Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 836: Demon Race of Demon Abyss

"Is it so strong?"

Lin Fei was taken aback. The text "Ω learn ΩΔ fan. *.

The figure did not answer, and suddenly stretched out a hand and opened his palm.

Immediately, three wisps of black smoke rose from his palm, constantly twisting and struggling, and in a short while, it turned into three illusory devil faces.

"Who are you, dare to imprison this demon lord's demon sense, this demon lord will not let you go.

Our Demon Abyss Realm army is about to return to the Yuan Wu Realm. By that time, you lowly humans will all die! "

The three illusory magic faces were all roaring in anger.

"Venerable Black Demon!"

Lin Fei exclaimed in surprise.

"These three demon senses came out of those three magic envoys just now, and they happened to be encountered by me."

Said the figure.

It must be the three strong men in the Ying-Ji realm who ran out of Zhongtian Palace.

"The demon sense of the demon race is equal to a clone. The Black Demon Venerable has at least a few hundred such clones of demon consciousness. It is through these demon senses that they control these magic envoys."

Said the figure.

So Lin Fei suddenly felt like this.

"These three demon senses are just the third level clone of the Black Demon Venerable.

However, even so, the power of these three demon senses is already equal to the power of our human martial artist's anti-catastrophe realm powerhouse.

You can release your divine consciousness and give it a try. "

The figure continued.

The third avatar?

Lin Fei was dumbfounded, so he simply released his divine consciousness and slammed into the three illusory demon faces.

"Haha, kid, you are looking for death!"

Those three illusory faces laughed wildly at the same time, and a violent force rushed out of those three faces at the same time, bombarding them with Lin Fei's divine consciousness.


At the moment of the impact, three illusory demon faces screamed sternly at the same time, trembling constantly, becoming a lot dim.

In the impact just now, these three demon faces were all hurt.

"The power possessed by each face is equal to the divine consciousness of an ordinary catastrophic cultivation master!"

Although Lin Fei's divine consciousness had the upper hand, after feeling the power of the three demon faces, his face was very ugly.

Venerable Black Demon, among the hundreds of demon senses that have been differentiated, just one of them already possesses the strength of the divine sense power of a strong man in the catastrophe state.

So, how powerful is this Venerable Black Demon?

Lin Fei suddenly got a headache, what a terrifying existence he has provoked!


"Hey, kid, you know how powerful the Black Demon is."

The figure's palms closed, and the three demon faces immediately turned into three wisps of black smoke, and they were forcibly retracted into his palm.

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked when he saw this. Obviously, the figure in front of him also had very powerful strength.

These three demon senses, which are equivalent to the divine sense power of three strong people in the catastrophe realm, were actually played by him at will!

"Senior, this Demon Race, what is going on? Although the junior has grown up in the Yuan Wu Realm since he was a child, he has never heard of any Demon Race."

Lin Fei suddenly wanted to know this question.

"Well then, I will tell you about the Demon Race."

The figure sighed softly and said.

Next, this figure told Lin Fei about a catastrophe that occurred in the Yuan Wu world 800 years ago.

It turned out that one day 800 years ago, in the east, south, west, and north areas of Yuanwu Realm, a large teleportation gate suddenly appeared in each area.

Countless demons rushed out of the four large gates and surrounded and suppressed human warriors everywhere in the Yuanwu Realm to occupy the Yuanwu Realm.

As a result, four human warriors with a size of six united to fight the demons together.

That battle between humans and demons was fought very tragically. Thousands of billions of human warriors died in the battle.

Fortunately, in the end, all the demons who invaded the Yuanwu realm were killed, and the four large gates distributed among the four big six were all destroyed.

Since then, in the Yuan Wu world, there has never been a figure of the demon clan.

In that battle between humans and demons, we human warriors captured many members of the demons.

After interrogation, it turned out that these demons who invaded Yuanwu Realm all came from an interface called Moyuan Realm.

The Demon Abyss is mainly the settlement interface of the Demon Race. Due to the fierce nature of the Demon Race and murderous life, the Demon Race in the Demon Abyss will often look for ways to other interfaces.

Once they can enter other interfaces, they will send out an army of demons to occupy and plunder, and our Yuanwu world is one of the goals of the demons.

"So that's the case."

After Lin Fei heard it, he realized that the demons had invaded Yuanwu Realm on a large scale 800 years ago.

"Unexpectedly, eight hundred years later, the demons of the Demon Abyss actually reappeared in the Yuan Wu Realm. It seems that the Yuan Wu Realm will inevitably have another catastrophe."

The figure shook his head and sighed.


"Senior, Mozu, is it strong?"

Lin Fei thought for a while and wanted to ask, since the Demon Race reappears in the Yuan Wu Realm, then he will definitely encounter the Demon Race in the future, so he needs to know the strength of the opponent before he can be prepared.

"In general, the demons in the Demon Abyss are much stronger than the human warriors in the Yuan Wu world.

As far as I know, the strength of the demons is divided into demons, demons, demons, demons, demons, and demons.

The demon soldier is equivalent to the cultivation base of our human warriors, the demon commander is equivalent to the cultivation base of the virtual state, the demon king is equivalent to the cultivation base of the robbery state, the demon emperor is equivalent to the cultivation base of the original realm, and the demon is equivalent to the holy state for.

And the Demon Emperor, it is said that in the Demon Race, it also exists in the legend, and it is probably equivalent to the holy realm power of the human warrior.

In other words, among the demons of the Demon Abyss, the weakest demon soldier is also equivalent to the cultivation base of our human warrior. Do you think it is strong? "


Lin Fei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard it. In this way, the strength of the demons was really much stronger than that of humans.

And that Black Demon Venerable is actually the equivalent of a human martial artist's cultivation base of entering the holy realm!

Entering the Holy Realm, in the Yuanwu Realm, it is said that it is already the most powerful existence, belonging to the top of the pyramid.

And he accidentally provoke a demon lord!

Thinking of this, Lin Fei couldn't help smiling wryly.


"Okay, hehe, it's been hundreds of years. You are the first person to see me and the first person to talk to me. We are also destined.

Alas, the demons have returned to the Yuanwu Realm. Perhaps the Yuanwu Realm is about to fall into the chaos of war again, so do it yourself.

Well, I have to inform some old guys to see if I can stop the invasion of the demons this time. Hope it's still too late. "

Said the figure.

"Senior, may I ask, who are you?"

Lin Fei suddenly became curious.

"You don't need to ask about this. If we are destined, you will know it sooner or later.

I can see that your temperament is good, and your luck, talent, and understanding are all first-class qualifications.

Forget it, if you think about our fate, I will give you a little gift, and you will have a good understanding. In the future, we may be able to flourish our line. "

As the figure said, with a wave of his hand, a stream of light followed Lin Fei's divine consciousness and instantly entered Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness.

Then, that figure slowly faded, and finally, it completely disappeared, obviously, it had already left.

Lin Fei checked his knowledge of the sea for a while, and found that there was an extra book in his knowledge of the sea!

The name is Xiang Di Jue!

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