Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 858: Take the space ring

After looking for a moment, behind the two standing bones in the center of the square. ""Ω"Literature "Mystery. *.

Lin Fei landed directly in the square.

Immediately, two powerful coercion, overwhelming the sky, squeezed towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was caught off guard and was almost knocked out by these two forces.


Lin Fei shouted.

The power is released, and at the same time, the vitality in the body is continuously transmitted, forming a defense layer of vitality on the body surface.

Only then barely stood still.

These two coercive forces came from the two skeletons in the center of the square.

Just now, Lin Fei hovered high above the square, not feeling that strong yet.

Now that Lin Fei landed in the square, he could truly feel how terrifying the coercion exuding from these two skeletons was.

Lin Fei estimated that it was because of him that he had a strength of 40 million jins, plus Yuan Li's cultivation base, he could barely resist it.

If it is, other Void Martial Artists, even the weaker Yingjie Realm powerhouse, standing in this square, it is estimated that they will be crushed by these two powerful forces in an instant!


Lin Fei could not help being deeply shocked.

This person, a demon, has been dead for at least six to seven hundred years.

However, after a long period of six to seven hundred years, the two bones left over still have such a powerful pressure.

Well, it's hard to imagine.

How terrible was this person, Yi Demon's strength before his death!

When Lin Fei thought about it, she felt her scalp numb.

Lin Fei estimated in his heart that there was one person and one demon in the center of the square. If they were still alive, maybe they would be able to kill themselves by stretching out their little finger.

"Space Ring!"

Lin Fei's eyes suddenly brightened.

Staring closely at the **** of the standing human warrior's left hand.

On the phalanx of the middle finger, there is a space ring, shiny.

Before this life, he must have the strength to reach the sky, so, the things in his space ring must be incredible treasures.

Lin Fei couldn't help but show a greedy look in his eyes.

"Hope, those treasures in that space ring have not lost their spirituality and utility because of the ages."

Lin Fei secretly prayed in his heart, then gritted his teeth and walked into the center of the square step by step against the pressure from the two bones.


Just as Lin Fei walked towards the center of the square step by step, the two skeletons were at the same time.

Over the vast black desert where Lin Fei fought against human bones and scorpions just now, suddenly, black clouds shot from a distance.

Finally, these black clouds stayed above the desert.

The black clouds dispersed, revealing the demons one by one.

"Huh, that human being must have stayed here.

I have left a magic mark on his body. Even if he escapes to the ends of the world, he will not escape my tracking! "

For a demon, glanced at the black sandy ground below, and said coldly.

It turned out that this Demon Race was the Demon Emperor who had just been resurrected in that hall before.

He took the demons and followed Lin Fei all the way to the top of the black sand.

"However, the strange thing is that after the human came here, it seemed to disappear suddenly.

In which direction did he go? "

The Demon Emperor murmured to himself.

"Master Demon King!

look! "

Suddenly, a demon clan with the strength of the demon king screamed excitedly. He held a disc-like instrument and presented it in front of the demon king.

This disc, dark purple, has a black pointer in the middle of the disc.

At this time, the black pointer was swinging wildly, as if it had sensed something.


Could it be that Lord Silver Sky Demon Lord, is nearby here? ! "

The Demon Sovereign, looking at the center of the disc, the black pointer swinging wildly, also screamed in surprise.

"Yes, Lord Silver Sky Demon Lord, must be in this sandy land.

Back then, I followed the Lord Silver Sky Demon Sect to fight the Heavenly Secret Sect. I didn't expect that this battle would end up with the Heavenly Secret Sect.

Come to think of it, the Silver Sky Demon Venerable must also be sealed in this sand.

Haha, search for me, and find the bones of Lord Silver Sky Demon Lord.

I want to revive Lord Silver Sky Demon Lord! "

The Demon Emperor's voice also became hoarse because of excitement.

Immediately, all the demons scattered out and searched in this vast black desert.


Besides, Lin Fei was walking towards the center of the square step by step.

The closer to the two skeletons, the stronger the pressure Lin Fei endured.

However, fortunately, Lin Fei's strength is also extremely powerful.

Moreover, Lin Fei's quality, anti-strike ability, and toughness are also very tough.

In addition, Lin Fei cultivated the Sun Jinjing, and the quality of vitality was very strong.

With full support, Lin Fei gritted his teeth and moved step by step.

The movements are slow, as if they were demonstrating a slow motion performance.

Finally, Lin Fei reached the center of the square, beside the two skeletons.

This place is the strongest place in the entire square.

Lin Fei only felt that his body and all his bones were squeezed by the powerful coercion and creaked.

The skin and muscles on the body surface are also severely deformed by squeezing.

Especially on the face, the feeling is like putting one's face on the glass and squeezing it desperately, distorted so badly.

"His sister, this person, a demon, is too terrifying!"

Lin Fei sighed with shock in his heart.

Then, Lin Fei stretched out his right hand to take the space ring on the **** bone of the human warrior.

The closer Lin Fei's right hand was to the skeleton of that human warrior, the more resistance he felt.


Lin Fei roared wildly, and his whole body strength, regardless of the consequences, released it madly.

Finally, the movement of the right hand suddenly accelerated.

And, successfully touched the space ring.


Lin Fei only felt a sharp pain on his entire right arm.

Then, he realized with a shock that his entire right arm had many muscles, which had been torn, and many blood vessels had been squeezed and bloody.

A series of blood arrows also ejected from the wounds on the arm.

Lin Fei gritted his teeth, resisting the severe pain, and finally took off the space ring and quickly put it into his space ring.

Phew, finally succeeded.

Lin Fei let out a sigh of relief.

About to turn around to escape from this square.


Lin Fei was surprised to find that the bones of the demon clan began to creak and shake at this time.

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