Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 842: Liwei

"You want to seek refuge in the Celestial Pavilion, you can. Δ...

However, after entering the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, everything is left to my Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

All things must follow our Tiancang Pavilion's arrangements.

If this is not possible, you should leave as soon as possible. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

After hearing what Lin Fei said, all those people are looking at me and I looking at you.

Everyone's eyes seemed to have some unwillingness.

In their minds, Lin Fei had always been just a junior in the Void Realm, but now he was the leader of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

This means that in the future, they will all follow the command of an elementary virtual realm.

Especially those who have the cultivation base of the virtual realm, it is difficult to accept for a while.

"Li Cang, what is the origin of this person?

Could it be that you Heavenly Cang Pavilion, are you really willing to let a person with a low level of Void Realm lead it?

Li Cang, our Flying Tiger Gang came to take refuge in your Heavenly Cang Pavilion, which is a way to form an alliance with you.

As for the leader, you or the Supreme Headmaster you sent can take the post.

And your so-called master, let's be honest, the mere elementary level of the virtual realm is really hard to convince the public. "

A big guy with a stubborn back and a beard stepped forward and said to Li Cang.

This person is the leader of the Feihu Gang, a high-level cultivation base of the Void Realm.

He looked at Lin Fei's gaze, a little dismissive.

"In this case, you can leave.

I, Heavenly Cang Pavilion, only accept submission, not alliance with anyone. "

Lin Fei said coldly.

The Heavenly Cang Pavilion was able to withstand the attack of the Zhongtian Palace twice because of its 18th formation rather than the number of soldiers.

The leader of the Flying Tiger Gang is just a high-level Void Realm, and the strength of the Flying Tiger Gang is estimated to be about the same as that of the Blue Wolf Gang.

It can be said that one more Flying Tiger Gang is of no significance to Tiancang Pavilion.

Lin Fei naturally didn't have any interest in joining the Feihu Gang.


"Humph, are you talking to your elders like this!"

The leader of the Feihu gang glared at Lin Fei fiercely.

In the Yuan Wu realm, strength is the respect, and his strength is stronger than Lin Fei, so he naturally thinks that Lin Fei should call him an elder.

With Lin Fei's thoughts, a demon with divine consciousness and twenty flying spears with divine consciousness simultaneously attacked the sea of ​​knowledge of the Feihu Gang leader.

The Feihu Gang leader suddenly changed his face and his body was trembling constantly.

In the sea of ​​his knowledge, the soul body was running for his life everywhere, the spirit of the devil, and twenty flying spears, chased and intercepted.

In a moment, his soul body was hit repeatedly and scarred.


The leader of the Feihu Gang finally couldn't help it, holding his head, rolling on the ground, cold sweat like rain, wet all his clothes in an instant, howling in pain.

But Lin Fei, with his hands on his back, looked at him coldly, without saying a word.

"Ah, let me go, I dare not...

Do not kill me! "

The leader of the Feihu Gang, I don't know where, the Elementary Void Realm in front of me is powerful.

In his heart, he regretted it now.

As the soul body was bombarded time and time again, he felt the smell of death.

"Let me go, please, let me go, I was wrong, I am willing to recognize you as my master, don't kill me!"

The leader of the Feihu gang desperately climbed up to Lin Fei, enduring the pain in his head, and kowtow to Lin Fei repeatedly.

With Lin Fei's thoughts moved, the Feihu Gang masters the consciousness of the devil in the sea and the twenty flying spears, disappearing at the same time.

The leader of the Feihu Gang was like a dead fish, paralyzed on the ground, panting for a long time, and then struggled to get up.

"Thank you for your mercy."

The leader of the Feihu Gang lowered his head and said to Lin Fei.


All the others gasped one by one.

Looking at Lin Fei with jealous gazes.

From start to finish, Lin Fei didn't make any movements, just stood quietly, simply at ease.

Among the group of people clamoring to return to the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, there is no strong person with the cultivation base of the catastrophic realm, and the advanced virtual realm is already the highest cultivation base.

In this way, no one dared to speak out again.

"Well, I still said that.

If you want to take refuge in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, you have to rely on the Heavenly Cang Pavilion and obey unconditionally.

Otherwise, please leave now. "

Lin Fei said coldly.


"My Flying Tiger Gang, agree to your terms and join the Heavenly Cang Pavilion."

The Feihu gang leader gritted his teeth and said first.

He knew that if Lin Fei wanted to kill him just now, he would have died long ago.

He also finally understood that the Elementary Void Realm in front of him was by no means as simple as it seemed on the surface, so he was already convinced by Lin Fei in his heart.

"My Huangsha Gang also agrees."

A man with short, thick limbs said.

"My Baihe Gang, also agree."

A woman of about 30 years old, whispered, her exposed dress, a pair of exaggerated protruding, almost broke her clothes, full of mature charm.

While speaking, she deliberately took the first two steps, approaching Lin Fei, flirting with Lin Fei wantonly, and boldly suggesting something.

Next, everyone almost agreed.

There are a total of six small gangs in this group.

These little gangs are about the same strength as the Blue Wolf Gang.

"Well, since you agree, then I will allow you to seek refuge in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

However, remember what you said today.

Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless when I arrive. "

After Lin Fei finished speaking, he let the Supreme Master, Li Cang and the leader of the Green Wolf gang arrange for these people to settle down.

Lin Fei himself flew directly away from the gate.


Next, almost every day, some small gangs came to take refuge in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

Because, in the entire triangle area, all the big and small forces already know that behind the Zhongtian Palace is the demons.

In the Yuanwu Realm, humans and demons are natural enemies, and humans and demons are not compatible. This is a long-standing concept that penetrates into the hearts of every human warrior.

Therefore, in the triangle, these big and small forces are not reconciled to return to Zhongtian Palace.

As the reputation of the Tiancang Pavilion grew louder and louder, more and more forces, large and small, came to seek refuge in the Tiancang Pavilion.

As for these large and small forces and organizations that came to take refuge, Lin Fei accepted those who were willing to serve the Heavenly Cang Pavilion as their mainstay.

Otherwise, Lin Fei would just drive away.

Soon, the number of people gathered in the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters was already as many as tens of thousands!

In the entire Tiancang Pavilion headquarters, there are often loud voices and extreme noise.

In desperation, Lin Fei had to drive all the large and small forces who came to [] from the headquarters of Tiancang Pavilion and arrange them in surrounding locations to build houses for living.

In this way, the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters finally recovered a bit of peace in the past.


During this time, Lin Fei spent most of his time cultivating that Xuan Huang Jue every day.

Gradually, Lin Fei felt it, he seemed to start, feel the power of the earth!

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