Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1018: new grenade fuze

Regarding the bandit problem raised by Li Xuan, Wang Chaohong is no exception. Nowadays, everyone knows that the bandit problem is serious everywhere, especially in the southwestern provinces.

The Datang Dynasty resolutely maintained a high-pressure attitude towards large-scale bandit dens and various large-scale bandit chaos. It was Mao who found that one suppressed the other. Because the Datang Dynasty was born of bandits, naturally they would not allow others to leave. own way.

However, due to limited energy, the Tang Dynasty can only maintain a high-pressure attitude towards some large-scale bandit chaos. If it is too big, it will not have so much energy to suppress it.

But now, it is different. Seeing that the Tang Dynasty is about to completely unify China, this security issue is also urgent. At the same time, there is a lack of large-scale and organized military forces in the patrol department, so the issue of armed suppression , it can only fall into the hands of the military.

Wang Chaohong immediately said to Li Xuan: "Go back to Your Majesty, there are indeed many bandit rebels in the southwest region. Although these bandits are not large in scale and cannot shake the foundation of the Tang Dynasty, they are not a long-term solution."

Li Xuan said: "Well, you can't continue to drag it on. You can start taking action after you go back. You must be careful when you act, and don't cause trouble to the local yamen!"

If it was the courtiers who had just come into contact with Li Xuan, they would probably be stunned when they heard Li Xuan's words. What does it mean to pay attention to proportions, but also say that they should not cause trouble to the local yamen.

Many people's first thought is probably that they shouldn't use too much force when suppressing bandits, so as not to cause any big trouble, but as a Conglong early, Wang Chaohong, who was educated by Li Xuan himself in his early years, is a Know what the Son of Heaven is talking about.

Be careful not to cause trouble to the locality. The meaning of these words is: kill if you can, try not to leave scourge to the local yamen!

Immediately, Wang Chaohong's expression became slightly serious, and then he said: "The minister obeys the order, and after the minister returns, he will organize troops to encircle and suppress the bandits from all over the world as soon as possible!"

Li Xuan nodded slightly. He knew that Wang Chaohong was a smart person, and if his subordinates were smart, he would be more relaxed. When he said something casually, they would know what they wanted to do, so that they could do things properly. of.

This southwestern bandit chaos, Li Xuan will stop when he clicks, simply say a few words, and there is no need to say too much, too much is not beautiful.

This follow-up chat is more about some tactical things. Li Xuan and Wang Chaohong discussed the current weapons, equipment and tactics of the Datang Army, trying to find out from the perspective of a front-line general like Wang Chaohong. Something you can't see.

Although Li Xuan is a later generation and has extraordinary knowledge, in fact, the tactics of later generations are not necessarily useful in this era, because various tactics are matched with various objective environments.

For example, the three-row tactic of line infantry, this tactic requires a flintlock gun as a premise. If it is a matchlock gun, what kind of three-row round shooting is used, and the tiger that directly abandons the spearman will be shot by others. shit.

When the Tang Army used arquebuses, the formations listed by the arquebusiers were six rows of horizontal lines instead of three, and the spearmen also maintained a large number of them until they were equipped with flintlock guns in batches. Three rows of line tactics, and eventually eliminated the spearmen.

Another example is skirmish tactics. In Li Xuan's impression, in many war movies, those soldiers rush up in scattered teams, get down when they are intercepted by enemy fire, and then use guns to fight back.

But the scattered team is not easy to use in the Datang Army, and it is even more useless to get down.

Because in the case of scattered teams, it is impossible to maintain a dense formation. Without a dense formation, sufficient firepower cannot be guaranteed. At the same time, without a dense formation, when facing the enemy's charge, there will not be enough troops to fight.

Today's Datang Army does not play any scattered teams. Instead, it hopes that the formation will be denser and the firepower density should be as large as possible.

And if you lie down, how do you reload when you lie down?

The musketeer needs to be loaded from the muzzle, and if the rifle is so long, the musketeer needs to stand to load it, otherwise it can't be loaded at all, you lie down to hide the bullet, but don't expect to fire back.

Many tactics of later generations are not necessarily applicable in this era. Li Xuan also knows this, so many times, when he formulates the equipment and tactical development of the army, he listens to the opinions of the front-line soldiers as much as possible. Develop better tactics and develop better equipment.

For example, when the musketeers were equipped with armor, Li Xuan previously believed that the armor would affect the mobility of the musketeers too much, so in the early days, the musketeers were not equipped with armor, regardless of whether it was iron armor, cotton iron armor, or plate armor. Not equipped.

