Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1000: Self-reliance: Farming and raising pigs

As the first cavalry brigade of the Datang Army with independent combat capability and organization, it is naturally different from the other cavalry detachments in the current Datang Army, because the other cavalry detachments are actually in each infantry division. The cavalry regiment is formed temporarily and is not fixed.

When calculating the strength of the Datang Army, you can count the first cavalry brigade, but you can't count the cavalry detachments, because those cavalry belong to the infantry divisions directly, and if you count them separately, it will be repeated. .

In addition, there are now 18 heavy howitzer battalions, a number of independent garrison battalions, regiments, a number of independent baggage and engineer battalions that accompany the main infantry divisions and mixed regiments to fight, as well as personnel from command agencies at all levels, the Privy Council and other personnel.

The total strength of the front-line main force is about 300,000!

In addition to the main front-line troops, the Datang Army has more than 30 reserve divisions. The number of each reserve division varies. Some are as few as 5,000 or 6,000, while others can reach more than 10,000. Basically Each preparatory division is different, and it depends on the area where it is deployed and how much pressure it is under.

But one thing is certain, that is, all the preparatory teachers are dissatisfied!

There are more than 30 reserve divisions, all together, the current total strength is about 200,000 people.

In other words, the current total strength of the Datang Army should actually be said to be 500,000!

However, those reserve divisions with more than 200,000 people are used to suppress the reserve troops in various places. Although the cost is very low and the equipment cost is even lower, the combat effectiveness is not very good.

After all, the total cost of the reserve division with a total of more than 200,000 people is only more than 5 million taels per year. On average, the annual military expenditure per 10,000 people costs more than 400,000 taels, which is only half of the main front-line troops. .

Every penny gets what you pay for, and the reserve forces that spend less money are naturally not good in combat effectiveness. On weekdays, it is just to suppress ordinary rebellions, defend a city or something.

In a head-to-head confrontation, even the Superintendent can't do it. The Tang army in Xiangyang area has more than 10,000 people, but there are only about 2,000 regular troops. The remaining nearly 10,000 people are reserve divisions, but the Ming Dynasty defending Xiangyang. The army only has more than 10,000 inspectors.

When the strength of the two sides is comparable, if the reserve division can beat the superintendent, they have already won Xiangyang, why wait until now.

To fight the enemy's main force, we still have to rely on the front-line main force, and the current reserve division is not enough.

However, the main front-line troops of the Datang Army, except for the Sixth Army, are almost all deployed on the front line, and it is difficult to recruit them, let alone run around as a mobile force.

The first army is preparing to enter Sichuan in the west of Huguang, the second army is in the northwest of Huguang, and is currently advancing in the direction of Xiangyang; the third army is in Hebei and northwestern Shanxi, facing the Tatars and the Ming army in Liaodong; the fourth army is in Shaanxi, Against the Tatars, Oaras and people from the Western Regions; the Fifth Army, together with the First Army, was in the western part of Huguang, preparing to enter Sichuan; the Sixth Army was deployed in Chihli Sidao.

There are only six armies in total, so the division is over.

In addition to these six armies, the Datang Army also has an infantry division that operates independently. This is the 4th Infantry Division in Yunnan and southeastern Sichuan for a long time. The 4th Infantry Division has been in this quagmire for many years. Unable to pull it out, which also led to this infantry division's long-term existence in the Tang Dynasty was not strong.

However, without the 4th Infantry Division struggling in the quagmire of the southwest, Guangxi and Guizhou would not be able to guarantee safety.

As for the three mixed regiments that operate independently, they are deployed in strategic locations in several southern provinces, serving as the local core strategic support force, as well as the main local frontier and coastal defense forces.

The second mixed regiment, deployed in the Pearl River Delta, shoulders the heavy responsibility of guarding the Pearl River Delta, guarding the strategic city of Guangzhou.

The eighth mixed regiment is mainly deployed in Lianzhou Prefecture, Guangxi near the border of Annan, and guards the Beibu Gulf.

The sixth mixed regiment was deployed in the western part of Guizhou, and it was marked with the Sichuan Governor on the opposite side.

As for the mixed groups above the eleventh mixed group, all of them have been adapted as preparatory divisions.

Therefore, from the surface figures, in fact, the Tang Dynasty has a lot of troops, not counting the Guards and the navy, the army alone has more than 500,000 troops, but the Tang army is also facing Liaodong Huiwang Ming army, Tatar army. In the case of many threats such as the Tars, the Oaras, the Western Regions, and the King Ming Army of the Southwest Jing, this force is really not enough.

The deployment of troops is all about the whole body. It is very difficult to deploy a large amount of troops for a certain direction!

But there is no way to do it if it is not enough. Now these troops have already made it difficult for Datang's finance to support. The army's military expenditure of more than 20 million a year, but there is no way to maintain it for long.

In Xuanping's seven-year military budget, although the Army still received 26 million taels of silver, it is worth noting that Xuanping's seven-year fiscal revenue budget reached 65 million taels, which is more than Xuanping's six taels. more years.

