Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 995: I'm so relieved

In the previous preparatory schools in Datang, there were not so many students applying for the exam, but now after the results of Xuanping's seven-year general examination, students from normal schools can also have a pass rate of more than ten percent, which is attractive. More students, especially self-funded students!

If there are more self-funded students, normal schools will have the funds to recruit more free students, thus forming a good cycle.

The exam has just ended, and the normal schools have ushered in a wave of applications!

A large number of students, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, have come to apply for the exam one after another, and many of them have been admitted to preparatory schools, but because their grades are only in the middle and cannot get scholarships, they all choose to apply for the normal school, and then sign up. Three-year teacher contract.

For wealthy students, people don’t worry about tuition fees, but many people still can’t get into preparatory schools, so they will come here to try their luck.

After you go to the normal school, you can directly participate in the general examination, or go to apply for Guozijian University or Jinling University.

Seeing the memorial of the successful holding of the conference test, Li Xuan is in a good mood, and the education reform is advancing according to the line he set.

But no one now knows that Li Xuan is going to take two steps. After a few years, he will completely implement the modern education system. As for the imperial examination system, he is not going to abolish it, but is going to reform it into a civil servant system for future generations.

These two routes go hand in hand, and no one can do without the other!

According to Li Xuan's plan, now it is changed a little bit every year, but in a few years, the civil service system will be fully implemented, and the imperial examination will be turned into a civil service examination, the national examination will become a national examination, and the rural examination will become a provincial examination.

Schools at all levels are also widely available!

By that time, the entire Tang Dynasty will really have established a complete education and civil service system, and this will be of great benefit to the subsequent development of the entire empire.

So after looking at the results of the general examination, when I received a report that students from all over the world were actively applying for the normal school entrance examination, Li Xuan issued the latest instructions to the Ministry of Rites to rapidly expand the enrollment scale of normal normal schools in various places, and at the same time strive to open several normal schools this year. , to increase the number of normal students as a powerful supplement to university education!

According to Li Xuan's instructions, the Ministry of Rites naturally does not dare to give any negligence. At the same time, considering that there is currently no higher education institution in the north, not even a preparatory course, so the Ministry of Rites is already planning. This year Among the newly established preparatory or normal schools, there are also several in the northern provinces.

Before Li Xuanren arrived in Jinling, in the internal meeting of the Ministry of Rites, the general goal of running a school this year had already been determined, not to mention primary and secondary schools. This basically requires every local yamen to prepare. Primary schools, one government and one middle school are mandatory regulations, and since they are all reformed from the previous county schools and prefectural schools, it is quite easy.

However, it is more troublesome to do preparatory courses and normal schools.

But it's just a little more troublesome.

After several years of cultivation, two batches of normal teachers who can serve as these secondary education teachers have been trained. Although the number is still small, it is better than nothing.

Therefore, with a big stroke of the pen from the Ministry of Rites, he made a request to himself that at least three preparatory schools and eight normal schools should be organized this year!

For preparatory schools, the temporary demand is not large, because Datang has only two universities in total. If it is not for college, there is no need to go to preparatory school.

However, the demand for normal schools is huge. Currently, the Ministry of Rites has made a plan to ensure that every province and province has a normal school within the next two years.

This year, Nanchang Normal School, Changsha Normal School, Anqing Normal School, Huai'an Normal School, Hangzhou Normal School, Tianjin Normal School, Kaifeng Normal School, and Wuzhou Normal School are planned, a total of eight!

As for the teachers of these eight normal schools, some of them will ask the Royal Institute of Technology to send students from lower grades, but most of them will still be selected from the graduates of the existing normal schools!

These normal graduates do not need to do anything with preparatory courses or colleges. They need to study many subjects at the same time. They only study one subject in a year of study, and when they become teachers, they are not too strict. Strong is enough.

As for the preparatory school, the Ministry of Rites reported that they chose Tianjin, Wuchang, and Anqing to set up!

If this plan of the Ministry of Rites can be implemented, then by the end of this year, the entire Tang Dynasty will have thirteen normal schools, six preparatory schools, and two universities. Well, the Royal Institute of Technology is not an ordinary university, let alone It is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Rites, so it is not included!

As for the preparation of the new university, there is currently no plan from the Ministry of Rites!

The resources needed to set up a new university are too large, and it is impossible to run it now, but it is still possible for the existing two schools to expand the enrollment scale!

Guozijian's seven-year enrollment plan in Xuanping plans to enroll 1,500 students!

And Jinling University is also preparing to recruit 800 students in the seven years of Xuanping!

