Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 904: Disagree

Immediately, the atmosphere in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion began to become tense, and everyone was preparing quickly. "Wen ΔΩ school fan. .

Lin Fei took the Supreme Master and flew away from the gate and stood outside the gate.

Lin Fei asked them to withdraw all the disciples guarding the mountain gate immediately.

Because the cultivation base of these disciples is very weak, they continue to stay here, and when the demons arrive, maybe they will all die when they meet each other.

Outside the mountain gate, only Lin Fei and Master Taishang were left, standing quietly in the air.

Lin Fei perceives it out with spiritual consciousness.

About 10,000 meters away, a large group of people and horses, dark as ink, rushed straight into the sky, sweeping across the sky mightily, like locusts crossing the border, densely packed, and coming in the direction of Tiancang Pavilion.

"It seems that this time, the Demon Race and Zhongtian Palace have really spent their money."

Perceiving the scale of the demons and the Zhongtian Palace, Lin Fei frowned slightly.

This number is already several times the number in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

And from the fierce aura radiating from the demons and the Zhongtian Palace personnel, it can be seen that the opponent's combat strength is far greater than the strength of the personnel in the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters, and it is not comparable at all.

Lin Fei couldn't help laughing wryly.

It seemed that the current strength of Tiancang Pavilion was indeed too weak.

There is only one person who teaches the Supreme Master.

The rest are below the virtual realm.

This kind of strength, let alone starting a sect, establishing one's own power, even if it is self-protection, it is also a problem.

Lin Fei knew that the Heavenly Cang Pavilion could really work now, probably the eighteen soldiers and himself.

"It seems that in the future, we have to train some masters well. It will not last long to support the scene alone."

Lin Fei muttered to himself.


"Master, the demons and the people from Zhongtian Temple seem to be very powerful!"

At this moment, Taishang Zhangjiao also sensed it, with a worried expression on his face.

"Soldiers will come to block, and water will come and soil will be flooded. Since they are here, we can't show weakness."

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Yes, we must not fall into the name of our Heavenly Cang Pavilion."

The Supreme Master's spirit refreshed.

In the recent period, in the triangle, all the large and small force organizations, and most of the human warriors, have already withdrawn from the triangle six times.

Only the Heavenly Cang Pavilion still sticks to the headquarters, and news that the Heavenly Cang Pavilion has frustrated the Zhongtian Temple’s attack two or three times has spread throughout the triangle.

Therefore, in the recent period, Tiancang Pavilion has long become the focal point of the entire Triangle Area and has become one of the hot topics discussed by everyone.

"Well, as long as you can persist, just stick to it. The Demon Race and Zhongtian Temple want to swallow our Heavenly Cang Pavilion for no reason. It is not that easy. They have to pay a price."

Lin Fei stared at the direction of the Demon Race and the Zhongtian Palace, and his eyes revealed a fierce and determined look.

The Supreme Master was infected by Lin Fei's attitude, and his fighting spirit gradually rose.


In such a short time, the demons and the people of Zhongtian Palace have come about four or five thousand away.

Looking into the distance, beyond the sky, the overwhelming black clouds can already be seen moving away quickly, and the light of that sky is completely dimmed.

As if the storm is about to come, the dark clouds are overwhelming, revealing a bit of tension and depression before the war.

Lin Fei looked at the large black cloud in the sky, and his heart moved.

His sister's.

Rather than waiting here, let me do it first and give them a meeting gift.

Just do it.

"Wait here, I'll go and give them a good start!"

Lin Fei said to Master Taishang.

Then, with a movement of his body, he unfolded in a thunderous step, and instantly appeared thousands of meters away.

Lin Fei started a thunderous step now, teleporting almost a thousand meters.

"Master, you..."

Master Supreme Master saw Lin Fei's behavior, and couldn't help being surprised.

In front of the opponent's large team, they came violently. The Supreme Master Teacher couldn't expect that Lin Fei went up and killed directly.

"Oh, my master!"

Master Supreme Master couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly. At the same time, looking at Lin Fei's back, his eyes also showed an expression of admiration.


When it was about two kilometers away from the demons and the Zhongtian Temple.

Lin Fei had a stature.

"Well, try the magic light glimpse."

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and the magic element between the bones in his body surged out.

call out!

Immediately, there were numerous afterimages and countless afterimages and phantoms appeared.

next moment.

Lin Fei's figure has disappeared.

It turned out that the magic light glimpse, in addition to being able to teleport with one thought, there is another magical thing.

That is, a slight movement of the body creates many afterimages and mirror images, making it impossible to lock the real body...

So, this magic light glimpse, in many cases, is indeed extremely clever escape.

"Hahaha, the Sky Cang Pavilion is in front of you. Later, I will kill you!"

"Yes, this Tiancang Pavilion, you must not keep the chickens and dogs!"

"Roar..., when I think of it, I can kill those nasty humans again, I can't help but boil all over my blood!"

At this moment, the demons and the people of Zhongtian Palace were already less than four kilometers away from the Tiancang Pavilion.

Looking at the Heavenly Cang Pavilion in the distance, the demons began to roar in excitement, with tyrannical and murderous eyes in their eyes.


call out!


On the last side of the Demon Race and the Zhongtian Palace Centaur, faintly, there seemed to be a flash of light, and then a figure suddenly appeared.

It is Lin Fei.

Because it was too sudden, there was no sign of the people ahead.

Because, the attention of these demons and the people of Zhongtian Palace has all been focused on the headquarters of the Tiancang Pavilion in front.

Where will anyone notice the situation behind him.


However, at the forefront of the team, a figure shrouded in an extremely strong devilish energy, the figure paused slightly, and there was a faint sound, which seemed to be aware.

Then, this figure immediately released a huge magical consciousness, and immediately felt it towards the back of the team.


"Try the roar of the magic sound first!"

As soon as Lin Fei's figure appeared, the demonic energy all over his body spewed out suddenly, because the roar of the demonic sound was the magical power of the demonic clan, and naturally it could only be displayed with the cooperation of the demonic element.

Lin Fei opened his big mouth and took a deep breath!

This breath was like a whale swallowing sea water, draining all the surrounding air, and was sucked into Lin Fei's belly!


With Lin Fei as the center, a sound wave visible to the naked eye, like a tumbling tsunami, swept forward with the momentum of ten thousand horses.

In an instant, the sound wave was like a tide, covering all the human warriors and demons in the middle of the sky behind in the front team.

This attack was sudden and without warning, and no one had time to prepare.

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