Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 947: Heavenly Tribulation

After a stick of incense, Lin Fei had already absorbed all the magic elements of the Black Demon Lord. . .

But the black demon's body had completely disappeared and turned into nothingness.

Of course, this is just a clone of the Black Demon Venerable, and his deity, in another place, is leading the demon army to capture one city after another of human warriors.


After Lin Fei absorbed the black demon's demon essence, he only felt that the number of demon essence among the bones in his body had reached a new height, which was more than ten times richer than before!

Lin Fei estimated that based on the number of demons in his body, if he met the demon king, he could easily win.

If you meet the Demon King, even if you can't win, at least you can fight!

At the same time, thinking of the battle just now, Lin Fei still had lingering fears.

This was just a clone of the Black Demon Venerable, it was already so powerful, if his body came, it would be terrifying.

Lin Fei estimated that with his current strength, if it was against the Black Demon Lord's body, he estimated that the opponent could blow himself to death in one breath!

Lin Fei's scalp numb when he thinks of invoking such a terrifying existence.

"Lin Fei, it's surprising that you can absorb demon essence and cultivate the magical powers of the demon race."

The queen came over and said to Lin Fei, her slender phoenix eyes stared at Lin Fei.

However, she didn't ask in detail either, because these are secrets belonging to others and would not be easily revealed.

"Hehe, I really didn't expect that this Black Demon Venerable is just a clone, it's already so powerful."

Lin Fei naturally wanted to talk more on the topic of why he could practice the magical powers of the demons.

After all, all he relied on was a demon skeleton in his body, not necessarily so brilliant.

"Well, that's right, the Demon Venerable of the Demon Race, the strength is really different.

Venerable Black Demon's clone is only about 30% of his real strength.

If his deity came in person, with my current strength, it is indeed not his opponent. "

The queen sighed.

"However, after I regained my strength, I will meet his deity again, not necessarily, I might be afraid of him."

The queen's tone suddenly changed and became sharp.

Lin Fei's heart moved. It seemed that the queen of the evil shadow clan, because she had stayed in that little profound realm for too long, had severely weakened her strength.

Now, once she came out of the Little Profound Realm and came to the Yuan Wu Realm, her strength would certainly slowly recover.

Could it be that when her strength was truly restored to its peak state, she could have the power to fight against the deity of Venerable Black Demon?

Lin Fei was a little shocked, after all, the strength of the Black Demon Venerable had been personally experienced.

When I thought that the real strength of the queen in front of him could be comparable to the strength of a demon, Lin Fei couldn't help feeling a little dreamy in his heart.


"Well, next, I will find a place to break through."

The words of the queen pulled Lin Fei back from shock.

"Queen, you are going to break through!"

Lin Fei asked in surprise.

"Yes, as soon as I came out of the Little Profound Realm, I felt a sign of breakthrough.

If it weren't for dealing with the black demon, I would have found a place to break through.

Fortunately, it is still too late. "

Said the queen.

Then, a huge sense of consciousness surging out from her head, perceiving it from a distance.

Lin Fei couldn't help being astonished. The strength of the queen's consciousness was obviously much stronger than her own.

After possessing the soul tree, Lin Fei cultivated his spiritual consciousness and made rapid progress.

However, as soon as he met a real master, he immediately showed his shortcomings.

The queen in front of him, and the black demon veteran, were more powerful than themselves.

This is also the reason why Lin Fei did not use his divine consciousness attack just now when he was fighting with the black demon.

When the opponent's divine power is stronger than our own, if you forcefully use divine power to attack, it is easy to be backlashed and hurt yourself.

The queen released her divine consciousness and felt it from a distance.

After a while, his face was happy.

"I found a place full of evil spirits, which is perfect for me to break through."

Said the queen.

"Well, I'll protect the law for you."

No matter how powerful a warrior is, at the time of a breakthrough in cultivation, he cannot be disturbed too much.

Otherwise, it is very easy to make mistakes.

"That's good. Thanks a lot."

The queen nodded. For some reason, after healing that night, she unknowingly developed an inexplicable sense of intimacy with the human man in front of her, and subconsciously trusted Lin Fei.

"Hehe, what's the kind of politeness between us."

Lin Fei smiled.

However, as soon as the words were spoken, there was something wrong, because it seemed a bit too intimate and easily misunderstood.

Sure enough, when the queen heard the words, a faint red glow passed over her beautiful face.


At the moment, the queen flew up and flew to the west, Lin Fei followed her behind.

After about two sticks of incense, he came to the top of an endless sea of ​​forest.

This forest sea is located in a huge mountain range.

The huge mountain range is like a giant dragon lying on the ground, stretching for hundreds of thousands of miles, endless.

Lin Fei released his spiritual consciousness.

Soon it appeared that the entire mountain forest was enveloped in a pale gray smoke.

In the mountains and forests, there are many shadows and monsters living in them.

This place is indeed full of evil spirits.

Lin Fei was a little bit awkward, monsters and monsters, all cultivated evil spirits, for example, Azi and goblins cultivated evil spirits.

Generally speaking, the places where demons and monsters live are mostly places where demons and evil spirits are abundant.

Could it be that the evil spirit cultivated by the evil shadow clan is actually the same energy as the evil spirit?

"That's it.

When I break through, there will be thunder tribulation, you try to stay as far away as possible. "

The queen looked solemn and told Lin Fei.

"Thunder Tribulation?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Yes, this time, if I can successfully break through, it will be equivalent to your human martial artist's holy realm.

The jealous saint of heaven, the rules between heaven and earth, will produce oppressive power for martial artists above the holy realm.

If you want to break through to the Holy Land, you must withstand the test of thunder.

Not only that, the warriors who have entered the holy realm and above, each time they break through, it is possible to attract heaven.

Heavenly Tribulation, including Thunder Tribulation, Fire Tribulation, Heart Tribulation, etc. "

The queen explained patiently to Lin Fei.

Because she could see that with Lin Fei's aptitude, it was extremely possible that she could break through to the height of entering the Holy Realm in the future.

"It turns out that if the cultivation base reaches the holy stage or above, it is possible to suffer from heaven.

Well, I haven't heard of these before. "

Although Lin Fei's cultivation level is very fast, he progressed all the way, and at a young age, he reached the level of cultivation at the catastrophe level.

However, in the true sense, apart from the previous Ziwei Empire and Huayang School, some people taught martial arts.

Afterwards, most of them relied on their own strength to explore and cultivate, and no one was around to guide them.

"Well, I'm going to start.

You try to stay as far away as possible to avoid being affected. "

The queen said to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei quickly retreated more than a thousand meters away, with a little expectation in his heart. The first time someone encountered someone who wanted to break through to the Holy Land, thunder tribulation would occur. This was a rare experience.

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