Seeing these reports, Li Xuan, who had already returned to the Dangtu Industrial Zone in Taiping Prefecture, approved three words on the memorial, and I got it!

Then, after reviewing the other dozen or so memorials, he walked out of the office in the Royal Ship, and the accompanying secretary immediately stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, the adults of all departments are already waiting!"

Li Xuan nodded immediately: "Then get off the boat!"

After Li Xuan said that, he took a group of people off the royal boat and set foot on the land of the dock. A group of civil and military officials waiting on the dock naturally bowed in unison, shouting long live!

As Li Xuan walked, he squeezed his hand slightly and said, "Everyone loves to be flat!"

After Li Xuan finished speaking, a group of people straightened up, and then a few of them walked forward quickly!

Li Xuan also didn't intend to listen to their nonsense, but said directly: "Time is tight, go directly to the industrial area!"

This made the officials who originally wanted to introduce other situations to Li Xuan and showed some disappointment in front of the emperor, but although they were disappointed, they did not dare to show anything. What else can you think outside the Dangtu Industrial Zone?

Li Xuan is not interested in those officials!

The wharf that Shengjia arrived at is the wharf in Dangtu Industrial Zone. In fact, when he was on the boat, Li Xuan could see the rows of tall factories on the shore, and there were several tall chimneys standing in the factories!

Although in Li Xuan's sight, these factories by the river still look very simple, with the eyes of modern people, they are small workshops, but they think that the scale of the industrial area is very large.

The huge scale also makes up for the embarrassment that the building is low, not grand enough, and the mechanical equipment is primitive and backward!

After Li Xuan came ashore, he looked at the industrial area ahead and the factories on both sides of the main road in the industrial area. He nodded slightly, thinking in his heart that although he was a little bit dirty and primitive, it was still a serious heavy industrial production. base!

Dangtu Industrial Zone is different from several other well-known industrial zones in the Tang Dynasty. Guangzhou and Shanghai are two well-known commercial and trade ports. Their industrial zones are messy. They have everything and heavy industry, but More of a variety of light industries.

However, the Dangtu Industrial Zone is all heavy industry. Here, it is the main production base of Jiangnan Weapons Company, and it is also the largest and most invested steel production enterprise in China, the location of Jiangnan Iron and Steel Company.

Relying on the iron ore here, Jiangnan Iron and Steel Company has set up a super-large steel production base here!

In addition, Zhaoqing Machinery Company, the largest and even the only machinery and equipment manufacturer in China, also set up a branch here.

These three core enterprises, supplemented by more than ten supporting enterprises, together constitute the main body of Dangtu Industrial Zone!

"At present, in our Dangtu Industrial Zone, a total of 37 enterprises have settled in, of which 12 are affiliated to the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, 17 are provincial and government-affiliated enterprises, and there are also 8 private enterprises. The main industries involved are: Heavy industries such as steel, machinery, and chemicals.”

"There are 3,000 to 8,000 employees working in the entire industrial area. In order to solve the living problems in the industrial area, we have also built a large number of workers' dormitories and commercial streets in the industrial area!"

"The area of ​​the industrial zone is ten times larger than that of Dangtu County, and it is still expanding rapidly. According to our plan, the subsequent industrial zone will expand to the county, and eventually the entire county will be included!"

After listening to Li Xuan, he nodded slightly: "Thank you for your hard work. Such a heavy industrial zone is bigger than the industrial zone in Shanghai and Guangzhou, and the difficulty of construction is also more difficult. Today, I can see one. The Dangtu Industrial Zone is beginning to take shape, I am very relieved!"

Li Xuan said that it was hard work, and the group of ministers standing beside him suddenly became very excited, especially the officials of the Taiping government, the officials of the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, and the officials of the Ministry of Industry who were in charge of the Dangtu Industrial Zone. red!

One of them hurriedly said: "To be loyal to Your to seek welfare for the people of Li, this is the blessing of the minister, it is not hard, not hard!"

Another person said: "Being loyal to the monarch is the duty of a minister, how dare you speak of bitterness!"

Seeing their excited expressions, Li Xuan was too lazy to take care of them. These courtiers, if they praised them with a few words at any time, could be moved to marry the eighteenth concubine!

And I just said it casually, you are serious!

If you don't work hard, do you want me to do it myself?

You deserve to be exhausted!

However, this is just Li Xuan's idea!

In the eyes of these ministers, Li Xuan's sentence is hard work. In a big way, even if they have no credit, the hard work is a certainty, and promotion and fortune are just around the corner!

Well, if Li Xuan knew about this idea, he would say, "You guys think too much!"

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