Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 889: Magic Shinto

Then, Lin Fei's body moved suddenly. " 文"Learning "Mystery. Δ.

call out!

One is divided into two, two is divided into four...

Between a breath.

Ten identical Lin Fei appeared in the secret room, you looked at me, I looked at you, very interesting.

With these ten phantoms, Lin Fei was really relaxed, and he successfully cultivated.

At the same time, in Lin Fei's heart, he also admired the magical powers of this demons.

Such a magical avatar can indeed only be used by the demons who cultivate the demon essence.

"It seems that next, we have to try that fusion."

Lin Fei grinned in the secret room.

So he left the secret room directly and confessed to the Supreme Master.

Then, take out the dragon and phoenix nun and step into it.

With a squeak, it disappeared.

After half an hour.

Outside of Gaoguang City, a certain space.

A stream of light flashed, and then Longfeng Nian stopped.

Lin Fei stepped out of the dragon and phoenix and put it away.

Looking at Gaoguang City not far away, Lin Fei's mouth held a faint smile.

Lin Fei was thinking of the demons in Gaoguang City.

The power of divine consciousness was released, and soon, Lin Fei found the nine demon kings in Gaoguang City.

"Goblin, thank you very much."

Lin Fei called the goblin out.

The goblin immediately used his spatial talent and led Lin Fei into the void.


In the high light city.

In a certain room.

A demon king, wrapped in a thick black demon aura, seemed to be practicing some kind of demon secret technique.

Suddenly, in the room, a dark magic air mass suddenly appeared.


The devil was taken aback for a moment, and asked quickly.

He looked at the dark demon energy, thinking that it must be a demon.

"it's me!"

A voice came out of the dark magic energy.

"It turned out to be the Demon King Root, didn't you go chasing that human today?

What happened to it. "

In the room, the demon asked.

"The human being has been killed by me. However, I was also seriously injured.

Come ask you to heal me! "

The voice that came from the group of demonic energy answered.

Lin Fei is naturally among this group of demonic energy.

The voices of these answers were the demon king's answer when Lin Fei forced the sea of ​​knowledge.

Lin Fei knew the devil in the sea. At this moment, his life was completely controlled by Lin Fei. Naturally, Lin Fei asked him to do what he had to do.

"Look for me to heal?"

In the room, the demon couldn't help being taken aback.

"Yes, only you can help."

A voice came from the group of demonic energy.

Moreover, this group of demonic energy began to move towards the room, and the demon king floated over.

Then, when this group of demonic energy is about to approach that demon king.

The devilish energy suddenly collected, and now it was Lin Fei who came alone.

Lin Fei put away the devilish energy, moved his body, thunderously displayed, and crashed into the demon king.

Within such a short distance, Lin Fei's figure was simply teleporting.

"It's you!

How is your root demon king? "

The Demon King immediately recognized Lin Fei and immediately roared.

"I'll find you to accompany them"


Lin Fei's body slammed into that demon king's body.

Within such a short distance, the Demon King had no time to dodge.



Lin Fei let out a soft cry.

Suddenly, the body of the demon king was forcibly pulled towards Lin Fei by a powerful force.

"What are you doing!"

The demon king was horrified and wanted to struggle away.

Lin Fei clasped his arms, released a 40 million jin of power, and the devil couldn't move at all.

As Lin Shizhang came to melt, the demon king's body began to shrink sharply, turning into a black magic energy, which was absorbed by Lin Fei's body.

In the end, the entire body of the demon king disappeared, completely absorbed by Lin Fei.

call out!

A black light flashed, trying to escape from Lin Fei.

Lin Fei had already noticed.

A powerful force of divine consciousness violently rushed out and blasted toward the black light.


The black light roared sternly, heartbreaking.

Then, twenty flying spears of divine consciousness appeared around this black light.

"Tell me how to practice your magic supernatural powers."

Lin Fei said coldly.

"Don't think about it!"

The black light roared.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and a flying spear of divine consciousness slammed against the black light.


The black light suddenly made a tragic cry, which was very painful.

In the end, under Lin Fei's torment, the black light revealed a demon clan's magical power cultivation method, called the white bone demon claw.

In the end, the 2o roots of Spiritual Sense flew spears, and with a blow, the black light disappeared completely.


At the same time that the black light screamed, a wave of powerful sense perceptions shot into this room.

A group of fierce figures, now the location of this room is coming in a hurry.

But at this time, the goblin had already displayed his spatial talent and left the room with Lin Fei.

After a while, the experts in the Yingjie Realm of Zhongtian Palace and those demon kings all rushed to this room.

The room was empty, nothing.

Outside Gaoguang City, Lin Fei and the goblin stepped out of the void.

Lin Fei checked the situation in his body, and found that the magic element in his body had increased a lot.

It seems that Fusion can really directly absorb the demons of the demons!

Lin Fei was very satisfied, as long as he absorbed more demons from the demons, he would naturally be able to cultivate more magical powers from the demons.

In the next day, Lin Fei took advantage of the goblin's spatial talents, came and went without a trace, one by one, all the demon kings in Gaoguang City were absorbed by the melt.

Lin Fei had more and more magic elements in his body, and accumulated a considerable amount.

As the demon kings decreased one by one, the entire Gaoguang City was completely plunged into chaos.

All the people and horses of the Zhongtian Palace and the Demon Race were searching everywhere on the street, almost turning the entire land of Gaoguang City upside down.

However, nothing happened.

The goblin's spatial talent is extremely wonderful, as long as it escapes into the void, it is equivalent to going to another world, and there is no trace of it at all.

In the end, Lin Fei got ten magic supernatural powers of the demons.

Of course, Lin Fei is not interested in many of them.

After all, it is not useful if you are greedy.

Only things that are truly powerful and suitable for you are useful.

After selection, Lin Fei decided to practice the bone demon claw and the roar of the demon sound.

Now, Lin Fei's body has absorbed a total of ten demon kings' magic essence, and it is naturally very easy to cultivate these two magic supernatural powers.

After half a day, the Bone Demon Claw and the Demon Voice's Roar both succeeded in cultivation.

"Well, this Gaoguang City, it's time to call it out."

Lin Fei muttered to himself.

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