Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1026: Market value of 100 million

The reason why Li Xuan was so angry that he even had people call Li Daobing, the head of Hantong, was because the situation was much more severe than he expected.

I don't know if I didn't conduct an investigation before. I thought that only Zhili Textile Bank had set up a stock exchange by itself, and there were at most a few others. There are more than 50 stock trading companies with four characters. As for other companies, there are no known names, but there must be more companies that are also engaged in stock trading.

Based on the flow of funds, Royal Bank determined that there are at least 200 domestic companies engaged in stock-related transactions, and there are various models, and their scales vary. Some only undertake stock transactions of a few companies, while Others undertake stock transactions in dozens or even hundreds of companies.

But the key point is that due to the lack of necessary supervision and the lack of uniform rules and regulations, the specific rules of stock trading are completely formulated by stock trading companies, which are extremely important for institutions or individuals engaged in stock trading within them. great risk.

The stock trading companies sponsored by a few large enterprises are better. For example, the stock trading companies sponsored by powerful banks such as Royal Bank and Zhili Textile Bank are relatively large in scale, and the audits in all aspects are relatively strict. The companies that cooperate and conduct stock transactions are basically some large-scale domestic companies.

Among them, Zhili Textile Bank should be more cautious. The stocks in their stock trading companies are all purchased from large companies by themselves, and then split and sold, and these split stocks are in their stocks. The customers within the trading company flow, and the company's stocks are basically not accepted to the outside world.

However, most of the stock trading companies are trading the shares of some messy companies by raising dogs and selling dog meat, and some are even simply leather bag companies with no actual business.

According to the survey report, nearly 10% of the companies that carry out shares in the market are leather bag companies!

One of them is called 'Luzon Gold Mining Company', which is even more powerful. They claim to have discovered a super-large gold mine somewhere in Luzon, Nanyang. The estimated gold reserves that can be mined are worth 150 million taels in total. Silver, and the nearby land has also been purchased by them, and follow-up prospecting is underway. It is expected that in a few years, gold mines worth at least a few hundred million taels of silver will be found.

It claims to have a prospecting team composed of more than 30 top talents, led by students from the Royal Institute of Technology, with excellent prospecting strength, and continues to explore in various parts of the South China Sea. In addition, it has already employed more than 500 people in Luzon for the development of super minerals. Gold Mine, it is expected that Xuanping will be able to distribute dividends to all shareholders in seven years, and it is a super high dividend. For a share of 100 taels, at least 25 taels of silver can be distributed.

The company's stock has entered the major stock exchange companies for trading in June, and the stock price has skyrocketed every day.

In the last calculation, the market value of this company has reached a terrifying 8 million taels!

But according to Hantong's investigation report, the company was actually established in May.

The so-called prospecting team composed of more than 30 top talents, most of them are messy people who don't know where they came from, and the team leader is not a student of the Royal Institute of Technology at all, just a student who has been taking the test for three consecutive years. Only those who failed to get into the Royal Institute of Technology.

However, this person has found more than 30 courageous liars and is ready to play a big ticket!

They set up the Luzon Gold Mining Company in May, and then hired a small fishing boat to go out to sea and go back to Guangzhou. Documents and the like, such as a contract signed with a certain king in Luzon to purchase a large piece of land, a contract to develop a mine, a contract to hire local people to mine, and prepare to bring in investors.

Finally, we successfully conducted an IPO in a local stock exchange company in Guangzhou!

At first, people were very restrained, but as they deliberately pushed up the selling price of stocks, gradually, people lost their minds. Many old wealthy landowners with money but no way to invest are just like sharks, no, they should It was said that the fools rushed up one by one, and the price of the stock was rising day by day.

Taking this opportunity, these swindlers bought all the shares in their hands and managed to get away.

And in all fairness, these swindlers don't make much money. They sold all the shares in their hands, and they only bought two hundred thousand taels in total!

After the stock rose so crazy, it had nothing to do with their original people, because at that time, all their shares had been sold.

They don't even have any shares in the Luzon Gold Mining Company, so naturally they have nothing to do with this company. They have already made more than 200,000 silver and ran away, and the price of the stock has skyrocketed. It is entirely an investor. The results they drive themselves.

It's not that no one found out that Luzon Gold Mining Company is a leather bag company, but everyone who discovered it chose not to say it, and instead loudly publicized how profitable Luzon Gold Mining Company was. Lose money in one step, and then sell the stock to other investors at a higher price.

