Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1004: civil unrest

Of course, people are unpredictable, and no one knows what everyone's true thoughts are, even if you hate Li Xuan, but as long as you cover up well and don't let the eagles find out, then there is no problem.

But if there are negative comments about Li Xuan, the royal family, and the Tang Dynasty in public or private remarks, then basically say goodbye to key cultivation.

You can think, but you can't say, let alone do!

The Ministry of Personnel can't control what others think, but it will definitely control what others say and do!

Although many times, it doesn't work.

In this palace test in the seventh year of Xuanping, more than a thousand scholars were grinding their fists and palms, trying to make a blockbuster in the palace test. If they can successfully attract the attention of the Holy Emperor and make a positive impression, then there is no doubt about their future career. will be of great help.

However, there are more than 1,000 scholars from the two disciplines participating in the palace examination. It is not ordinary to want to stand out from the more than 1,000 people and attract Li Xuan's attention.

With anticipation for the future, more than 1,000 scholars also entered the examination room one after another. However, the atmosphere of today's palace exam is much looser than that of the general exam, and soldiers were not even arranged to search the soldiers.

More inspections are more to ensure that these gentlemen are dressed neatly, and there will be no disobedience in front of the palace.

This kind of palace examination environment, compared with the general examination, is simply a world of difference. In order to ensure that no fraud occurs during the general examination, the Guards specially dispatched 3,000 soldiers to maintain the safety of the examination room, but also to ensure that no fraud occurs. Avoid cheating.

At the same time, the Cabinet also temporarily dispatched hundreds of officials to serve the smooth holding of the meeting.

But today's palace exam, it will not be like this!

Because as long as there are not too many accidents, the tributes will basically not fail in the palace test, at most it is just a difference in the ranking.

Of course, those tributes killed themselves, and insisted on criticizing the Holy Emperor Li Xuan and the Tang Dynasty in the answer sheet, or they went crazy in the examination room and left blank without answering. In this case, the Tang Dynasty Wouldn't mind missing a new low-ranking official either.

Anyway, there are more people who want to be officials, not less than one or two.

After the tributes entered the examination room one after another, Li Xuan was accompanied by a group of civil and military ministers to the examination room, preparing to sit in the palace examination of Xuanping for seven years.

Because of the large number of people in the examination room for the palace exam, and it was not arranged in a special examination room, it was specially chosen to be held in the open space in front of the Royal Courtyard. Of course, an awning was built in advance and covered with tables and chairs.

Li Xuan was sitting in front, because the place was relatively large and the distance was far, so in fact, except for the students in the front row who could see Li Xuan more clearly, most of the scholars in the back could only see a vague figure. That's it.

As soon as it started, the test papers were distributed, and then Li Xuan saw more than a thousand people start to work on the papers.

The papers for the palace exam were personally reviewed by Li Xuan, and whether it was a jinshi or a doctorate, the focus was on policy theory.

As for the content of science, in fact, it has not been paid much attention, because when the exam was conducted, it was already focused on the assessment.

In the previous general examination, the overall difficulty of the science and engineering papers of the Jinshi Division was already comparable to that of the Royal Institute of Technology's entrance examination. As a result, no one's papers were full marks, and even fewer than 80.

A large number of jinshi students have only 60 to 70 points on their science papers.

The content of the doctoral course in the exam is even more difficult. On the whole, it has reached the level of the sophomore of the Royal Institute of Technology. Because the exam paper is extremely difficult, there are no full marks in the exam. Many people only have five or six. very standard.

And with such scores, the reason why they can still be admitted is also normal, because if they can achieve full marks on these papers, there are only those students in the Royal Institute of Technology.

Considering the actual science level of these students, fifty-six points is already very good.

In today's palace examination, there is not much content in science and engineering, only some basic theories are tested, and the focus is on strategy theory.

Because it doesn't matter what their focus is, but they will all become civil officials in the Tang Dynasty in the future, and the starting point is relatively high. The lowest level is from the seventh grade, and from the seventh grade in the Tang Dynasty, It is already considered a mid-level official, and if it is placed locally, it is also the second-in-command of the department or the second-in-command of the town.

And some people start from the seventh rank or even from the sixth rank.

Therefore, the quality requirements for them are relatively high!

The topics of policy theory are relatively large, and today, whether it is a doctoral program or a Jinshi program, there is the same topic, that is: on industrial development.

This topic is very general, and there is not even a clear direction. It is to let the candidates talk about industrial development, and industrial development has many things to say, and the candidates can decide what to say.

Or in other words, this question is actually asking candidates, if you were to be the section chief of the business department of a county, or simply a county magistrate, how would you develop the local industry?