However, it was later found in actual combat that the casualty rate of musketeers equipped with armor would be greatly reduced, and the combat effectiveness could be greatly increased during the bayonet charge stage.

Therefore, the grenadiers were first equipped with armor, and then the musketeers of some elite troops. After the infantry regiment eliminated the heavy armored spearmen on a large scale, in order to increase the infantry regiment's bayonet melee capability, it began to be widely used by the musketeers. Equip the armor!

Later, a light breastplate was even specially developed for the musketeers. In this case, the weight is not too heavy. Although it will inevitably affect the mobility of the musketeers, the impact is not too great. It is barely acceptable, but it is effective. It can defend against the damage of cold weapons such as bows and arrows, swords and spears, and can also defend against bullets at a long distance.

And this situation is actually different from the modern troops under the influence of Li Xuan!

But the actual combat effect is greater than everything. When the Tang Army line musketeers equipped with light breastplates and helmets walk into the battlefield in a dense formation, they can basically set the battle situation.

This situation is particularly eye-catching in the small-scale armed conflicts between the northern border and the Tatars, Oaras, and Turpans!

Many of the above-mentioned enemies do not have many guns. The war mode is basically still two or three hundred years ago. The cavalry is the main force, the long-range firepower is projected by bows and arrows, and the close range is by swords and spears. In other words, they use all of them. It is a cold weapon, although the number of firearms is also there, but the number is not large.

Under such circumstances, the plate armor equipped by the Datang Army can play a huge role!

Regardless of whether it is a long-range shot or a close-range cut, the Datang Army with plate armor is not afraid!

The only trouble is that these enemies are mainly cavalry. Many times they don't play with the Datang infantry at all, but they will make a sneak attack when they see an opportunity, and they will leave if there is no chance.

If these enemies dismount stupidly, tens of thousands of people will form a formation and fight head-to-head with the Datang Army.

It's a pity that the enemy is not stupid!

During the discussion with Wang Chaohong, Li Xuan discovered that Wang Chaohong was also a staunch artilleryist. He suggested to Li Xuan that the infantry equipment of the Datang Army is already very good, and it does not even need to be improved, but The army's artillery power is seriously insufficient.

Yes, the vocabulary he used was seriously lacking. People who didn’t know listened to it and thought that the Datang Army had no artillery, but in fact, the number of artillery pieces of the Datang Army was definitely number one in the world in this era!

An infantry division of 15,000 people has fifty-four field guns, and two-thirds of these field guns are five jin and one-third are nine jin.

At the same time, when the Datang Army is fighting today, basically every infantry division can be supported by at least one heavy artillery battalion. Although these heavy artillery battalions are still established independently in name, in fact, they are basically fighting with each infantry division.

Such artillery power, currently on a global scale, no other army can do it.

But that's it, Wang Chaohong still feels the lack of the army's artillery power!

Wang Chaohong euphemistically suggested that now a division only has more than 50 artillery pieces.

This kind of tactic, in a deep sense, is the coordination of infantry and artillery, and it is not easy to make these opinions in this era.

However, Li Xuan simply put his suggestion behind him. One division has hundreds of field artillery pieces.

Strengthening the artillery force cannot simply increase the number of artillery pieces, because the cost is too high.

But to strengthen the quality of artillery.

Others don't know, but Li Xuan is very clear that the future is the era of howitzers!

Although today's heavy short-barreled howitzers have many flaws, even the most dangerous weapons of this era, the gunners risk their lives in every battle, but it is undeniable that these flawed and even heavy-duty short-barreled howitzers are a It has become a weapon of war for the current Datang Army. Although the number is relatively small, the results are no less than those of the field artillery.

What we need to do in the future is to strengthen the technical research and development of howitzers, especially fuzes. As long as the fuze problem is solved, the later Tang Dynasty will be able to stuff howitzers into the barrels of long-barreled artillery pieces. Cannons or cannons of warships, all of which can fire grenades.

This is the only way to strengthen the artillery firepower. As for the one-sided increase in the number, the gain outweighs the loss!

In recent years, the Tang Dynasty has been developing new fuzes. Whether in the military or at the Royal Institute of Technology, the research and development of new seals has always been the highest priority, more than new artillery and even steam engines. R&D priorities are high.

Yesterday, Li Xuan received a report from the Royal Institute of Technology, saying that it was a new fuze scheme designed by them. The initial test effect was very good, and he was preparing to hold a live ammunition test.

So after thinking about it, Li Xuan said: "The Institute of Technology has proposed a new design plan for a grenade fuze. The report says that the test effect is not bad. The day after tomorrow, an internal live ammunition test will be carried out. You can go with me at that time. have a look!"

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