Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 875: Melee

At this time, the Feihu Gang leader had stopped screaming and fell on the ground, motionless, obviously dead. ΔΩ. .

The five experts in the catastrophe realm of the Black Wind Group were even more shocked and angry.

"I will kill this person first!"

Heifeng Regiment, a junior of Yingjie Realm, took the lead, condensed a powerful hand, volleyed towards Lin Fei.

He saw that Lin Fei was only a beginner in the Void Realm, and he didn't use any vitality martial arts at all.

I thought that simply relying on the huge gap in the realm of vitality was enough to crush Lin Fei.

Lin Fei had already jumped with murderous intent and suddenly took the Slaughter Sword in his hand.

The monstrous blood-red killing intent quickly spread.


Lin Fei swung his sword.

Two huge blood-red sword auras slashed towards the elementary level of the Yingjie Realm.

"Waste tool!"

Lin Fei's Slaughter Sword was taken out.

The five experts in the Anti-Tribulation Realm of the Black Wind Group felt the extremely powerful blood-red killing intent from the Slaughter Sword, and their expressions changed greatly.

I immediately recognized that this sword turned out to be a magic weapon of the waste weapon level!


With two loud noises, the elementary level of the Yingjie Realm, in a hurry, desperately used his vitality and martial arts to resist, but no one could resist it.

Two blood-red sword auras directly cut through all his resistance and directly bombarded his body.

Suddenly, this strong man from the Catastrophe Realm of the Black Wind Group, like a kite with a broken line, was thrown away from a distance, hit the ground fiercely, unable to move, and vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood.

Then, his neck crooked and he died.


"Do it!"

Lin Fei instructed the Heavenly Cang Pavilion and the Green Wolf Gang behind him.

At the same time, the Slaughter Sword in his hand slashed out two or three **** sword auras, blasting into the black wind group and the flying tiger gang.

The Black Wind Regiment and Feihu Gang, those virtual realm and noble realm warriors, how can they withstand the attack of Slaughter Sword.

One by one, weeping fathers and mothers, fleeing desperately.

In an instant, there were hundreds of virtual realm and noble realm martial artists, and their bodies were cut off by those two or three **** sword auras.

"Lin Fei, I see, he must be Lin Fei!"

Suddenly, Elder Ning seemed to have thought of something and shouted.

"Yes, he is Lin Fei!

Unexpectedly, he was hiding in the headquarters of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion. "

"Attack him together!

As long as we kill him, all the weapons on his body will belong to us. "

At this moment, the remaining four strong men of the Black Wind Regiment recognized Lin Fei's identity.

At the same time, it was also very greedy for Lin Fei's waste weapon.

According to the legend, Lin Fei was in the Da Neng Mansion, but he had obtained four waste weapons!

"Hmph, just relying on you rubbish, also want to get involved in the waste tool!"

Lin Fei shouted coldly.

As soon as his mind moved, a huge roar of beast sounded, and the unicorn thunder beast in the dantian immediately rushed out.

Bathed in the dazzling lightning arc, he attacked a low-level catastrophe in the Black Wind Group.

As for the Supreme Master Teacher, at this moment, he was also cooperating, and attacked an intermediate level of the Black Wind Regiment's Ying Tribulation Realm.

In this way, in the Black Wind Group, there is only one intermediate level of the tribulation realm and one primary level of the tribulation realm.

Lin Fei's slaughter sword swish swish, beheaded three **** sword auras in a row, and attacked Elder Naning.

At the same time, with a movement of mind, a demon with a devil and twenty flying spears simultaneously penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness, which is the last elementary level of the Black Wind Regiment.

Elder Naning, facing the Slaughter Sword's attack, there was no slightest delay, and all the defensive magic weapons on his body were taken out and blocked in front of him.

Moreover, the whole body's vitality gushed fiercely, condensing into a golden Dapeng bird, rushing to three blood-colored sword qi.


A series of crisp sounds.

In front of Elder Naning, all the defensive magic weapons were like paper, and when they touched the three **** sword auras, they all shattered.