In the beginning, a group of liars started a company, claiming to have discovered a gold mine, then sold the shares, deliberately boosting the stock price, causing the price to rise, and then gradually selling all the shares, and finally managed to make more than 200,000 taels of silver and run away!

Next, a group of investors started to spread the word, pushing the market value of the Luzon Gold Mining Company from more than 200,000 yuan to more than 8 million taels.

As for the Luzon gold mining company there, no one has paid attention to it for a long time. People only pay attention to the stock price of this company rising day by day, and finally it has become a game of pure drumming and passing flowers!

And this is just the Luzon Gold Mining Company. In fact, in the hundreds of stock exchanges, there are many leather bag companies with average performance, but there are more junk companies whose stocks have been bid up.

At the end of the report, Royal Bank came to a conclusion that thousands of companies trading on the stock exchange market, no matter whether they are leather bag companies or small and medium-sized enterprises, or really high-quality companies, are purely based on stock value. Calculated, their total value has reached 100 million taels!

When he saw this number, Li Xuan couldn't help but take a deep breath!

100 million taels, this is not 100 million RMB in later generations, not even 100 million US dollars, but 100 million taels!

The following set of data is enough to prove how terrifying the number is.

The annual tax revenue of the Tang Dynasty was only more than 70 million taels of silver.

Dingsheng Shipyard, the fourth largest shipyard in China, its fixed assets are less than one million taels, and its annual profit is only seven or eighty thousand taels.

Jiangnan Iron and Steel Company, known as the largest domestic investment steel enterprise, its production accounts for one third of the current domestic steel production. The total assets of mines and other assets will not exceed four million taels of silver.

The largest arms company in China, the first of the three major arms companies, and the South China Arms Company, which has more than 20 factories of various types, has a total assets of more than five million taels of silver.

Even if it is a giant like the Royal Bank, not to mention its assets, but only to say that the various deposits it manages are less than 200 million taels!

However, the market value of many garbage companies on the market turned out to be as high as 100 million taels?

Nima, almost half of Royal Bank's assets under management! !

Is this reasonable?

Absolutely unreasonable!

The deposits managed by the Royal Bank are the income of the treasury plus the deposits of almost the whole country!

This situation must not continue, otherwise, I don't know how many people have been destroyed!

But how to calm this down?

This is the problem that Li Xuan is facing. If you cut it across the board, it is easy to cause trouble, and it is a big trouble. With 100 million taels of silver, how many people are involved here?

Government bailout subsidies?

Make up your hair, investment is risky, you deserve to lose your money and jump off the building!

Li Xuan's only concern is that it will cause a large-scale economic crisis!

However, it is still early to find out, and the current stock exchange market is still very imperfect, and it has not formed a unified scale across the country.

In addition, although the market value of these garbage companies is said to be 100 million, it is only paper wealth. Many people buy stocks for one tael of silver, and then wait for the appreciation to rise. When the value reaches one hundred taels, the stocks become waste paper. He lost only a tael of silver, not a hundred taels.

The only people who will suffer massive losses are the unlucky ones who enter the market later, but when you enter the market and see that the price is so high, smart people can see that this is a huge bubble, knowing that the risk is so high, You still buy it, thinking you can make a fortune and get out before the bubble bursts!

How can there be such a good thing in the world, shouldn't it be worth dying for you?

Li Xuan is very clear that it is easy to burst this bubble. He only needs to publish the data of 100 million taels. When he wakes up, those stocks will become a pile of waste paper tomorrow, and 100 million taels can save 10 million taels. Two is not But doing so can easily lead to trouble!

So he prepared the devil to enter the village and come quietly.

After Li Daobing from Hantong came, Li Xuan directly reported the report to him, and then said: "Monitor the relevant companies first, and the responsible persons of some bad companies will control and freeze assets first. In addition, try to avoid large-scale riots, pay attention to influences!"

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Li Daobing was a little surprised, what?

He didn't understand a little. The Son of Heaven did not ask them to assassinate any dangerous elements, nor did he monitor those officials who were trying to conspire and collude, but let them monitor a group of commercial companies.

They have never done this kind of thing. Although Hantong often does messy things such as assassination and sabotage, his main business is to monitor officials and prevent rebellion, and the general target is not these ordinary people, they are officials or officials. Locally dangerous people.

But now, Li Xuan has asked Hantong's people to monitor the commercial companies and their responsible persons. Some of the business is not right!

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