Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 872: Is it really Lin Fei?

"Take you away?

Where are you going?

I may be different from you. 』』ΔLiterature fan. . "

Lin Fei groaned.

To be honest, what Lin Fei wanted most now was to return to the Heavenly Cang Pavilion as quickly as possible.

Because judging from the current situation, there seem to be many places in this triangle that have fallen into the hands of the demons.

Tiancang Pavilion had a festival with Zhongtian Temple, Lin Fei was very worried that Zhongtian Temple had already taken action on Tiancang Pavilion.

With the Zhongtian Palace and the strength of the Demon Race, Lin Fei knew that even if the Heavenly Cang Pavilion headquarters relied on the Eighteen Luo Soldiers formation, it was impossible to resist it.

"Senior, just take us out of this area that has fallen into the hands of the demons."

Both Wang Yu and Wang Chan looked at Lin Fei nervously.

Because Lin Fei's attitude is likely to determine their life and death.

Both of them knew that with their strength, it would be difficult to safely get out of this area controlled by the demons.


In that case, I will take you away together. "

Lin Fei watched the embarrassment of the two, and finally couldn't bear to leave them behind.

Although these two women had chased and killed themselves many times, Lin Fei decided to take them away.

"Okay, let's go."

In front of Wang Yu and Wang Chan, Lin Fei did not take out the dragon and phoenix.

So, Lin Fei unfolded his figure and flew away in the direction of Zhongtian Palace.

Wang Yu and Wang Chan hurriedly expanded their posture and followed behind Lin Fei.


Along the way, the three of them encountered some sporadic small teams of demons from time to time.

However, the strength is not very strong.

All are the strength of magic soldiers and magic generals.

With such strength, Lin Fei was naturally very easy to deal with.

Moreover, Lin Fei's divine consciousness is also always aware of the situation ahead. Once he encounters a large number of demons, he immediately detours.

Finally, after flying for three days, he left the area controlled by the demons.

"Well, now, you have left the control area of ​​the Demon Race, where are you going to go."

Lin Fei suddenly stopped.

Wang Yu and Wang Chan also stopped their bodies quickly.

Wang Yu pondered for a moment, and said to Lin Fei: "Senior, some time ago, the Yuanwu Circle Nanda 6 Alliance army entered the triangle to conquer the Zhongtian Palace and the demons.

The alliance army sent a total of five vanguard teams to sneak into the Zhongtian Palace and the area controlled by the demons. The task was to investigate the situation of the demons.

Our two sisters and the master joined one of the vanguard squads, but shortly after entering the area controlled by the demons, they were discovered by the demons.

Our vanguard team, except for my two sisters, were all killed by the demons.

Now, our two sisters plan to return to the station of the Alliance Army.

This time, I really want to thank seniors for their life-saving grace.

Otherwise, our two sisters must have been killed by the demons. "

Wang Yu replied to Lin Fei.

"Well, all right.

Let's leave it alone. "

Lin Fei said indifferently.

Then, he unfolded his body technique, and was ready to leave in the direction of Tiancang Pavilion.



Wang Chan kept looking at Lin Fei, and suddenly bit her teeth and shouted.

"Oh, is there anything else?"

Lin Fei was taken aback, her figure paused.

"Senior, I feel that you are like someone I know..."

Wang Chan hesitated.

Wang Yu was also taken aback when he heard this.

Lin Fei was also taken aback, thinking, this woman's feeling is really terrifying, does he really recognize me?

"I think you have admitted the wrong person."

Lin Fei didn't look back, his figure moved, and in an instant, he was already flying away.

Wang Chan looked at Lin Fei's back without turning his head. He didn't know why, and he felt a little bit lost.

"Chan'er, do you think this person is a bit like Lin Fei?"

After Lin Fei left, Wang Yu asked suddenly.

"Sister Yu, do you think so too!"

Wang Chan called softly.

"Yes, the sword technique he used to deal with the demons before, cut out with a single sword, lightning and thunder, it is very similar to Lin Fei's sword technique.

Moreover, the tone of his words is very similar to Lin Fei.

In addition to appearance, he and Lin Fei seem to have many similarities. "

Wang Yuqing frowned and said.

"Sister Yu, according to what I said, is this person really Lin Fei?

If his is really Lin Fei, why should he save us? "

Wang Chan's eyes lit up.

"It's hard to say that people in the world are very similar.

Then Lin Fei, in the Da Neng Mansion, got so many waste weapons, he most likely hid somewhere, shouldn't dare to come out like this and walk around.

Most likely, we have recognized the wrong person.

Chan'er, do you still hate Lin Fei that much? "

Wang Yu asked.

"Sister Yu, I don't know..."

Wang Chan's eyes revealed a bit of confusion.

In the past, as long as she thought of Lin Fei, her heart was full of hatred, and she wanted to kill Lin Fei immediately.

However, now, when I think of Lin Fei, the emotions in my heart seem to have some other complicated emotions that don't show up.

"Oh, Chan'er, don't think about it.

Let's go too.

It's very close to the demons controlled area, and it's not very safe. "

Therefore, Wang Yu and Wang Chan also used their physical skills to leave.


Besides, Lin Fei, after leaving Wang Yu and Wang Chan, he immediately took out the dragon and phoenix.

Toward the direction of Tiancang Pavilion.

If it hadn't been for Wang Yu and Wang Chan, Lin Fei would take advantage of this dragon and phoenix to return to Tiancang Pavilion early in the morning.

Where does it take to waste three days in the middle.

Standing in the dragon and phoenix, four or five hours later.

Tiancang Pavilion is in sight.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness immediately moved towards the Tiancang Pavilion, perceiving the past.

Inside the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, there seemed to be calm and calm, and the people inside were all busy with their own affairs in an orderly manner.

Lin Fei sighed softly and relaxed.

It seemed that Heavenly Cang Pavilion was safe and sound during the period of time he left.

Lin Fei put the dragon and phoenix away.

Unfolding Shenfa, flying towards the Sky Cang Pavilion headquarters.

When approaching the gate of the mountain.

"who is it!

No one, without consent, shall not enter the Heavenly Cang Pavilion! "

Suddenly, at the gate of the mountain, more than a dozen figures flew up, and the volley blocked Lin Fei's path.

"it's me."

Lin Fei replied, looking at the dozen or so people who stopped him, feeling a little strange.

Lin Fei knew all the people who guarded the gate of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, but the dozen or so people in front of him were all strangers, and didn't know any of them.

Even these dozens of people do not seem to be disciples of Tiancang Pavilion.

Could it be that all the disciples guarding the gate of the Supreme Master Commander have been replaced?


No matter who you are, no one is allowed to trespass in the headquarters of Tiancang Pavilion!

Otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite! "

One of them, who seemed to be the warrior of the team leader, shouted at Lin Fei.

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