Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 860: The Great Flame Stele once again shows off

Lin Fei knows the sea, and the leaves of the soul tree are constantly falling off the verdant soul tree, exuding the pressure of powerful divine consciousness, and continuously circling and cutting toward the demon lord. 』ΩLiterature fan. %.

The attack power generated by each leaf was much stronger than the flying spear of the Spiritual Sense released by Lin Fei.

Under the attack of fifty or sixty leaves, the demon also showed a little caution, no longer as casual and relaxed as before.

Both palms shot out like lightning, knocking away the soul tree leaves that hit him.

However, obviously, the leaves of the soul tree can't stop this demon, he still walked toward the position where the soul tree was, with a very fast speed.

Lin Fei couldn't help but set off a huge wave in his heart.

This soul tree, coupled with its own divine consciousness, can at least resist attacks that are 10 times stronger than its own divine consciousness.

This Demon Venerable can be evenly matched against the Soul Tree. Doesn't it mean that the Demon Venerable's Demon Sense is at least 10 times stronger than his own Divine Sense power!

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel numb.

"Get out of my sea of ​​knowledge!"

Lin Fei knew his situation was very bad, and couldn't help being surprised and angry.


Right below the soul tree, a crystal-clear lake of consciousness about three acres in size, suddenly began to wave violent waves.

A series of turbulent waves, from the lake of consciousness, rolled up, like a long dragon sucking water, slapped towards the demon lord.

This vast lake of divine consciousness was formed by the condensation of Lin Fei's divine consciousness, and every drop of water in it was the crystallization of divine consciousness.

It can be said that this three-mu-sized divine consciousness lake is equivalent to all the divine consciousness power Lin Fei possesses.

In the current critical situation, Lin Fei naturally used all his divine consciousness to deal with the demon noble regardless of the cost.

"Huh, the level of the mere divine consciousness transformation liquid is not worth mentioning in front of the deity.

set! "

The Demon Venerable waved his hand, and an overwhelming black magic energy burst out in an instant, and suppressed it over the vast lake of consciousness.

Immediately, that lake of spiritual consciousness was firmly suppressed by the darkness of [新笔趣阁], and there would be no waves anymore!


At the same time, that Demon Venerable, at this moment, had already quickly reached the front of the Soul Tree.

Lin Fei's soul body had long been fused with the soul tree.

Therefore, the soul tree is equivalent to Lin Fei's soul body.

"Hahaha, this soul tree is as magical as the legend.

If it were based on the poor divine power of this lowly human being, the deity would have destroyed him long ago.

Unexpectedly, relying on the soul tree, this lowly human being could actually resist the deity for so long.

Haha, when the deity has this soul tree, don't even the Devil Emperor need to be afraid! "

That Demon Venerable, standing in front of the soul tree, his eyes burst with extreme excitement, he already completely regarded the soul tree as his own.

While laughing wildly, the Demon Venerable waved his hand, and suddenly burst out from his body a strong and extremely dark demon energy, and wrapped it towards the soul tree.

Lin Fei immediately felt a sense of danger of death rising from the bottom of his heart.

More and more pitch-black devil qi completely wrapped the soul tree.

Under the erosion of these dark devilish energy, Lin Fei felt that a very domineering force was forcibly squeezing his divine soul body from the soul tree.

Lin Fei knew that when his divine soul body was squeezed out of the soul tree, it was when he was completely destroyed.

However, Lin Fei at the moment was quite helpless.

Because the power of this Demon Venerable is too strong, with his own divine power, plus the soul tree, he is not his opponent.

"Difficulty, do I really want to confess here?"

In the depths of Lin Fei's heart, a weak sense of despair rose.

The difference in strength is too great, no matter how you struggle, it seems to be useless.


In despair, Lin Fei's heart was very unwilling.

The enclave was thinking about what way and possibility is there to get rid of the current predicament.


Lin Fei thought about the big flame stone stele in his dantian.

That big flame stone stele has taken the initiative to help himself resolve many times in crisis and saved his life many times.

I wonder if this time, can you rely on it?

Lin Fei quickly used his mind to communicate with the big flame stone stele in his dantian.

"You humble human beings, it's useless for you to struggle anymore.

Still automatically consciously, get out of the soul tree. "

The demon lord was full of mocking voices, resounding in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

At this moment, the soul tree has been completely submerged by the overwhelming pitch black magic energy.

Even Lin Fei's entire Sea of ​​Consciousness was already occupied by a strong devilish energy, and it was dark and completely invisible.


Finally, Lin Fei's soul body could no longer resist those overbearing devilish energy.

Suddenly, he was completely squeezed out of the soul tree, flew out, and fell into a corner of the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Hahaha, get the soul tree, the deity will rise completely!"

Under the ecstasy of the demon lord, he immediately rushed towards the soul tree to fuse the soul tree.

"It's over!"

Lin Fei's thinking was blank.


Right now!


A fiery shadow of the stele suddenly rushed out of Lin Fei's dantian, and suddenly broke into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

The majestic stone stele of great flames like a mountain, the golden light shines, every golden light, like the scorching sun, thousands of golden rays of light are constantly pouring out.

In an instant, Lin Fei's entire sea of ​​consciousness was completely illuminated.

The terrifying temperature spread out from the stone tablet, and within the sea of ​​consciousness, it became a big steamer with high temperature!

All the dark magic energy, when encountering the golden light bursting out of the big flame stone stele, it will instantly disintegrate and disappear like spring ice and snow when encountering sunlight!

Within a short time to breathe, all the dark magic energy in the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness disappeared.

"What the **** is this!"

That Demon Venerable, his body had just approached the soul tree, before he had time to start fusing the soul tree, the whole body was already under the rays of golden light.

Zi Zi Zi Zi...

That Demon Venerable, under the continuous golden glow, his body turned out to be immovable as if he had been in the fixation method.

Moreover, above his body, it began to be steamed, disintegrating strands of black magic energy.


The Demon Venerable was truly panicked and yelled unwillingly.

"good chance!"

Lin Fei's soul body flashed, rushed to the soul tree, and successfully merged with the soul tree again.

In Lin Fei's heart, there was a surviving ecstasy.

Unexpectedly, this big flame stone stele saved his life at a critical time.

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