Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 878: Time refers

Before practicing Burning God Art. .ん.

Lin Fei first took out tens of thousands of sacred crystals and placed them around his body. The soul tree flew out of the sea of ​​consciousness to absorb the essence of those sacred crystals.

Constantly transformed into divine consciousness.

Because, in the process of cultivating the Burning God Art, it takes a lot of divine consciousness, so Lin Fei naturally needs to make sufficient preparations.

Then, Lin Fei entered the practice of Burning God Art.

This burning **** technique, the core practice, is to use **** consciousness to create a bunch of flames.

This is the hardest point.

Lin Fei's consciousness was completely immersed in his own sea of ​​knowledge.

According to the method recorded in Burning God Art, he began to extract his own divine consciousness power and refine that divine consciousness flame.

This step requires great patience.

First, the power of divine consciousness should be highly compressed.

After compressing the power of divine consciousness to the extreme, using a special method to refine a bunch of divine consciousness flames.

An hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.


The cultivation time is the longest.

In the secret room, Lin Fei did not move, sitting cross-legged.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Finally, three days later.

At a certain moment, Lin Fei suddenly opened his eyes, and there was joy in his eyes.

Because, after three days of hard work.

Lin Fei finally produced a bunch of white flames of divine consciousness in the sea of ​​knowledge.

This bunch of flames is very small, only the size of a peanut.

"Is this the flame of divine consciousness?"

Lin Feinei looked at the white flames in the sea of ​​consciousness, somewhat curious.

According to the record in that burning **** technique, this bunch of **** consciousness flame uses **** consciousness power as fuel, which can burn **** consciousness power.

"Is it really that amazing?"

Lin Fei was a little dubious.

However, Lin Fei would not use his knowledge of the sea as an experiment.

Only the next time you confront the enemy can you test how powerful this beam of divine consciousness is.

So far, Lin Fei had successfully practiced this burning magic technique.


Next, Lin Fei began to practice a kind of martial art recorded in the secret book of heavenly secrets.

Time [Wu Ai Novel] means!

This time refers to the rules of time and space in it.

Therefore, to practice time refers to the principle of time and space.

As for how to perceive the laws of time and space, many detailed methods have been given in the cultivation methods of time.

So, next, Lin Fei began to realize the laws of time and space.

Originally, the laws of time and space are very profound and difficult to understand.

However, the laws of time and space to be applied in this time reference are very superficial and superficial.

Therefore, after spending three or four days, Lin Fei had a vague understanding of time and space. He had some very superficial understanding of time and space.

It is no wonder that Lin Fei is not only very powerful in divine consciousness, but also very powerful in soul understanding and perception.

For others, it may be something very mysterious and difficult to understand, but Lin Fei can often get results after careful consideration.

On the fifth day, Lin Fei began to practice this time.

In the secret room.

Lin Fei followed the practice method of Guangzhi at that time, stretched out his finger over and over again, poking towards the opposite side.

Every time Lin Fei poked a finger, the speed was very slow, almost acting out.

However, inside the secret room, there was the sound of Chi Chi Chi's powerful Yuan Li breaking through the sky.

In the wall opposite Lin Fei, deep holes the size of fingers continued to appear.

A day later, the wall opposite Lin Fei could not find any complete place.

It's horrible.

Two days later, Lin Fei still poked his fingers over and over again, tirelessly.

However, at this time, as Lin Fei's fingers kept poking out, inside the secret room, there was no more sound of Yuan Li breaking through the air.

There were no new holes in the wall opposite Lin Fei.


Three days later.

Lin Fei gently poked out a finger, and a huge shadow immediately appeared in front of him.

This phantom image turned out to be a finger.

The phantom shadow of this finger is extremely large, and its diameter alone is ten meters!

On the fingers, the texture is clear, skin, fingerprints, and even hairs.

A huge force of Yuan force spread out from the phantom shadow of this finger.

"go with!"

Lin Fei gave a soft sigh.

The shadow of this huge finger trembled slightly.

It just disappeared.

Outside of Lin Fei's secret room, it was a piece of grass.

Beyond the grass, there is a dense forest.

In the dense forest, there are dense towering trees growing lush and lush.


Above this dense forest, without warning, a huge phantom finger suddenly appeared.

This huge finger phantom slammed down and rushed out of the dense forest below.


After a loud noise, a huge explosion suddenly occurred in the entire dense forest.

The extremely powerful shock wave of Yuanli spread out.


The towering trees were picked up by their roots, swept away by the gust of wind, and flung away.

Flying sand and rocks, boulders collapsed into the sky, and in the blink of an eye, more than half of the entire dense forest was destroyed.

"what's up!"

The huge movement of this forest immediately attracted the attention of many experts in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

One after another fierce figures shot towards this mountain in an instant.

This mountain is the place where Lin Fei's practice secret room is located. If anything goes wrong, no one can be responsible.

After a while, dozens of figures hovered above the dense forest.

"Does anyone know.

What exactly is going on? "

As one person, it was the Supreme Master, he asked the others.

All of them shook their heads.

"What a powerful Yuan Li exploded, this dense forest was destroyed like this by a single move!"

Master Taishang frowned and said.

When the others heard it, they all showed shocked expressions.

Destroying this dense forest with one move, such a person is definitely an unfathomable master.

Could it be that in the headquarters of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, a master whom no one knows lurked in?


In the secret room, Lin Fei also sensed the situation outside.

Can not help but laugh.

Unexpectedly, this time of my own practice has shocked so many people.

This time means that because of some laws of time and space, there are two wonderful things.

The first one is to be able to break through the space and cross the space. When fighting the enemy, you can directly ignore the obstacles in the middle, and you can go over the obstacles and hit the target you want to attack.

This is similar to fighting cattle from a mountain.

Second, this time refers to a wonderful time difference, which is difficult for ordinary people to dodge.

When the enemy saw Shiguangzhi attacking him, in fact, at this time, Shiguangzhi had already hit his body.

When the time finger was used, all the scenes the other party saw were delayed.

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