The topics of the imperial examinations in the Datang Dynasty basically kept up with the times. A few years ago, the issue of the Ming Dynasty's guardhouses was discussed, and later, the issue of overseas trade was discussed, and the issue of immigration and settlement was also discussed.

This time, the issue of industrial development is naturally no exception.

The other topics are also relatively large!

These questions are not meant to be answered by the examinees. There is no mandatory requirement. You can choose one of the questions and write an article, or you can answer two questions or more at the same time.

But the exam time is limited, two hours, no more or no less, when the time is up, the exam papers must be submitted.

And in this hour and a half, they had to do some science and engineering exam questions first.

Li Xuan sat on it, watching the group of candidates below doing the questions, but after staying for half an hour, he left first.

The exam will take three hours, he won't sit here stupidly for three hours, he still has a lot of things to deal with.

So after appearing in the exam, Li Xuan first went to the side hall next door, and then held two small meetings in a row.

The first meeting was to discuss people's livelihood issues in Shaanxi. Today, the situation in Shaanxi is still not very good. Although the relatively large-scale rebellions that existed before Datang entered Shaanxi have been forcibly suppressed, but this It just succumbed to the powerful military power of the Tang Dynasty, but the local people's livelihood was still difficult. When the people did not have enough to eat, rebellion was certain.

From last winter to this spring, there was another drought in several parts of the province. Although there was no large-scale rebellion, there have been more than a dozen small-scale riots, and this is enough to cause the high-level empire. Noticed.

Once, twice, nothing, this is a small probability time, but in just one or two months, more than ten riots have been reported in Shaanxi, so it is not normal.

Therefore, Li Xuan needs the cabinet to come up with a comprehensive solution to the local civil unrest, and to solve the civil unrest, in the final analysis, the local people must be fed.

People's livelihood issues are the core!

After having a solution to the people's livelihood, the military can also cooperate with one or two to completely solve the many problems of the Shaanxi rebellion!

At the meeting, Liu Bagou and the others were also fully prepared. At the beginning of the meeting, several solutions were proposed, and this solution was also imitated by the previous methods of the Tang Dynasty in Henan and Shanxi provinces, that is, multi-management. Come down!

The purpose is to completely prevent and control the refugees, because throughout history, large-scale rebellions are almost always related to refugees, and the control of refugees is partly by military means, while the other part requires administrative means.

The cabinet proposed that the local government yamen should organize the landless people in the disaster-stricken areas to carry out reclamation, and the newly developed land should belong to them free of charge, and provide some necessary help for the reclamation.

At the same time, increase investment in the construction of water conservancy facilities, roads, rivers and other infrastructure. Through the cash-for-work model, local people can get extra jobs to get the necessary food rations, and they can conduct centralized military operations by hiring labor and other methods. management to prevent them from re-evolving into refugees and causing riots.

In addition, it has increased investment in disaster relief, mobilized grain from neighboring provinces into Shaanxi for disaster relief, and avoided large-scale famine.

These are some common methods, but the cabinet also proposed that because Shaanxi already needs more troops, it can appropriately increase the number of recruits from Shanxi, and recruit local young men directly into the army to prevent them from becoming The backbone of all kinds of riots.

Li Xuan was quite satisfied with some of the suggestions made by Liu Bagou and the others. He was more pragmatic, and he faced up to the difficulties, without contempt or exaggeration.

As for recruiting residents to join the army, this made Li Xuan feel a little apprehensive.

Recruiting refugees to join the army was done in the Song Dynasty, but as a result, it was useless, and the soil wasted money and food.

But this proposal also gave Li Xuan a new idea to directly let these victims join the army to fight. It is estimated that it is not reliable, and it is also contrary to the idea of ​​​​building the army of the Tang Dynasty.

The core of the army building of the Tang Dynasty is the policy of elite soldiers!

It takes dozens of taels to raise a soldier in the regular a year, and even for the reserve army, it takes a dozen or twenty taels of silver.

The salaries of soldiers and soldiers are not low and the treatment is generous, which makes the recruitment conditions even more stringent. Sometimes there are hundreds of young soldiers in the recruitment station, but only a dozen or so are selected.

But it is unreliable to let these young people go to war, but it is good to gather them together.

In the Datang Army, there are hundreds of reclamation regiments. Although the main body of these reclamation regiments are Ming army prisoners of war, the operation mode of the reclamation regiments is possible. At least the current Datang Army basically does not need to provide for these Ming army. The military prisoners of war provided too much military support, and most of the reclamation regiments were able to be self-sufficient.

Now, they can also let the young and strong house people go to reclamation!

And even if these young people cannot fight, but because of the militarized management, this can play a part of the role of suppressing the local area, especially in some relatively remote places.

The more Li Xuan thought about this, the more he felt that this idea was a mess!

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