Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 997: You are rich, you are capricious!

The particularity of the Tang Dynasty caused Li Xuan to attach importance to something, and the following courtiers also swarmed to attach importance to something.

The steam engine is just one of them, and there are more things, all because of Li Xuan's attention, so those courtiers also pay attention to it. As for whether the thing itself is worth paying attention to, it is no longer important.

In the eyes of many people, the steam engine is useless, but it has not been highly valued.

Unlike many people who still have doubts about steam engines and do not understand, the Navy is very active!

Because the navy has already seen warships equipped with steam engines, which can get rid of the influence of sails, the improvement of combat effectiveness will be huge.

But unfortunately, if the Navy wants to get a steam engine for use, it is not possible for a year or two, or even a decade or two, because the Navy needs a high-pressure steam engine. To reduce the size and weight.

And now the Royal Institute of Technology has not even developed a low-pressure steam engine, and it is still far from a high-pressure steam engine.

After inspecting the Dangtu Industrial Zone, Li Xuan continued to set off with the Guards and one vote of civil and military ministers. At this time, they were not far from Jinling City.

The holy car is about to return to the dynasty, and there are also activities to rectify the appearance of the city in Jinling City!

The Chengtianfu Patrol Police Station held a swearing-in meeting a few days ago, planning to deploy a large number of patrol police forces to rectify the appearance of the city, and to completely eliminate all kinds of behaviors such as dirty and messy.

A few days ago, a large-scale rectification activity was launched in Jinling City. The streets were comprehensive, and some uncivilized phenomena such as littering and queue jumping were also dealt with. Usually, a fine of one tael of silver was fined, but now it is directly fined five tael. , twelve.

And all new beggars, refugees and the like appearing on the street will be forcibly taken in!

Since the Tang Dynasty moved the capital to Jinling City, in addition to the normal rectification of the city appearance, the Datang Dynasty has also carried out large-scale municipal engineering renovations on Jinling City. Over the past few years, the local finance has invested more than 100,000 taels of silver.

Mainly for the renovation and expansion of sewers.

At the same time, the roads in the city are ground-based to improve the drainage performance of the land-based and avoid water accumulation on the road!

In addition, the important main roads in the city, especially the several main roads near the Royal Courtyard, the Imperial Palace, and the main office yamen in the city center, were paved with slate, and at the same time, cinder was tried on some other secondary main lines.

Although there are not many steam engines in the Tang Dynasty, it is worth noting that in recent years, due to the increase of machinery and equipment in the Tang Dynasty, the cost of coal mining has gradually decreased. It is commonly used as a fuel for household use.

The amount of cinder produced from this is also quite large, and the Chengtian Mansion Jinling City is the first to use the cinder waste to pave the road, and the effect is quite good.

Most importantly: cheap!

After laying a lot of flagstone roads and cinder roads, Jinling City can hardly say that there are no dirt roads in the whole city, but the main roads have basically been slate and coal slag, which has greatly improved the appearance of the city.

On weekdays, the appearance of Jinling City is quite good. Now, if it is strictly rectified, it will make Jinling City appear more clean and tidy.

And when they did this, they were still affected by Li Xuan's personal preference!

Just like a steam engine.

Li Xuan likes steam engines, and those courtiers attach great importance to it.

Li Xuan likes to be clean and tidy, but hates and rejects dirty cities, so his subordinates also attach great importance to it. Basically, there will be a city management office in the patrol police station in every city, which is specially responsible for the appearance of the city.

Of course, there are also many local yamen here to collect fines to improve the poor local finances.

But anyway, when Li Xuan returned to Jinling City in the grand welcome ceremony, what he saw was a clean and tidy city!

Like many feudal dynasties, there was no such thing as paving loess and watering, because the main road in the city that Li Xuan's imperial driver passed through was an all-black cinder road, and the carriage was walking on the road very smoothly.

After almost entering the center of the city and arriving at the area where the Royal Courtyard and many official government offices are located, they embarked on a road paved with bluestone slabs.

Along the way, there is not a trace of dust raised!

This makes Li Xuan quite satisfied!

To pave the road with cinders, it was Li Xuan's attention to the courtiers below. Otherwise, with their superficial knowledge, they would know that coal is so useful!

When I asked them to renovate the road in Jinling City two years ago, I cried every day about being poor, saying that paving the stone road is too expensive, the tax department has no money, and Chengtianfu has no money, etc. At that time, Li Xuan became popular and asked you It's just repairing the road, and you don't have to lay slate. The slate is expensive, so you won't think of a way.

Large and large slates are definitely expensive, but don't you want to lay small slates, these scraps must be cheaper.

And except for slate, you won't use other materials, such as asphalt, cinder, etc.!

