Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 846: Seven Demon Soul Grass

So, in the next moment, the goblin came out of the magic orb directly, and Zi followed. 』』ΔLiterature fan. .

Sister Ying and Yan'er had already seen Ah Zi and the goblin in Cang Pavilion that day, so it was not surprising that the goblin and Azi suddenly appeared.

Then, under the leadership of the goblins, several people continued to deepen toward the Mass Burial Mountain.

"There are good things."

The goblin walking in front said suddenly excitedly.

The figure flashed, and then flashed away.

Lin Fei and others followed closely behind.

After a while, I came to a steep ground crack, which was as wide as 100 meters.

"Below, because there is spirit grass."

The goblin fell into the crack first.

Lin Fei's several people also stretched their body skills to the depths of the crack and fell down.

After landing more than 100 meters, it finally reached the bottom of the crack.

At the bottom, in a flat area, there are more than a dozen dark green grasses with seven small leaves. On each of the small leaves, a devil's pattern naturally grows, which is lifelike and very strange.

"It's Seven Demon Soul Grass!"

Lin Fei immediately recognized the origin of this peculiar spiritual grass, and couldn't help being overjoyed.


The Seven Demon Soul Grass is a kind of eight grade spirit grass, specially used to refine some spirit pills that increase the power of divine consciousness or repair the divine soul body.

Seven Demon Soul Grass is too rare. Basically, there is no way to buy it on the market, because it is simply out of stock.

Therefore, in many cases, the price of the Seven Demon Soul Grass, which is an eight-rank spirit grass, is more expensive than some nine-rank spirit grasses.

For a long time, Lin Fei had only heard of the Seven Demon Soul Grass, and had never really seen it.

Unexpectedly, there were more than a dozen Seven Demon Soul Grasses in this crack on the ground, which surprised Lin Fei very much.

However, when Lin Fei just wanted to pick the dozens of Seven Demon Soul Grasses, he suddenly frowned.

In the bottom of the crack, ghostly black shadows suddenly appeared, rushing towards Lin Fei and the others.

It's a ghost dog again.

There are so many, there are sixty or seventy!

It seems that in this mass grave mountain, there are ghost dogs everywhere.

Lin Fei's sleeve robe with his left hand brushed out directly, and he had already picked up all the dozen or so Seven Demon Soul Grasses.

Take out the magic sword with his right hand.

A wave of thunder and lightning sword aura was slashed out, and every wave of thunder and lightning sword aura had a horror of 5o.

Between the lightning and thunder, all the Nether Dogs were killed, turned into wisps of black smoke, and disappeared into the air.

"Those Nether Dogs just now had more than a dozen of them, and they have reached the Void Realm cultivation base."

Azi sighed.

That is, Lin Fei, can do this easily, and solve these ghost dogs in the blink of an eye.

If it had been replaced by another Void Martial Artist, it is estimated that the Seven Demon Soul Grass had not been collected yet, it would have been torn to pieces by those Nether Dogs just now.


Lin Fei took out five Seven Demon Soul Grasses and handed them to Sister Ying.

Everyone came in together, this sister Ying and Yan'er were both kind-hearted women, and according to Lin Fei's character, naturally they would not be alone.


Don’t give us..."

Sister Ying and Yan'er were taken aback and did not dare to reach out to pick up the Seven Demon Soul Grass.

The Eight-Rank Spirit Grass is too precious to them.

"Gong..., Lin Fei, our two sisters, we only need to find our father's elixir to cure the disease.

Other things, you don’t have to give us..."

Sister Ying said, she knew that the two sisters were able to enter the Mass Burial Mountain and help their father find the elixir, it was entirely because of Lin Fei's work.

Where did you dare to share the treasures that Lin Fei found.

"Take it.

When we are together, we naturally have a share of the audience. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but squeezed it directly into Sister Ying's palm.

Naturally, it also touched the very smooth and soft palm of Sister Ying.

The palm of the girl's hand feels comfortable to the touch.

In Lin Fei's mind, he couldn't help but lose his mind for a moment.

Sister Na Ying, being touched by Lin Fei's palm, felt Lin Fei's temperature, and her heart couldn't help but shake.

Then, looking at the eighth rank Seven Demon Soul Grass in his palm, he couldn't help but feel a little ecstatic.

This is an eight-level panacea!

"Sister, Lin Fei gave us this?!"

Yan'er stared at the five Seven Demon Soul Grasses in Sister Ying's hand, as if in a dream.


"Hahahaha, you don't have to rush to divide it up, because these Seven Demon Soul Grasses will soon belong to us."

Suddenly, above the crack, a triumphant laugh sounded.

The laughter came down, and both Ying and Yan'er were taken aback.

"It turned out to be the four of them."

Lin Fei's face showed a weird smile and muttered to himself.

"Go, go up and take a look."

Lin Fei moved up the crack and flew up.

The rest of them also followed Lin Fei.

After flying out of the crack, I saw four middle-aged men radiating evil spirits proudly guarding the crack exit.

Lin Fei landed on the edge of the crack and looked at the four middle-aged men faintly.

"Boy, I didn't expect it to let you find the Seven Demon Soul Grass below.

Haha, fortunately, I am clever, seeing you little guys from a distance, jumping into this crack, and knowing that there must be something good.

Today I really went out to meet the God of Wealth, and I was able to get more than a dozen Seven Demon Soul Grass. "

One of the short and fat men said excitedly.

"I think you must be mistaken.

Today, we went out to meet the God of Wealth, not you.

Didn’t you see that we found the Seven Demon Soul Grass? "

Lin Fei smiled lightly.

"Oh, boy, don't you know the situation in front of you, haven't you seen it? The four of us are robbing!

This is called a praying mantis catching a cicada, and the oriole is behind.

Okay, hand over all the Seven Demon Soul Grass. "

A thin man said impatiently.

"Oh, you dare to rob me with the four little reptiles?"

Lin Fei disdain.


Boy, do you know who we are?

Say it, I'm afraid to scare you! "

The four men were furious at the same time.

"I know who you are, the so-called four shameless demons, but in my eyes, they are just four little reptiles."

Lin Fei smiled faintly.


Do you know us? "

It turned out that these four people were the four shameless demons that Lin Fei had encountered in the ancient powerhouse.

The four shameless demons couldn't help being taken aback after hearing Lin Fei's words.

"Too arrogant, a mere imaginary elementary guy, dare to call our famous four shameless demons, little reptiles.

If I don't teach you a lesson, I really jumped into the sky. "

The short and fat middle-aged man was furious with anger.

The vigorous vitality rushed out of his body, mighty, bulging his clothes like sails.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and his consciousness of the devil and twenty flying spears of God's consciousness simultaneously entered his sea of ​​knowledge.

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