Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 816: Black Bone Yin Fire Clue

In the VIP room. "Literature fans.ん.

Lin Fei, Master Taishang and a group of seven people waited in Jing for the official start of the auction meeting.

During the waiting period, the beautiful female waiter, with a pair of watery Danfeng eyes, beautiful and charming, kept glaring at Lin Fei naked.

His eyes were full of undisguised teasing.

After working in this auction venue for many years, this female host has naturally developed a pair of glaring eyes. At a glance, she can see that Lin Fei is the brain of this group of people.

Those who are willing to take out a full 30,000 yuan of genuine metacrystals and purchase the qualifications to enter the VIP room are naturally the masters of gold.

This female host is only a mid-level cultivation base in the heavenly realm, with a relatively low status. Naturally, she wants to cling to a rich local tyrant, and from then on flies to the branch to become a phoenix.

Therefore, she used all her provocative methods to tease Lin Fei.

Especially when bending over to make tea, she deliberately twisted her **** "qiao tun" against Lin Fei.

Lin Fei felt a big headache and laughed and laughed. In desperation, he only closed his eyes to rest his mind, like an old monk, not looking at things.

As a result, the female host couldn't help but itch with hate.


When Lin Fei closed his eyes for nearly half an hour.

A crisp bell rang slowly in the auction hall, spreading to every corner of the hall.

Hearing the chime of the bell, everyone in this high-level auction house was refreshed, and the auction meeting finally began.

Suddenly, the noise in the original noisy hall immediately disappeared, and the whole hall fell silent.

Lin Fei opened his eyes immediately, and the first thing he saw was the bitter look in the hostess's eyes.

Lin Fei quickly moved his gaze to the 10-square-meter wide crystal screen.

On the display platform in the center of the auction venue.

An old man in grey clothes with a deep breath slowly walked onto the display platform, smiled and hugged the crowd in all directions.

The strong man who should robbery!

Lin Fei immediately realized that the strength of the gray-clothed old man's cultivation base turned out to be a strong man in the catastrophe state.


"Hehe, everyone, I must be a little impatient.

That being the case, I won't talk about the extra scenes.

Next, I announce that this auction meeting has officially begun. "

The gaze of the gray-clothed old man stared at the dark heads around him.

As an experienced auctioneer, he obviously knows what those people below want to hear and what they don't want to hear.

Therefore, the nonsense introduction of the opening ceremony was directly eliminated by him, and only two or three lines of opening remarks were used to directly announce the beginning of the auction meeting.

"Next, the first treasure from this auction will be auctioned."

With the words of the old man in gray.

A woman in a thin shirt with a stunning appearance, holding a huge crystal tray in her hand, walked onto the platform.

In the tray, there was a small black flagpole with the size of a palm. It looked dark and dark in color, not very eye-catching.

"Everyone, this is a flag.

This flag was found in an ancient ruin.

The name is Dark Banner, it is a treasure of the middle grade sacred artifact.

Don't look at this dark flag, it's not very eye-catching, its power is quite impressive.

This dark flag contains a very peculiar energy, called dark energy, which has the effect of devouring and corroding.

All vitality, divine consciousness, and various treasures, as long as they are contaminated with this dark energy, they may be corroded and lose their effect.

After this dark flag is unfolded, a large amount of dark energy can be released, guarding around the body, and ordinary attacks can be blocked by it. It is really a rare defensive magic weapon of the sacred weapon level. "

The old man in gray knows that if you want everyone to be interested in this pitch-black flag banner, you must explain its power, characteristics, and explanations very clearly before it can attract everyone's snap shots.

Sure enough, under the detailed explanation of the gray-clothed old man, many warriors were very interested in this flag.

"Okay, now, the bidding begins!

The reserve price is 5 million genuine yuan spar! "

The old man in grey announced.

"Six million genuine yuan spar!"

As soon as the voice of the gray-clothed old man fell, someone immediately spoke, his voice hoarse, and spread all over the auction house.

"Seven million yuan!"

Someone immediately offered a higher bid price.

In the auction room, there were successive bidding sounds.

Lin Fei looked at the pitch-black flag banner, his eyes were a bit fiery. After all, this is a middle-grade holy artifact, and its power is certainly not small.

Moreover, the dark energy, this kind of energy, Lin Fei had never heard of, and wanted to get the flag and study it.

However, the purpose of Lin Fei's trip was the clue of the dark bones. If every treasure were to bid for auction, I was afraid that there would not be enough crystals on him.

After about 10 minutes, the dark flag was finally bought by a guest in a VIP room at the price of 180,000 genuine yuan spar.

Next, there are various treasures, constantly bidding.

Looking at the treasures one after another, Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh.

This auction venue is indeed an advanced auction venue in Black Rock City.

All the treasures auctioned are sacred weapon-level magic weapons, or some very rare and rare high-level elixir, elixir, or some powerful high-level Qi refining techniques and vitality martial arts. .

The transaction price of each treasure is at least over 10 million genuine yuan spar.

Among them, there were some treasures that made Lin Fei stunned, and he couldn't wait to take it into his arms immediately, but in the end he forced it to hold back.

Finally, the auction went on for an hour.

"Next, a clue to a strange fire will be auctioned.

This kind of strange fire is called black bone yin fire.

Ladies and gentlemen, those who enter this high-level auction venue are not ordinary people from ordinary origins. I believe that the value of different fires between heaven and earth does not need me to talk nonsense.

Everyone, every kind of strange fire between heaven and earth is a treasure of inestimable value. Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible for ordinary warriors to encounter and obtain strange fire.

This time, although what we auctioned is clues to the different fire.

However, according to the senior appraisers team of our auction house, after rigorous evaluation and calculation, it is confirmed that the clues of the abnormal fire auctioned this time are absolutely true.

If a customer finds this clue in the auction, it is extremely possible to find the location of the black bone Yinhuo by studying the clues. "

The old man in gray said slowly.

Lin Fei's heart moved, his eyes fixed on the crystal screen.

"Is the auction of the black bones and flames finally started? This time, in any case, this clue must be photographed."

Lin Fei muttered to himself.

Then, the beautiful woman in thin clothes, holding a huge crystal tray in her hand, stepped onto the platform again.

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