very powerful.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the spirit aura that Lin Fei radiated had changed drastically, as if he had completely changed into another person.

"Hehe, don't change it, I'm afraid the trouble will continue.

Okay, let's go to town. "

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei took the lead to land on the ground and walked towards the gate of Black Rock City.

The other six people also quickly followed.

The Supreme Master looked at Lin Fei's back, his eyes were a little shocked.

In his eyes, Lin Fei is becoming more and more mysterious and harder to see through.

As a strong man in the anti-catastrophe realm, he naturally knows how difficult it is for a martial artist to change his spirit.

Even he himself, as a powerful person at the elementary level of Catastrophe Realm, couldn't change his spirit aura.


Entering Black Rock City, each person has to pay 5o pieces of genuine meta spar.

After Lin Fei paid a total of 3oo genuine metacrystal stones, he took a few servants and walked into Black Rock City.

The area of ​​Heiyan City is extremely wide, and the streets are full of warriors at a glance.

Come to think of it, the annual auction conference should also be the most lively time in Black Rock City.

After entering Black Rock City, Lin Fei took six servants and wandered for a while.

Sure enough, Lin Fei showed many familiar faces.

Lin Fei saw an unusually tall, middle-aged man with brilliant eyes, who was Xiaoyu's father, a master of the real magic.

I saw the people of the Tianyi Sect, the people of the New Moon League, the people of the Saint Hand Gate, the people of the Yin Puppet Sect.

I also saw Gu Leizong's saintly son Chen Ben, together with several elders, who were surrounded by thunder-light arcs, with extraordinary aura, should be the elder master of Gu Leizong.

Lin Fei also saw the saint of the Qingyuan Sect of Zhenying Saint Kingdom!

At that time, the sage of the Qingyuan faction was hunted and killed. Lin Fei escorted her back to the stronghold of the Qingyuan faction. Later, the Qingyuan faction pursued and killed Lin Fei.

In addition, Lin Fei saw three unexpected figures, an old man, a young girl, and a young man.

That girl, it is Mayfair!

At the beginning, Lin Fei was in the Ziwei Empire, amidst the wilderness and mountains, and met Fei Er who had run away from home. He and Fei had spent some time in the wilderness and mountains.

Later, Mayfair's grandfather and senior brothers found and brought Mayfair back.

At that time, Mayfair once asked Lin Fei to visit her in the Longhan Empire.

Since then, Lin Fei has never seen Mayfair again.

Lin Fei did not expect that he would meet Mayfair again in Black Rock City!

However, Lin Fei did not immediately approach Mayfair.

Because Lin Fei knows his current situation, if he recognizes Mayfair, once his identity is leaked, Mayfair will surely cause huge trouble.

Therefore, even though Lin Fei passed her by, he remained calm.


Next, Lin Fei took his six servants and prepared to find an inn in Black Rock City to settle down.

"What a big giant tripod!"


Lin Fei's gaze was attracted by the pitch-black giant cauldron rising into the sky in the most central area of ​​Black Rock City.

This giant tripod seems to be a sculpture, placed in a wide square at the center of Heiyan City.

Lin Fei slightly estimated that this pitch-black giant tripod was at least a thousand meters tall!

On the body of the tripod were carved many unclear patterns, mountains, rivers, earth, rivers, all kinds of monsters, evil spirits, yashas, ​​gods, demons, and ghosts.

"This tripod seems to be very simple."

Lin Fei's gaze was completely attracted by the pitch-black giant tripod.

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