Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 891: Don't be so impatient

It turned out that Xiaoyu's father followed the Yugoslav Army to come to this triangle together to crusade the Zhongtian Palace and the demons. ". Δ.

However, after Xiaoyu's father left the real magic gate, Xiaoyu and Xiaofei sneaked out and secretly followed Xiaoyu's father to the triangle.

After arriving in the triangle, Xiaoyu's father discovered and brought him by.

Later, Xiaoyu's father and part of the Yugoslavians were besieged in a city called Qiyun City in the Triangle Area.

The Zhongtian Palace and the demon people have surrounded Qiyun City.

This part of the Yugoslav League wanted to break through and leave many times, but the strength was simply not enough.

Xiaoyu's father was seriously injured in an attempt to break through.

Seeing that there is no hope of breaking through, Xiaoyu's father, and the elders of the real magic door, desperately sent Xiaoyu and Xiaofei out of Qiyun City.

Xiao Yu's father asked Xiao Yu and Xiao Fei to come directly to the Heavenly Cang Pavilion to find Lin Fei, which meant that he would naturally ask Lin Fei to help protect Xiao Yu and Xiao Fei's safety.

Xiaoyu's father knew Lin Fei's strength very well. It should be more than enough to protect Xiaoyu and Xiaofei's safety.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoyu and Xiaofei had not yet gone to the Heavenly Cang Pavilion. When they passed Gaoguang City, they were caught by the demons.

As for saving Xiaoyu's father, it was Xiaoyu's intention.


After listening to Xiaoyu's remarks, Lin Fei understood the whole story.

"Lin Fei, are you going to save my father?

My father was so badly injured that he couldn't do anything at all.

If the demons attack the city, my father will definitely die.

My mother died early, and now, I and Dad are the only ones who depend on each other. If Dad has anything to do, I don’t want to live. "

Xiaoyu was very excited, crying, her temperament has always been this way, she said whatever she thought of, without concealing it.

"Don't worry, I will save it naturally."

Lin Fei comforted Xiao Yu for a while.

It is directly transporting Xiaoyu and Xiaofei into the city.

Then, he took out the dragon and phoenix nun and returned to the headquarters of the Tiancang Pavilion.

Lin Fei gave an explanation to the Supreme Master.

He also told the Supreme Master to teach the news that the Zhongtian Palace and the demons in Gaoguang City had all been eliminated.

It is estimated that within a few days, the Heavenly Cang Pavilion will not be in trouble for the time being.

"Master, you killed all the demons and Zhongtian Palace people in Gaoguang City?!"

After Master Supreme Master heard the news, he couldn't help being stunned, looking at Lin Fei as if he was looking at a monster.

He is an intermediate powerhouse in Yingjie Realm, but he was injured when he fought with a demon king of the Demon Race before only a few moves.

However, Lin Fei now killed all the demons and the people in Zhongtian Palace within the entire Gaoguang City.

This is, a total of ten demon kings, and ten strong men in the catastrophe realm!

This kind of news made the master teacher too, unable to recover from the shock for a long time.

call out!

A stream of light flashed.

Lin Fei stood among the dragons and phoenixes and left the Zhongtian Palace directly.

Before leaving, Lin Fei had asked the direction of Qiyun City.

The dragon and the phoenix, in the sky above the triangle, showed a breakpoint-like trajectory, flew by, and went directly towards the direction of Qiyun City.


after one day.

Above the horizon, a relatively large city appeared.

It is Qiyun City.

Lin Fei came out of the dragon and phoenix and put away the dragon and phoenix.

Perceived by the power of divine consciousness, a strong devilish energy rose into the sky around Qiyun City.

Sure enough, the entire Qiyun City has been surrounded by the demons and the Zhongtian Temple.

On the four walls of Qiyun City, there are also warriors of the Yugoslav League standing full of them, all guarded.

Above and below the city, the people on both sides are facing each other.

However, the demons and the people of Zhongtian Palace do not seem to be eager to attack the city.

Lin Fei came all the way and found that this area of ​​Triangle Land had already fallen under the control of the Demon Race and Zhongtian Palace.

This Qiyun City has become a lonely city, isolated and helpless.

Therefore, those people in the Zhongtian Palace and the Demon Race are not in a hurry to attack. This may be the reason.

This Qiyun City is surrounded by a large number of demons and Zhongtiangong people. It is very difficult to break in.

But for Lin Fei, it was not a problem at all.

Because there are goblins.

Lin Fei called the goblin out.

Then, the goblin took Lin Fei and fled directly into the void.

After a while.

In Qiyun City, a certain piece of sky.

There was a slight turbulence in one space, and then the figures of Lin Fei and the goblin stepped out of that space.

Inside Qiyun City, there was an atmosphere of sadness and despair everywhere.

Pedestrians are scarce, and any market is deserted, there are no shops, no stalls, and no trading.

Only occasionally there are some warriors who walk across the empty streets.

Looking around, there was depression and despair everywhere.


With a movement of Lin Fei's mind, Xiaoyu and Xiaofei were teleported out of the city on him.

"here is……

Qiyun City!

We are in Qiyun City! "

Xiaoyu and Xiaofei were both surprised and strange, and couldn't help being surprised and admired by Lin Fei's methods.

Not long ago, they didn't know how difficult it was, and they ran out of this city.

Unexpectedly, it suddenly appeared in this city.

"Okay, take me there first, and see your father."

Lin Fei said to Xiaoyu.

Right now, Xiao Yu and Xiao Fei led Lin Fei towards a taller building on the east side of the city.


Miss, you..., why are you... back again. "

Just stepping into the gate, an old man walked out.

Seeing Xiaoyu and Xiaofei, she was stunned.

Then, Xiaoyu took Lin Fei into a room.

In this room, there is a bed on which lies a tall middle-aged man.

It is Xiaoyu's father.

"Xiaoyu, Xiaofei, Lin Fei!"

Xiaoyu's father also did not expect that these three people would suddenly appear here.

"Haha, senior, don't worry, I can enter and leave this city at will. I come in mainly to take senior out."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

Lin Fei had the city on him, coupled with the goblin's spatial talent, it was actually a very simple matter to rescue Xiaoyu's father.

"You can go in and out at will..."

Xiaoyu's father looked at Lin Fei, a little dubious.

Although he knew that Lin Fei was a very enchanting person.

However, this Qiyun City is now surrounded by the Demon Race and Zhongtian Palace.

"Senior, how many people are there in your true magic door, call them all in.

I will take you away from this odd luck city now. "

Lin Fei said.

"Leaving Qiyun City now?"

Xiaoyu's father couldn't help being taken aback.

"Lin Fei, even if you want to break through, you have to pick a good time.

It's best to be at night, and you have to make enough preparations, and it's not too late to break through.

Don't be so impatient. "

Xiaoyu's father said.

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