Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 955: Huangzhou City

Huangzhou City is a city close to the border of the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Nation. It is of medium scale. In the Tianlong Sacred Nation, it is not a big city. ""Writing "study Ω fan. .

However, since this period of time, Huangzhou City has been extremely lively, and every day there are countless people coming from other places to pass through Huangzhou City and enter the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

On this day, outside the gates of Huangzhou City, there were loud noises and crowds. A large number of people were lining up in a long line. One by one, they were being questioned and examined by the guards before entering the city.

Most of these people are human warriors who have come from other countries to enter the Heavenly Dragon Saint Kingdom.

In addition, there are hundreds of guards who are blocking the gate of the city, checking the warriors who enter the city one by one.


Suddenly, in the sky in the distance, two streams of light flashed, and they flew to the gate of Huangzhou City, and then landed. They were a man and a woman.

"You two, come over now!"

The soldiers guarding the city gate were immediately unhappy when they saw someone swaying to the gate, and immediately some soldiers pointed at the man and woman viciously and shouted.

As a member of the Heavenly Dragon Saint Kingdom, these guards who guard the gates have a sense of superiority and look down upon them, these warriors from other small and medium-sized empires.

I feel that this place is a sacred country of heaven, and the warriors of other countries are small countries with few people, and they ran here to take refuge, so their status is naturally inferior.

"you call me?"

The man and woman who had just flown to the gate of the city were Lin Fei and the queen.

From the Ziwei Empire, Lin Fei followed the path that the two last married wives and Mengshan might have traveled along the way, but there was nothing for the time being.

It took seven days to arrive at Huangzhou City, the border of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

Lin Fei just landed, and immediately the existing guards pointed at him and shouted, and he was taken aback.

"Yes, it's you, a man and a dog, get out of here immediately!"

A guard shouted.

Lin Fei couldn't help but sinking when he saw the guard's attitude.

Without a word, came over with the queen.

"You are not allowed to fly within one hundred miles of Huangzhou City. You two knowingly committed the crime, so each of you was fined two thousand genuine yuan spar.

Then, in accordance with the regulations, hand over your space ring, and only after there is no problem in review, will you be allowed to enter the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom through Huangzhou City. "

The guard saw Lin Fei and the Queen come over obediently, thinking that Lin Fei and the Queen were already scared, and said to Lin Fei with his head high.

However, the guard's gaze quickly fell on the queen's body, and he couldn't help but brighten up, revealing an obvious obscene color, staring at the queen's body without concealment, looking up and down.


You have to hand in two thousand genuine yuan spar and the space ring to you for review.

Whose rule is this? "

Lin Fei asked coldly.

"Hmph, tell you the truth, this is our Brother Chang's rule.

Don't worry, don't blame me for not reminding you, now this Huangzhou city is guarded by Elder Su and Elder Liu together, in order to prevent the spies of the Mozu and Zhongtian Temple from taking the opportunity to get into our Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

If you are interested, just do it obediently.

Otherwise, huh, Elder Su and Elder Liu are both in the original realm.

You can weigh it up. "

The guard snorted coldly.

It turns out that this guard is a disciple of the Tianyi school.

"So these people who enter the city must hand over the space ring to you for review before they can enter the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom?"

Lin Fei glanced at a warrior who was being examined by the guards of the gate. Sure enough, even though the warrior was extremely reluctant, he had to take off the space ring and hand it to the guards of the gate for examination.

The result of the review was that almost half of the more valuable things in the space ring of the warrior fell into the hands of the guard.

This is obviously taking the opportunity to rob and blackmail property!

However, as soon as I heard that Huangzhou City had two Primal Realms guarding them, all the warriors dared not speak.

I had to do it automatically and consciously.

"Yes, all people have to hand over the space ring and can only enter after review."

The guard had long been impatient when Lin Fei asked.

"What if I don't do it?"

It is naturally impossible for Lin Fei to give his space ring to others for inspection.

Originally, if Lin Fei took advantage of the dragon and the phoenix, he could fly directly into the Heavenly Dragon Kingdom. With the help of the dragon and the phoenix, no one could spot and intercept.

However, in order to find the traces of the two last married wives and Meng Shan and others, Lin Fei had to search slowly all the way so that it was possible to find their traces.


I think you are here for trouble.

Brothers, take down the dog and man and then slowly torture. "

Seeing Lin Fei's attitude, the soldier immediately became furious and immediately shouted.

With a wave of his hand, suddenly, there were a dozen guards who surrounded Lin Fei and the queen.

"Hey, this girl, she's really good-looking, thin-skinned and tender.

Take it back and give it to Brother Chang, a great achievement! "

"Haha, yes, Brother Chang's favorite is to slowly torture these beauties.

I think Brother Chang is very interested in this kind of young woman. When Brother Chang is happy, he will definitely reward us with a big prize! "

The gazes of those guards all fell on the queen's exquisite body, one by one, showing an obscene color.

Lin Fei heard it in his ears, and couldn't help but rush to kill.

"Haha, now the Demon Race is invading. It is precisely when human warriors are needed to unite and deal with the Demon Race. It is unexpected that you, so-called famous disciples, are doing such ugly things. What is the use of keeping you."

Lin Fei sneered.

"Damn, dare to slander us, take it!"

Suddenly, the guards were furious, and they shot one after another, rushing towards Lin Fei and the queen.

These guards were all cultivation bases of the Emperor Realm and even the Heaven Realm, and to Lin Fei, they were not worth mentioning.

Lin Fei unleashed part of his power at will.


Papa papa papa...

Lin Fei took a dozen slaps in a row, and every slap slapped a guard into a lump of rotten flesh and fell to the side.


For an instant, everyone at the gate of the city was stunned, and everyone couldn't help but gasp.

Among the dozens of martial artists in the Celestial Realm and the Imperial Realm, one could not breathe, and all of them seemed to be beaten to death by flies.

"No, go back and report Brother Chang, someone is making trouble at the city gate!"

After a while, the guards who guarded the city recovered from their shock.

Immediately a guard ran into the city and reported that he had gone.

The rest of the guards took out their weapons one after another, and all at once surrounded Lin Fei and the queen.

"I think you are impatient with your life, so you dare to kill our people in Huangzhou City."

"Damn, Heavenly Dragon Sacred Kingdom, you are also from small remote countries. Can you go wild?"

Hundreds of guards, crowded and powerful, shouted one after another, attacking Lin Fei and the queen.

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