The golden roc bird and three **** sword auras collided together.

Instantly turned into nothingness.

Then, in Elder Ning's horrified gaze, three **** sword auras directly blasted on his body.

Elder Ning's body suddenly flew out.

And the elementary Ying robbery realm who was attacked by Lin Fei's consciousness, stood there, his face changed drastically.

In the sea of ​​his consciousness, a demon of divine consciousness and twenty flying spears of divine consciousness were desperately pursuing his divine soul body.

His mind was all placed in the sea of ​​knowledge, and he dealt with it wholeheartedly.

There is no extra thought to deal with the outside situation.

Lin Fei moved his body, unfolded in a thunderous step, and teleported to the elementary level of Yingjie Realm.

With a punch, 40 million jin of power was poured out to him.

"Do not!"

At the elementary level of Ying's robbery realm, the soul is flying beyond the sky, and the sea of ​​consciousness is controlled, which greatly reduces his response.

When Lin Fei's fist blasted out, it was already time for him to evade his body skills.

In the rush, the only thing that can be done is to extract all the elemental power in the body to form a layer of elemental force defense layer on the surface of the body.


Lin Fei's fist hit his surface.

The body of Yingjie Realm Elementary shook violently.

His face was flushed, and at the corner of his mouth, there was already a trace of blood oozing out.

The strength of the robbery realm is indeed much stronger than the warrior of the virtual realm.

If it were a Void Martial Artist, under Lin Fei's fist, his body would explode long ago.

Boom boom boom boom...

Lin Fei gained the momentum to forgive others, hitting the black wind group's primary body of Yingjie Realm with a dozen punches in a row.


Finally, the body of this Yingjie Realm elementary blast exploded into a cloud of blood.



Elder Na Ning of the Black Wind Regiment, at this moment, was already injured, watching the situation in front of him, knowing that the general situation is over.

He stopped drinking, and wanted to take the people away.

"Hmph, Tiancang Pavilion, is it the place where you can come and leave if you want!"

Lin Fei shouted.

The Slaying Sword in his hand was swung again and again, and three or four huge **** sword auras were slashed out one after another, toward Elder Na Ning.

Elder Na Ning was shocked, what else could he care about, immediately unfolded Shen Fa, turned around and fled.

However, no matter how fast his body style was, it couldn't be faster than the **** sword aura from Slaughter Sword.


Three or four **** sword auras slashed on his back at the same time.

In an instant, Elder Ning of the Black Wind Group's body completely exploded, and the flesh and bones scattered all over the sky.

"None of the members of the Black Wind Group and the Flying Tigers can be let go!"

At this moment, the people of the Celestial Pavilion had already been fighting with the people of the Black Wind Regiment and the Flying Tigers.

People continue to die.

In the Celestial Headquarters, shouting and killing shook the sky.

Lin Fei moved towards the Supreme Master Teacher.

The Intermediate Yingjie Realm of the Black Wind Regiment who was fighting against the Supreme Master, when Lin Fei came over with the Slaughter Sword, how dare he continue to fight.

With a flicker, he wanted to escape.

Master Taishang could see his intention at a glance, and while his figure was moving, his vitality surgingly attacked him, where he was willing to let him escape.

Lin Fei rushed to Master Taishang's side, cutting out the Slaughter Sword in his hand again and again, with **** sword aura, attacking the past.

In a short while, this middle-level Ying Jie Realm was already beheaded.

Then, Lin Fei moved his body and teleported to the side of the Unicorn Thunder Beast, killing **** sword auras.

A few couldn't breathe, and with the cooperation of the Unicorn Thunder Beast, they had already beheaded the last member of the Black Wind Regiment, the elementary tribulation realm.

Then, Lin Fei put away the Slaughter Sword, no longer shot, carrying both hands on his back, coldly scanning the remaining members of the Black Wind Group and Feihu Gang.

The Supreme Master and the Unicorn Thunder Beast shot at the same time, and within a moment, all the Black Wind Regiment and the Flying Tiger Clan had been killed within the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters, and indeed none of them remained. !

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