Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 832: No need to count

Hearing that the people from Zhongtian Palace were rushing, Lin Fei's divine consciousness immediately sensed it and found the position of Grandpa Fei'er. . .

"Senior, how long will it take to set up that formation?"

Lin Fei sent out a divine sense sound transmission.

"It's still a few last steps. If there are no accidents, within half of the incense.

You drag the people in the Zhongtian Temple for a moment, I am trying to arrange the formation as quickly as possible. "

Grandpa Fei'er replied, from his tone, you can hear that he seems to be busy nervously.

"I don't know, what is the power of the 18 Luo soldiers formation."

Lin Fei groaned slightly, and then, with a movement, he thunderously unfolded and moved towards the mountain gate.

At the same time, send the voice of divine consciousness to those own servants.

Suddenly, a group of figures shot up from the top of the eighteen peaks, followed Lin Fei, and finally landed outside the gate of Tiancang Pavilion.

The Supreme Headmaster, more than 30 Void Martial Artists of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, and a dozen Void Martial Artists of the Blue Wolf Gang, lined up behind Lin Fei.

Following closely behind, the cultivation base of the respected state and the strength of the cultivation base of the emperor state are closely behind the virtual state martial artist.

And Lin Fei took the lead, standing at the forefront of the team.

With his hands on his back, he looked calm and calm.


After a while, Lin Fei's expression suddenly changed.

Under the perception of divine consciousness, seven or eight kilometers away, a large group of people was rushing aggressively towards the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters.

A group of fierce silhouettes swept across the sky, like a locust crossing the border, agitating the space passing by a bit violently.

"Look at this posture, Zhongtian Palace is planning to remove the Tiancang Pavilion this time."

Lin Fei murmured to himself, feeling the momentum of the Zhongtian Palace.


A moment later, in the sky.

A large group of men and horses flew by, vast and mighty, and just looking at the number, there were thousands of people.

Flying in the forefront, there were three horrible figures, an old man in black, and two middle-aged men.

Feel the power fluctuations of these three people.

Turned out to be the three strong men in the catastrophe realm.

Two should be at the intermediate level, and one should be at the junior level.

Among the people who followed, there were more than fifty or sixty people in the virtual realm, and the rest were all in the respected realm and the emperor realm.

Such strength is enough to trample the Heavenly Cang Pavilion into ruins!

after a little while.

A large group of people finally came outside the gate of Tiancang Pavilion and stood in the sky.

Facing the people led by Lin Fei far away.

The three strong men in the Ying-Ji realm who flew in the front were taken aback when they saw that there was a large group of people outside the gate of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, waiting for their arrival.

After that, the black-clothed old man showed a contemptuous expression, obviously dismissing the strength of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

"The hall master, that person, killed our people in the palace."

In the Zhongtian Palace team, several people immediately pointed at Lin Fei and said to the black-clothed old man.

Obviously, these people had been to the Heavenly Cang Pavilion two days ago.

The black-clothed old man condensed his eyes, a clear and recognizable murderous intent overflowed, and a divine power immediately glanced at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei remained silent, letting the power of divine consciousness sweep over his body.

After scanning Lin Fei's body, the black-clothed old man couldn't help frowning after using his divine consciousness.

"Didn't you say that he only has a high-level cultivation base?

Why is a virgin elementary? "


But that day..."

The few who spoke just now exclaimed.

"Trash! You can't even see what other people's cultivation bases are, it's really trash."

The black-clothed old man reprimanded, and immediately, those few people were cold sweating and staring at Lin Fei with bitterness.

"It's you, who killed my person in the Heavenly Palace?

Hmph, you are so brave, in this triangle, you dare to kill the people in my palace.

Who are you, the head teacher of the Tiancang Pavilion, and the pavilion master Li Cang?

Let them get out to see me immediately, otherwise, this Heavenly Cang Pavilion will be turned into rubble in an instant, and the Heavenly Cang Pavilion will not be left! "

The black-clothed old man sternly said to Lin Fei.

A junior warrior in the virtual realm, in his eyes, is simply an ant-like character. He naturally has no good expressions on Lin Fei, and directly criticized him.

"Hey, your excellency is such a big air.

I am the head teacher of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, but now, the master has the final say in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion. "

The Supreme Master next to Lin Fei stepped forward and said coldly.

"Oh? You are the Bishop of Tiancang Pavilion?

You actually call this kid the master? "

The black-clothed old man couldn't help being full of astonishment.

"Yes, this is my master."

The Supreme Master nodded slowly.

Suddenly, the black-clothed old man and the two middle-aged men beside him were stunned for a moment.


"Hahahaha, master!

A dignified elementary master of the catastrophe realm actually called a ant of the elementary virtual realm the master.

I think you must have broken your head by the door! "

Suddenly, the black-clothed old man burst into laughter.

"Well, in that case.

Boy, let me make it clear.

Right now, there were only two paths before Tiancang Pavilion.

First, immediately submit to my Zhongtian Palace, and later work for my Zhongtian Palace to buy life.

Second, as long as I give an order, you Tiancang Pavilion, up and down, all people will be killed, no dogs and dogs!

Okay, now give five breaths time, you think about it.

One. "

The black-clothed old man stared at Lin Fei, said coldly, and then began to count.


The old man in black continued to report.

However, at this moment.


There was a loud noise from the entire Tiancang Pavilion, and the ground shook the mountains, but soon everything became stable.

Inside the Tiancang Pavilion, there was a faint cheering sound.

"Lin Fei, the Eighteenth Luo soldiers formation has been arranged."

At the same time as the loud noise came out, Lin Fei received the voice of God's Sense from Grandpa Fei'er.

"Oh, is the arrangement finally successful?"

Lin Fei smiled with joy.

"I think you don't need to count.

My answer is only one, I want my Tiancang Pavilion to submit to it, but it's not worthy of it! "

Lin Fei stared at the black-clothed old man with an extremely cold tone.

"Presumptuous, rampant!"

Lin Fei's words immediately caused the black-clothed old man and the two middle-aged men beside him to be furious.

"Well, in this case, Tiancang Pavilion, there is no need to exist.

All up, step on the Heavenly Cang Pavilion! "

The black-clothed old man waved his hand and gave an order.

Suddenly, the more than 1,000 people behind him, one by one, burst into force, rushing towards the headquarters of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

And the old man in black rushed directly to the Supreme Master.

He could naturally see that the Supreme Master Teacher is the highest cultivation base here.

As long as it solves the problem of being too master, then the remaining people seem to be inadequate.

"Everyone, with the fastest speed, retreat into the mountain gate."

Lin Fei gave an order.

The eighteen soldiers formation was bounded by the mountain gate, covering the entire Tiancang Pavilion headquarters.

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