Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 922: Xian Family Ancestral Temple

"Well, I can feel that the human kid who dared to kill my enchantress seems to be in this city of clear water. Literary fans. ㄟ.

The magic envoy I cultivated so hard has caused the lowly human kid to kill a lot.

I want to see how much he has. "

A voice filled with cold and dark aura slowly spread from the monstrous magic cloud.

"Haha, there is another human city in front of you, and you can kill those humans again."

"I like to watch it the most. When the heads of those human warriors are knocked, the blood bursts out!"

On the earth, the devilish energy rushed to the sky, and the hideous demons flew across the sky and headed towards Qingshui City.

After a while.

This demon race finally arrived at Qingshui City!

The demon cloud obscured the sky and the sun. The entire Qingshui City was covered by overlapping dark clouds, and the earth was completely dark.

"Get in!"

"Kill all these lowly humans!"

There was hardly any pause, the tens of thousands of demons immediately rushed towards the gate of Qingshui City and on the wall.

In the team of the demons, there are also a lot of human warriors, these are the people of Zhongtian Palace.


A huge black palm with magical light slammed against the wall of Qingshui City.


Suddenly, the seemingly tall and solid wall of Qingshui City collapsed immediately.

From the corner of the collapsed city wall, a group of tall and hideous demons rushed in.

Qingshui City, in the Longhan Empire, is just a medium-sized city, not very powerful.

Most of the soldiers guarding the city wall were of Heavenly Realm cultivation.

Moreover, the Demon Race came too hastily, too suddenly, the human warriors in Qingshui City could not have imagined that the Demon Race would come as soon as they were told, without any preparation at all.

Where can I resist the demons.

The soldiers above the city wall fell in pieces like straw being harvested.

Some of them were blown by the demons and their bodies exploded, turning into blood mist, and even the corpses were not left behind.

In less than twenty breaths, the walls of Qingshui City were completely broken.

The demons and the people from Zhongtian Palace rushed directly into Qingshui City, killing people when they saw them, and blood flowed into rivers wherever they went.

The entire Qingshui City was caught in a massacre.

"Come on, fight the demons to the end!

Never give in! "

In Qingshui City, there were some human warriors who saw that the human warriors were slaughtered, and their eyes were completely red.

Desperately rushed towards the demons.

However, there are also many human warriors who are greedy for life and fear of death. When the Demon Race first attacked, they desperately fled.

The entire Qingshui City was completely boiling.

Outside Qingshui City, a tall Demon Race was wrapped in a dense mass of demon energy.

This demons obviously had a special identity and did not directly participate in the battle.

"Hehe, wait for me to find out, where is the human kid who killed my magic envoy?"

This tall Demon Clan smiled coldly, and then, an astonishing demon consciousness surged out of his body, like the Yangtze River, overwhelming the sky and perceiving the Qingshui City.


In the room, Lin Fei was adjusting his breath and luck to consolidate the realm he had just broken through.

Suddenly, the ground was shaking, and the entire Qingshui City began to boil.

Lin Fei felt a bad feeling in his heart.

The divine consciousness immediately sensed it, and it was the sense of the monstrous demon energy and the thousands of demons.

The demons have attacked the city!

Lin Fei immediately felt this situation.

"Master, the demons are here."

Outside the door of the room, the leader immediately spoke to Lin Fei's spiritual knowledge.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Lin Fei walked out of the room and took the leader to the large living room of Xian's house.

"Lin Fei, it's not good, it's the demons, what should I do?"

At this moment, all the people in the Xian family gathered in the large living room, panicking one by one.

When Sister Ying saw Lin Fei, she said immediately.

After spending some time with Lin Fei, Sister Ying knew that Lin Fei's strength and hole cards were unfathomable.

Now, in this critical situation, in her heart, she was naturally subconscious, hoping that Lin Fei had some solution.

"Immediately gather all the people in your Xian family. For the sake of this plan, we can only find a way to leave Qingshui City before making plans."

Lin Fei thought a little, but said to Sister Ying.

"Okay, I listen to you."

Sister Ying had once entered the city of Lin Fei, knowing that Lin Fei could easily take many people away.

So, immediately summoned all the people in the Xian family.

However, at this time.

"Xian's family, all people are not allowed to leave Qingshui City, otherwise, they will be regarded as traitors, and now they will all gather in the Ancestral Temple!

The Ancestral Temple can resist the demons! "

A voice rang from the entire Xian family.

This is the voice of an old man, and the voice is full of unquestionable flavor.

this is?

Lin Fei was taken aback when hearing this voice.

"It's the patriarch!"

When everyone in Xian's family heard this voice, they all whispered.

"Lin Fei, this is my grandpa."

Seeing Lin Fei's confusion, Sister Ying said to Lin Fei next to her.

"Why didn't your grandfather allow everyone to leave Qingshui City?"

Lin Fei is very strange.

The demons are killed. In this critical situation, escape is the best choice.

However, Sister Ying's grandfather did not allow all the clansmen to leave and asked everyone to gather in the ancestral hall.

Could it be that in the ancestral shrine of the Xian family, there is something that can resist the demons?

Lin Fei couldn't understand.

After listening to Ying's grandfather, the Xian family fell silent.

However, after a while, everyone in the Xian family set out and walked in the direction of the Ancestral Temple.

Obviously, the Xian family's family rules are extremely strict, and the patriarch's prestige is extremely high. Since the patriarch has already spoken, all the Xian family members have chosen to believe in the patriarch.

"Master, what should I do?"

The leader asked Lin Fei.

"Let's go, let's go and take a look."

Lin Fei became curious and said.

Anyway, now Qingshui City has been surrounded by demons. There is no big difference between fleeing earlier and fleeing later.

Anyway, goblins can leave through space.

Therefore, Lin Fei followed Ying and Yan'er towards the ancestral shrine of the Xian family.

The Xian Family Ancestral Temple, located at the end of the Xian family residential area, is an independent building similar to a Buddhist hall in a dense forest.

It seems that there is a solemn and holy feeling.

After a while, all the Xian family members entered the ancestral temple one after another before they came to the ancestral temple.

Lin Fei followed Ying Sister and also came to the Xian Family Ancestral Hall.

Looking at the ancestral shrine with a faint sense of holiness, Lin Fei couldn't help but move.

In this Xian family ancestral shrine, a very special energy radiated out. This energy is a bit evil and very mysterious.

Lin Feixian, standing outside the Xian's Ancestral Temple, his divine consciousness couldn't even perceive it, as if he was blocked by that power.

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