Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 867: Miraculous Sansheng Daomu

I saw those demon bees, each of them, on the body, was mottled in color, the size of an adult yellow dog. "Wen" Ω learn Δ fan. .

The head of the demon bee has a human face, eyes, ears, mouth and nose, everything is available.

Even with a long head and disheveled hair, it was a bit surprising at first glance.

These human head monster bees all have the strength of Tier 4 monsters.

To Lin Fei, this kind of strength is simply not worth mentioning.

That group of human head bees was extremely numerous and mighty, there were tens of thousands of human head bees, covering the entire forest like locusts, like a sea tide, to swallow Lin Fei and goblins.

"Huh, looking for death!"

Lin Fei gave a cold snort.

An elemental force rushed out of the body.


Just like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, wherever the Yuanli shock wave went, a human-headed demon bee died at the sound, and all their bodies exploded.

In an instant, tens of thousands of human head bees were all killed by Lin Fei's Yuanli shock wave, and none of them could only survive.

Tier 4 monsters are just equal to the cultivation base of a human martial artist's vitality and terrain.

It can be said that with Lin Fei's current cultivation base in Void Realm, one breath can blow a large piece of it to death.


Lin Fei and the goblin turned into two streams of light, continuing to search among the gloomy bamboo forests that seemed boundless.


After a while.

"Be careful!"

Lin Fei, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped after a sudden stature.

Under the perception of divine consciousness, he couldn't help but frowned.

Under Lin Fei's reminder, the goblin stopped abruptly.

"What are these bugs? It's a bit weird."

Lin Fei looked at the forest in front, his expression a bit solemn.

"Master, this is an invisible phantom worm!"

Zi's ​​figure also immediately emerged from the magic beads, staring excitedly at the space ahead.

She and Lin Fei's divine consciousness are connected, and what Lin Fei's divine consciousness perceives, Azi can often know immediately.


Invisible Phantom Worm?

Lin Fei and the goblin were all taken aback when they heard this.

With a puzzled look, he looked at Azi, ready to listen to her explanation.

"Master, the invisible phantom worm is a kind of strange worm between heaven and earth.

After this invisible phantom worm evolves to maturity, its strength can reach the realm of the robber beast.

Moreover, the most powerful thing is that the invisible phantom has two characteristics.

First, the body of the Invisible Phantom Worm is completely transparent and invisible to the naked eye.

The invisible phantom worm that has truly evolved to maturity can't be sensed even with divine consciousness, unless it has extremely strong divine consciousness, it can barely perceive it.

Second, the invisible phantom insects are born with illusion skills, and can release a special kind of breath that affects the martial artist's spirit body, and the perception of the five senses, thereby producing hallucinations. "

Azi said.

"so smart?"

Lin Fei and the goblin stared at a certain position in the forest ahead.

In that position, nothing can be seen with the naked eye, it is completely transparent.

However, Lin Fei and the goblin's divine consciousness can perceive that there are more than a dozen tiny-fingered transparent and illusory bugs hanging there.

These dozen bugs are extremely difficult to spot.

Just now, if it wasn't for Lin Fei's very powerful divine consciousness, I guess he would rush to that place directly.

These dozen insects were all scattered, which was equivalent to the fluctuation of the demon power of the Beastmaster's strength.

For Lin Fei and the goblins, the demon beasts with the strength of the Beastmaster are naturally nothing to fear.

However, these invisible phantom insects are extremely difficult to spot, and they also know how to illusion, if they suddenly attack, it is difficult.

In this situation, even Lin Fei couldn't guarantee that he would be able to avoid it.

"Tsk tusk, this invisible phantom bug is really a bit magical."

Lin Fei couldn't help but praised.

"Of course."

As Zi said, suddenly his body moved, and he walked towards the location of the dozen phantom insects.


"Azi, you..."

Lin Fei was taken aback.

I saw Ah Zi walked to the dozen invisible phantom insects and stood still.

Then, it seemed that some method was used to communicate with those dozen invisible phantom insects.

Then, Azi carefully stretched out both palms, reaching out to the dozen invisible phantom insects.

Among the surprised expressions of Lin Fei and the goblin.

The dozen or so invisible phantom insects slowly crawled into Ah Zi's palms.

A Zi smiled and held those dozen invisible phantom insects, triumphantly walked to Lin Fei and the goblin, with a somewhat ostentatious taste.

"Azi, how do they listen to you?"

Both Lin Fei and the goblin felt very strange.

"These invisible phantom insects naturally understand illusion, and I also know illusion and can communicate with them.

I told them that I have magic beads.

The environment in the magic beads is also very suitable for the cultivation of these invisible phantom insects.

I allow them to enter my illusion orbs to practice, they are naturally very much desired.

After I take them up to maturity, they can be used against the enemy. "

As Azi said, her figure flickered, turning into a wisp of pink smoke, and she directly took the dozen or so invisible phantom insects into the magic beads.

"That's it!"

Both Lin Fei and the goblin suddenly realized.



Lin Fei and the goblin continued to search between the bamboo forests.

An hour later, somewhere in the vast bamboo forest.


The goblin seemed to have something.

His body flickered, and walked quickly towards the bamboo forest on the left.

Lin Fei heard the goblin's words, and his divine consciousness immediately moved to the left of the bamboo forest, sensing it from a distance.

"Sansheng Daomu!"

Lin Fei's face immediately showed ecstasy.

Thunder step unfolded, and instantly caught up with the goblin's body.

After a stick of incense.

Lin Fei and the goblin came to a clearing in the bamboo forest at the same time.

Lin Fei's breathing was a bit heavy, with fiery eyes, staring at a short distance. There was a small, very narrow wet gap between four or five bamboos.

In the gap, there is a small tree with a black and yellow color, about 5o centimeters high.

This little tree is very peculiar, except for the main pole of the tree body, it has only six branches and only three leaves!

There was a faint black light.

Looking at this small tree measuring only 5o cm.

Lin Fei suddenly appeared.

On that branch, there are six doors faintly.

Every door, the door is open, the smoke is soaring, and a mysterious atmosphere is emitted, all seeming to lead to a certain deep and unknowable world.

Above those three leaves, unexpectedly, many illusory scenes appeared in an instant.

In those scenes, there are many babies born and many old people about to die. The themes are all about birth and death.

"It turns out, Elder An, what he said turned out to be true."

Lin Fei was stunned and shouted magically.

It turns out that the three-life Tao tree is a very mysterious spiritual tree.

It implies many laws and laws between heaven and earth.

The six branches represent the six reincarnations.

The three leaves represent the three lives, the previous life, this life, and the next life.

Originally, Lin Fei still had doubts about what Elder An said.

It's just a kind of spirit wood, where can there be such a magical.

However, after witnessing it with his own eyes, Lin Fei completely believed in the magic of this three-life Tao tree.

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