Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 830: The figure under the ground

In the secret room, Lin Fei took out a thousand holy crystals, and then released the soul tree to absorb the energy of the holy crystals. Literary fans. Ω.

After a few hours, all the energy contained in the 1,000 holy crystals was completely absorbed by the soul tree.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness has been strengthened again.

The lake in the center of the sea is close to four acres.

And the height of the soul tree has grown by about one centimeter again.

Next, Lin Fei took out a jade bottle from the space ring. The jade bottle contained the essence of the mother of earth!

Two days earlier, Lin Fei used that slaughter sword against the enemy, and was almost invaded by those **** killing intents.

Lin Fei deeply felt that his vitality realm was too low.

A warrior, in the final analysis, the realm of vitality seems to be the most fundamental.

Therefore, in Lin Fei's heart, he urgently wanted to improve his vitality realm faster.

"I hope the essence of the mother of the earth can be useful."

Lin Fei opened the lid and poured the liquid in the jade bottle into his mouth.

A steady and huge medicinal power rushed to every corner of Lin Fei's body instantly.

He stretched out his hand and took out millions of genuine yuan spar from the space ring and piled them around him.

Then, I sat down cross-legs and started to spin the sun's golden sutra.

Lin Fei planned to retreat and forcibly hit the Void Realm cultivation base.

Before retreating Yungong, Lin Fei sent the divine consciousness transmission to the Supreme Master.

Unless it's an attack from Zhongtian Palace, don't bother.

Next, Lin Fei began to enter the retreat.

But Azi and the goblin entered the magic orb.

Na Fei'er, along with her grandfather, helped to study and arrange the eighteen soldiers.


In the secret room, Lin Fei was motionless like an old monk entering into concentration.

A golden light spot the size of a peanut hovered above Lin Fei's head, spreading out golden glow, falling on the surrounding genuine crystal stones, absorbing the spiritual energy in those crystal stones.

As more and more auras are absorbed, the volume of this small golden light spot is slowly increasing.

In the body, the sun's golden sutra tactics revolve, and between the meridians, the surging light golden vitality, like the Yangtze River, surging endlessly, rushing through every meridian.

In the dantian, the big flame stone stele, the refining power that came out in bursts, began to refine the five five-color dragons.

A huge stream of elixir essence was extracted from the body of the five-color dragon, and poured into Lin Fei's bones and muscles, between the limbs and 100 marrows, nourishing Lin Fei's.

The most powerful thing is the medicinal effect of the essence of the earth mother, which is constantly transforming the meridians in Lin Fei's body. The volume of each meridian is expanding, and the amount of vitality it contains is increasing. .

One day later, at a certain moment.

The vitality around Lin Fei's body suddenly began to move.

Surrounding Lin Fei's body, whizzing and spinning, in the entire secret room, the wind was surging, and the fierce Yuan force scratched the stone wall of the secret room, there were deep marks, and the stone chips were flying.


Lin Fei's body suddenly burst into a wave of vitality that was ten times stronger than before.

The entire chamber trembled violently.

Then, all the fluctuations in the vitality began to calm down.

Finally, Lin Fei opened the eyes that had been tightly closed.

In the eyes, a terrifying light burst out.

"After a day of forcible impact, I finally broke through to the Elementary Void Realm!"

Lin Fei was very satisfied.

With this successful breakthrough and upgrade, Lin Fei knew in his heart that he first took a whole bottle of Earthmother Essence and forced a breakthrough. Secondly, the killing a while ago also laid the foundation for his breakthrough this time.


After the breakthrough, Lin Fei took another hour to adjust his breath and consolidate the realm he just broke through.

Then, Lin Fei sent a voice to the Supreme Master to inquire about the current situation of the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters.

Immediately, the Supreme Headmaster sent back the Divine Sense Transmission. The day when Lin Fei was in retreat was calm and quiet. Nothing happened. The people in the Zhongtian Palace were still missing.


Still missing? "

Lin Fei is a little strange

However, this seeming calmness, on the contrary, implies that what is coming may be violent storms.

Lin Fei knew that the people of Zhongtian Palace would definitely attack in a big way soon.

Since the wind and waves were calm for the time being, Lin Fei continued to stay in the secret room, took out the phantom electric sword, and prepared to continue practicing that lightning sword.

With Thunder Sword, Lin Fei had already cultivated to the realm of Dacheng, and he was only one step short of reaching the realm of Consummation.

The Thunder Sword of Consummation is the most powerful realm of the Thunder Sword!

However, just as Lin Fei took out the Thunder Sword and prepared to practice.


Suddenly, the ground trembled violently.

what happend?

Could it be that the people from Zhongtian Temple have arrived?

Lin Fei's spiritual consciousness immediately released and sensed it.

In an instant, the entire headquarters of Tiancang Pavilion was in Lin Fei's perception.

Outside the mountain gate of the headquarters, the wind and waves were calm, and there was no one in the temple.

In the headquarters, on one of the green hills, Fei'er's grandfather is directing a large group of members of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, and is playing around.

A large number of yuan spar, various kinds of spiritual materials, were placed in a prescribed position, and even buried.

Every moment, the eighteen green hills in the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters, but there is a violent shaking.

It seems that every green hill has some mysterious reactions.

"Could it be that Grandpa Fei'er can really arrange the eighteen soldiers!"

Lin Fei saw some mysteries. Under the perception of divine consciousness, this Tiancang Pavilion headquarters, including eighteen green hills, seemed to be quietly undergoing a certain change in every piece of ground and every piece of space.

It seems that it is slowly connecting a whole, a sense of momentum that is integrated, slowly taking shape.

Lin Fei was surprised and delighted.



Suddenly, under the ground, deep in the ground, at a certain location, suddenly there was a soft startled sound.

Very light, if there is nothing, vaguely.

However, Lin Fei could perceive clearly.

I couldn't help being surprised and curious, could it be that there was someone under this ground?

Lin Fei's divine consciousness quickly moved toward the ground below the ground, where the shocking sound was heard, and he felt it.

Slowly, Lin Fei's divine consciousness carefully searched deep underground.


Suddenly, this shocked sound rang again.

Then, in Lin Fei's divine consciousness perception, a looming figure appeared in a certain place under the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters.

This figure, short, thin, with a somewhat illusory figure, stood there quietly, motionless, as if looking at Lin Fei's extended divine consciousness.

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked.

Unexpectedly, there was a figure under the ground of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion headquarters.

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