Asphalt, well, overkill, but cinder isn't hard to do, and it can be recycled, what a paving material!

After Li Xuan's instructions, the officials in Jinling City tried to use gravel slabs and cinders to pave the road on a large scale. Otherwise, Li Xuan would have to do something like spreading loess and watering it when he traveled!

If he really wanted to do this, Li Xuan felt that his face would be humiliated by them!

As a great, glorious, and invincible traverser, it is already humiliating enough that he has not even built a concrete road. It is estimated that the whole starting point will be laughing at him.

But if you can't come up with a cinder road, and you have to use a loess road, then it's not a shame at the starting point, but a shame in the whole reading.

Li Xuan is a shameful person, so he thinks, let's not do high-level things such as cement and asphalt, but we still need to do stone roads and cinder roads.

The carriage was walking on the cinder road, and Li Xuan could hardly feel any bumps!

Naturally, not all of the credit here is due to Cinder Road, but more importantly because of the springs on the carriage!

This huge carriage is Li Xuan's special car. In order to ensure comfort, it is equipped with the most advanced technological product of the empire: springs!

And you must know that in order to keep the springs secret, the Tang Dynasty also wanted to prevent other countries or forces from obtaining springs on a large scale to make flintlock guns, so the springs were strictly controlled.

At present, there is only one company that produces springs in the whole Datang area, that is, Jinling Special Steel Company, which is directly under the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises. This company has no other business and specializes in manufacturing various types of springs.

The springs it produces are mainly supplied to the internal enterprises of the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, not to private enterprises!

At the same time, the spring application of the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises is currently mainly concentrated in industrial applications and ordnance production!

For example, the place where springs are used in armament, not only flintlock guns, but also military carriages, which are now widely used by the Datang Army, and are already equipped with four-wheeled carriages equipped with at least 1,000 taels, which is a large-scale adoption. Springs are installed to ensure the load stability of the vehicle.

For industrial applications, in addition to a small number of special parts that act as various types of equipment, a major application is still on the carriage!

However, the main customers of these civilian carriages are also the official yamen of Datang, and they are not sold to ordinary people.

Because in order to ensure that the springs are not smuggled abroad on a large scale and used to make flintlock guns, the current Datang Dynasty in principle does not sell carriages with a large number of springs to the private sector.

Of course, the reason for the principle is that there are exceptions. The carriages equipped with springs are naturally sold to the private sector, but they are only sold in small quantities. They are generally aimed at civilian enterprises and wealthy businessmen, and the prices are expensive.

At present, the carriages produced by the Jinling Carriage Company under the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, and the mass-produced carriages with springs are basically sold to enterprises, not to private individuals. They are mainly used for industrial production such as pulling goods.

But if you have money, you can buy their high-end carriage series. These high-end products are spring-loaded, comfortable and luxurious, and the price is not to be said, just one word: expensive!

The cheapest one is a single-horse carriage. Even the driver has no place to sit. It can only be a small two-wheeled carriage that he controls. The price is 150 taels!

As for the medium-sized four-wheeled carriage, the price starts at 300 taels!

On top of this, there are various versions with more ornate decorations, and there is no upper limit on the price, because many rich people come to order carriages, and they are all customized, and different requirements naturally have different prices.

The Tang Dynasty's control of springs was very strict. No matter what the rich buy, there are not many. If you dismantle the luxury carriages you bought for a few hundred taels, then take out the springs inside and transform them into flintlock guns. the spring, then they will convince you.

You are rich, you are capricious!

However, those ordinary carriages with springs are purchased by enterprises, and the purchases of enterprises are all in large quantities and on record, and someone will check them There is only one principle, what happened to those carriages? No matter, but even if the wagon is destroyed, your spring has to be there!

No, so sorry, all kinds of investigations are coming.

As for export, it is not allowed!

Before foreign enemies developed springs and equipped flintlock guns on a large scale, the Tang Dynasty strictly controlled the springs, but in addition to the control, the springs were appropriately used in industrial production to serve the development of the industry.

However, despite various restrictions, because of the superior shock absorption performance brought by the spring, the spring carriage has become the darling. Many gentry, landlords and wealthy businessmen compete to buy a carriage. For them, buying a carriage for a few hundred taels is nothing. , Many wealthy businessmen are still playing custom, it is possible to spend thousands of taels, or even tens of thousands of taels of silver.

Well, Chen Lifu's car is a custom-made four-wheeled carriage. It cost him more than 8,000 taels. The most expensive wood, gold plating, and pearls are used as curtains. This carriage is seen by others as a pile on the road. Silver is running all over the street!

Of all the officials in Jinling City, regardless of whether they are high-ranking officials or military nobles, their carriages are the most expensive!

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