This year's fiscal revenue has increased, but there has been no corresponding increase in military spending. What does this show? It shows that the proportion of military spending in fiscal expenditure has dropped significantly.

And everyone with a discerning eye knows that this decline will continue!

Now the generals on the army side have already begun to plan ahead and prepare for the hard days after this year and even next year.

disarmament? This is impossible. The Tang Dynasty is so big, with only 300,000 main troops and more than 200,000 reserve troops. This is already very reluctant, and it is unimaginable to reduce the army.

How can we save military spending without disarmament?

On the one hand, it is to adjust personnel, such as turning too many messy civilian and auxiliary soldiers into backbone combat soldiers. There is already a voice within the army to increase the proportion of non-commissioned officers in the army.

If the officers are the main stream for the army, the non-commissioned officers are the many tributaries, and the soldiers are the countless streams.

If the ratio of non-commissioned officers is high enough, it will be much easier to expand the army in case of emergency. Simply put the recruits who have been trained for three months and match them with a certain proportion of non-commissioned officers, then it will be a brand new army.

As for the officers, there is no need to worry about this, because the officers at all levels of the King Division of the Tang Dynasty basically have deputies.

There are deputy division commanders, deputy chiefs of staff, deputy regimental commanders, deputy regimental chiefs of staff, deputy battalion commanders, and deputy captains. In an emergency, if all the deputy positions of an infantry division are directly transferred, a brand new infantry division can be formed. Officer command system.

Moreover, officers at all levels are still familiar with each other, and even the training process is saved!

Today, the army also wants to expand the scale of non-commissioned officers, so that when a large-scale war needs to be mobilized, it can do the same as the officers and directly pull out the deputy officers, which is another set of non-commissioned officers.

Li Xuan is also supportive of this, but he also cautiously suggested that if the ratio of non-commissioned officers is increased, the salary expenditure of the existing troops will definitely increase, because the wages of non-commissioned officers are relatively high, how to maintain the scale of the existing troops, salary Under the condition that the overall expenditure does not change much, the proportion of non-commissioned officers should be increased.

The army said that there is no problem with this, who said that non-commissioned officers should be paid high wages!

The domestic reunification war is almost over. Many soldiers who have served in the early years and have reached the limit of their service have expressed that they are unwilling to retire and want to continue to stay in the army. They even expressed that they would rather have a slightly lower salary and continue to stay. on.

The treatment of the military has always been relatively high, and even if you voluntarily reduce wages, it is much better than farming in your hometown!

Finally, the army came up with a solution. The solution is very simple. Increase the level of non-commissioned officers. In the past, there were only three levels of sergeant, sergeant, and corporal. Now, we will add sergeant and sergeant major. level.

The existing three levels of non-commissioned officers have been adjusted upwards as a whole, and the original sergeant has become a sergeant major!

The vacated corporal and sergeant were re-recruited among the soldiers whose service period had expired, and the existing salary standards of corporal, sergeant, and sergeant were adjusted appropriately. Basically, the previous sergeant standard was the existing one. Sergeant Major.

The salary level of the corporal is only slightly higher than that of the first class!

With this operation, a considerable number of low-level non-commissioned officers can be added, and the salary expenditure will not be much higher than that of ordinary soldiers in the past!

In addition, a more important point is to let the troops stationed in the area be self-reliant, especially the reserve division troops stationed in the rear, so that they can cultivate themselves, raise pigs and chickens and ducks.

However, in order to avoid becoming the local guards of the former Ming Dynasty, the soldiers in these reserve divisions will also be mobile, and they will retire after the service period expires, and the land is not directly allocated to the soldiers.

Farming and breeding is only to solve part of the military food needs!

The army has already prepared many means for the hard days to come. The focus is on reclamation and breeding, and the replacement of a large number of civilian and auxiliary arms with combat arms is the second.

At the same time, use deputy officers and increase the proportion of low-level non-commissioned officers to maintain the ability to urgently mobilize and expand the army!

Of course, what is more important is that after the end of the unification war, there will be no more wars, and the cost of this war will also drop The main support for the follow-up is maintenance costs, instead of the current situation, just a casual one Battles can cost hundreds of thousands or even millions of military dollars.

The military expenditure did not increase with the increase of finances, which is a disguised reduction of military expenditure. This is very stressful for the military. It is necessary to maintain so many troops while maintaining the war in some directions. to expand some power.

Today, the pressure on military spending is due to the fact that many senior generals and leaders of the army have become bigger, but there is no way to do it. When Li Xuan finalized the seven-year financial budget of Xuanping at the end of last year, he had already said it very clearly. However, Xuanping's seven-year army military expenditure was only 26 million, and there would be no additional expenditure in the name of temporary war expenses in the future.

There is only so much money, how to live these days, your army finds a way!

Against this background, before the Southwest Campaign was over, the Army, like squeezing toothpaste, drew 2,000 troops from each division of the Sixth Army, and then drew some guns, ammunition, and other supplies. Prepare to reinforce Port Lushun on the Liaodong Peninsula!

At the same time, in Port Lushun, several army officers of the Tang Dynasty were circulating a document. After reading it, everyone frowned!

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