Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 863: Demon came in

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Ω text Δ『Ω learn Δ fan. *.

Go in and collect treasures. "

Lin Fei's eyes were also very hot.

Taking the lead, walked into the tall stone gate.

Zi and the goblin were also very excited, and walked in.


Although, with sufficient psychological preparation.

However, when they really walked into the treasure house, Lin Fei, Azi, and the goblin were shocked by the amazing collection in the treasure house of the Heavenly Secrets.

All kinds of crystal stones are piled up into mountains, rolling up and down, out of sight.

Lin Fei's estimate alone is not a million yuan!

Looking at the piles of sacred crystals, Lin Fei had an extremely unreal feeling. He only felt that his eyes were completely blurred.

There are also all kinds of rare heaven and earth treasures, various weapons and magic weapons of different ranks, countless elixirs, elixir...

"Wow, this is a big fortune!"

At this time, Azi seemed to be a greedy little girl, screaming at the treasures.

"This is too exaggerated!"

Although the goblin was accustomed to seeing all kinds of treasures of heaven and earth, but at this time, he was not calm, his figure suddenly jumped out, and he rushed towards the piles of treasures.

"You are too demeaned to be like this."

Lin Fei was very helpless.

However, before the words were finished, Lin Fei himself had already rushed over and began to collect the treasures frantically.


Just when Lin Fei, Azi, and goblins were collecting treasures from the treasure house of the Heavenly Jizong.

Before Lin Fei, in the black desert that fought against human bones and scorpions, hundreds of demons were searching everywhere on the black sand.

The demon emperor who was resurrected recently is quietly suspended above the sand.

His magical consciousness was released, and he felt it towards the black sand below.

"Well, these human bones and scorpions must have been killed by that human being.

The human breath suddenly disappeared in this piece of sand.

what is the reason behind the scene?

The aura of Lord Silver Sky Demon Venerable also exists in this black sand.

Could it be...? "

The Demon Emperor stared at the black sand on his body, thoughtfully.

"Report to the Demon King, we have almost searched for this black sand, but strangely, there is no evidence."

Soon, the demons nearby came back one by one, but no one showed up.

"Well, since it is not above the sand, then it should be under the sand!"

The demon emperor was muttering words.

"Follow me all and search under the sand!"

The demon emperor suddenly ordered loudly.

Then, his body turned into a black light, slamming into the black sand layer below.

The other demons were all taken aback, looked at each other for a moment, and had no choice but to turn into black lights and dive into the black sand layer below them.

Next, under the sand layer of this black desert, hundreds of black streamers searched back and forth under the sand bottom.

And gradually drilled under the deeper sand layer.

Finally, half an hour later.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect it, it turned out that there was a space buried under this black desert.

Hey, it seems to be the site of an ancient sect. "

Under the black sand, the tyrannical laughter of the Demon Emperor suddenly rang.

"Master Demon Sovereign wise, there really is a sandy world below here!"

The sounds of surprise and joy of the rest of the demons also rang.

"Go, go all down, and enter the sand bottom world!"

The Demon Emperor gave an order.

Huh hoo hoo...

A stream of black streamers entered one after another, beneath the black desert, in the ruins of the Tianji Sect.

"The ruins of Tianjizong!


Hahahaha, unexpectedly, the emperor accidentally found the Tianjizong ruins.

At that time, Lord Silver Moon Demon Lord, with our demon race men and horses, rushed into the headquarters of the Heavenly Secret Sect.

The bones of Lord Silver Moon Demon Lord must be in the ruins of the Heavenly Ji Sect! "

As soon as he entered the Tianji Sect site, the Demon Emperor screamed.

The voice was full of ecstasy.


In this Tianjizong ruins, there is a breath of living people, and there is more than one living person!

Go, go over and see, what is going on! "

The Demon Emperor, with hundreds of demons, flew over to the peaks of the Tianji Sect ruins.


Besides, Lin Fei and A Zi, the three goblins, are still in the treasure house at this moment, collecting treasures.

There are too many treasures in the treasure vault in Jizong this day.

Fortunately, Lin Fei, the goblin, and Azi are all carrying many space rings. This space ring is full, and then another one.

After a full hour, Lin Fei, the goblin and A Zi looked at the treasure house that had been completely evacuated, and their excitement finally calmed down.

"Master, guess what I just found."

A Zi smiled and said to Lin Fei, pretending to be mysterious.

"Oh, what did you find?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"You see."

A Zi stretched his right hand in front of Lin Fei.

I saw Azi holding five or six spirit grasses in his hands.

These five or six spiritual grasses are all dark red in color, and each of the spiritual grasses has a flower blooming. The shape of the flower is like a lantern.

"Xuanyin Deficiency Candle Grass!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed and immediately recognized the name of this spirit grass.

Sisters Na Ying and Yan'er came to this Mass Burial Mountain and they were looking for Xuanyinxuzhucao.

Unexpectedly, there are five or six trees in the treasure house of the Heavenly Jizong.

"Okay, go out."

This time, the harvest was huge, and Lin Fei was content and took the lead out of the treasure house.



Just walked out of the door of the treasure house.

Lin Fei's expression suddenly changed.

Under the perception of divine consciousness, a very unfavorable situation emerged.

"No, the demons have come in!

These demons are rushing to the location where Sister Ying, Yan'er, and Fei'er are with her grandfather! "

Lin Fei's face was very ugly.

Moreover, under Lin Fei's divine consciousness, it has been discovered that these demons who entered the Tianji Sect site are the demons he encountered in the stone pillar formation not long ago.

What exactly is going on?

How come those demons broke into the Tianjizong ruins buried under the black desert?

However, this time is not the time to hesitate.

Once these demons find Fei'er, Grandpa Fei'er, and Sister Ying, Yan'er, the situation will be very bad.

"Goblin, hurry up and use your spatial talents and take me to save people."

Lin Fei said to the goblin.

The goblin also knew that things were critical.

Therefore, he immediately displayed his spatial talents, took Lin Fei and A Zi, and instantly entered the void passage.

next moment.

On a piece of grass, Fei'er, and her grandfather, are plucking a few spirit grasses in the grass.

"How could these lowly humans break in at this Tianji Sect site!"

Suddenly, a cruel and tyrannical voice sounded.

Then, in the distance, thick black clouds shot quickly.

"Grandpa, what are those?"

Grandpa Fei'er, and Fei'er, looked at the horribly fast black clouds, and they all felt bad.

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