Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 865: The location of the Zhongtian Temple headquarters

At this moment, the Demon Sovereign, and all the demons beside him, were looking at Lin Fei with doubts. Wen ΩΩΩ school fans.ん.

How can I answer?

This situation made Lin Fei a little bit dumbfounded.

Otherwise, just make the mistakes and fool these demons, at least you don't have to deal with them now.

That Demon Emperor seemed very terrifying in strength, and there were hundreds of Demon Races beside him.

Once he started, Lin Fei knew that even if he could escape, it would definitely take a lot of effort and be very embarrassed.

"Cough cough cough...

What are you guys doing here? "

Lin Fei pretended to be cold, even carrying his hands on his back, coldly.

"Silver Sky Demon Lord, is it really you?"

The Demon Emperor was overjoyed and asked quickly again.

At the same time, deep in his heart, he was somewhat lost.

Because, if the human in front of him is really the Silver Sky Demon Venerable, then it means that the Soul Tree must have fallen into the Silver Sky Demon Venerable's hands, and he will never have a chance again.

"Silver Sky Demon Lord, he is really the Silver Sky Demon Lord, I can feel the powerful demon energy in the Silver Sky Demon Lord!"

Some other demons also screamed.

"See Lord Silver Sky Demon Lord!"

In an instant, almost half of the demons had already knelt down towards Lin Fei.

The remaining demons, after hesitating for a while, also knelt down.

Because under such circumstances, I would rather believe it and not believe it.

In case this is really the Silver Sky Demon Venerable, if someone else kneels and does not kneel, then the Lord Silver Sky Demon Venerable, once angry, it must be a disaster.

"Well, get up.

Talk about why you are here. "

Lin Fei put his hands on his back, looked indifferent, and said lightly.

Since subduing a large group of servants, especially after becoming the actual controller of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion some time ago, Lin Fei has also cultivated the temperament and demeanor of some high-ranking people.

At this time, pretending to be a bit like that.

The goblin looked dizzy and muttered in his heart, when did this kid become the Lord Silver Sky Demon Lord?


"Master Hui Mozun, in our Demon Abyss Realm, several Master Demon Emperors, together, finally opened up the space channel to this Yuanwu Realm again.

Now, the demon army of our Demon Realm is continuously teleporting to this Yuanwu Realm, and soon, it will officially declare war on the entire Yuanwu Realm.

At that time, our demon army will step through the entire Yuanwu Realm and conquer the Yuanwu Realm!

Last time, when the Demon Race army of our Demon Abyss fought in the Yuanwu Realm, many Demon Lords and Master Demon Sovereign fell in this Yuanwu Realm, causing a great loss of our Demon Race's power.

This time, several demon emperors specially ordered us to come to the Yuan Wu realm to find ways to find the bones of those demon lord and demon emperors who fell last time, and use my clan secret method to bring everyone back to life.

Unexpectedly, Lord Silver Sky Demon Lord's demon sense had already awakened, and he took away this human being.

It's really gratifying. "

A demon with the strength of a demon king stepped forward and said to Lin Fei.

That's it.

Lin Fei felt in his heart.

It turns out that these demons came to this Mass Burial Mountain to find the Demon Lord and Demon Emperor who fell here in the last human-devil battle, and want to resurrect them!

"Well, that's how it is."

Lin Fei pretended to be very calm and nodded slightly.

"Master Demon, this time, the headquarters of our demon army is located in Zhongtian Palace.

There are already several Demon Lords sitting there.

Lord Yintian Demon, you can go to the Zhongtian Palace headquarters and join our demon army to conquer the Yuanwu Realm together. "

The Demon King continued to say to Lin Fei.


"Zhongtian Palace headquarters?"

Lin Fei was taken aback, and immediately remembered in his heart that the headquarters of the Zhongtiangong was so mysterious that outsiders would never know it.

Can you get the specific location of the Zhongtian Palace headquarters from these demons in front of you?

"Well, that's it.

Well, now I have one more thing to deal with. I will definitely go to the Zhongtian Palace headquarters to join our demons.

Where is the headquarters of Zhongtian Temple, please give me a detailed address. "

Lin Fei pretended to consider it for a moment, then said lightly.

"Master Hui Mozun, the headquarters of Zhongtian Palace is under the ground of Hege Beach.

With your joining, Lord Silver Sky Demon Lord, the strength of our demon army will definitely rise to the next level. This time, we will surely be able to completely conquer the human warriors in the Yuanwu world! "

The Demon King was overjoyed and quickly told Lin Fei the address of Zhongtian Palace.

"Underground of Hegetan!"

Lin Fei somewhat understood why the headquarters of Zhongtiangong was so hard to find.

It turned out to be hidden under the ground!

Unexpectedly, this time, due to a mistake, the address of the Zhongtian Palace headquarters was obtained from the mouth of these demons!

"Well, well.

I have something to deal with. "

Lin Fei said coldly without expression.

Lin Fei knew that he was a fake, and the longer he stayed in front of these demons, the easier it was to be recognized.

The best way is to leave.

"Goblin, tear the space immediately and take me away."

Lin Fei's Spiritual Consciousness and Yindao.

The goblin received Lin Fei's divine consciousness transmission, immediately used his spatial talent, took Lin Fei, stepped into the void with one step, and suddenly disappeared.


"Through the void!"

The Demon Sovereign cried out in surprise.

The other demons, seeing Lin Fei and the goblins, suddenly stepped into that space, they were all dumbfounded and shocked.

"Master Demon Sovereign, is this human being really taken away by Lord Silver Sky Demon?"

There was a demon king next to him, and asked the demon king.

"In his body, there is indeed a very rich and pure demon element, as well as the aura of the Silver Sky Demon Venerable. This cannot be wrong.

However, there seems to be something wrong.

It is possible that Lord Demon Lord has just awakened and has not returned to normal.

Well, this issue, we will ignore it for the time being.

Next, we continue to look for the bones of the other Demon Kings, and strive to resurrect them sooner.

Back then, I fought with them in the Yuan Wu realm. I haven't seen each other for hundreds of years, so I miss it a bit.

go! "

The Demon Sovereign pondered for a moment and waved his hand, bringing these demons directly into the sky, turning into black clouds, and rushing upward.

After a while, he left the ruins of the Heavenly Jizong and entered the black desert above.


In the Tianjizong ruins, there was a sudden distortion in the space on the top of a certain mountain.

Then, the figures of Lin Fei and the goblin stepped out of that space.

"Huh, those demons finally left this space."

Lin Fei's spiritual consciousness was released, and it was revealed that the figures of the demons had entered the black desert above, and then they relaxed.

The demon emperor put too much pressure on Lin Fei. Lin Fei knew that although he possessed the Slaughter Sword, he would definitely be able to defeat the demon emperor.

After confirming that those demons had all left the Tianjizong ruins, Lin Fei controlled the city's teleportation power to re-transmit Grandpa Fei'er, Fei'er, and sister Ying, Yan'er.

Before, when the demons came in, Lin Fei found sister Ying and Yan'er first and sent them into the city.

Then, go to save Mayfair and her grandfather.

"Those demons are terrible!"

Grandpa Fei'er, thinking of just now, the demon clan broke through the defensive formation he had placed between raising his hands, and couldn't help feeling lingering.

"Master, don't worry, those demons have all left."

Lin Fei replied.

Lin Fei took out five or six dark red spirit grasses, smiled to Sister Ying, and Yan'er said, "Look, what is this."

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