Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1038: The core business of Datang Western Company: Colony

As the warship entered the port, the first batch of 6th fighters began to board the 6th by the transportation boat.

Due to the limited number of transport boats, there were not many people on board 6 in the first batch, only more than 100 people, but even these 100 people were very important to Ying Zihua's small fleet. In order to avoid accidents, the artillery on the three ships has always been aimed at the shore to prevent the enemy from attacking the Deng 6 troops.

However, the defensive strength of this port is really not good. The naval artillery bombardment just now also destroyed most of the defensive settings of the port. Although some defensive troops began to gather, they did not have the courage to rush to the shore. .

The Ottomans are not stupid. They are not uninformed natives. They deal with the Spanish and other Western European countries all the year round. They know a lot about artillery, and they are also equipped with some artillery. They know that the artillery on those warships is not Very provocative.

But they didn't have the guts to rush up, but they began to gather hundreds of people far from the shore, preparing for defensive operations.

The 6th team of Datang Western Company, who went up to the 6th, was not in a hurry, but lined up on the shore, waiting for the second wave of the 6th team!

It didn't take long for the second or third batch of boarding personnel to arrive, and the troops of the Datang Western Company, which had assembled nearly 400 people, took the initiative to attack!

The five-jin field guns and shotguns removed from the ship took the lead in firing, directly bombarding the phalanx of the Ottomans on the opposite side!

Then the infantry phalanx began to advance in a standard three-column line!

At this time, the Ottomans on the opposite side were also fighting with arquebuses and spears!

They didn't hold back!

Instead, they fought bravely with the troops of the Datang Western Company!

They are indeed the Ottoman army established by the contemporary Suleiman I, and their will to fight is quite good!


Then they broke down bravely!

Yes, the whole process only took about four or five minutes. When Datang Xiyang's company bombed with artillery, the infantrymen wore breastplates and went up with flintlock guns to shoot for a few rounds, and the Ottomans on the opposite side collapsed directly.

They are brave, but under powerful gunfire, bravery is at most making them more capable of taking casualties.

But when the two or three hundred Ottomans were killed and wounded dozens of people, it was still inevitable to collapse.

Of course, their bravery also paid off. They paid the price of dozens of casualties and the collapse of the entire army, and successfully caused the loss of one person killed and three injured to the Deng 6 troops of the Western Company.

There was nothing to say next, the Auss in the port began to flee, whether it was officials, the army, or the civilians, all of them were running for their lives frantically.

And Ying Zihua and the others didn't plan to pursue further, they didn't even plan to enter the port city, which was hundreds of meters away. Their goal was just the wharf!

After the Deng 6 troops entered the dock, they began to collect all kinds of supplies, and at the same time forced the requisition of local people who did not have time to escape as coolies to carry the supplies.

As for the language barrier, this is indeed a problem. Anyway, the people who board the 6 do not understand what the locals say, and the locals also do not understand what the people from the Western Company say, but is this important?

It doesn't matter. In front of the bayonet, the language barrier will not be an obstacle to communication between the two sides. With a few random gestures, the locals will know what to do, and then they will work hard to carry the supplies.

The many materials on the dock, especially the food and fresh water, were continuously passed through many small boats to the three large boats still floating on the sea!

After the 6th team on the road initially took control of the pier, Ying Zihua also took a few senior employees of Datang Western Company ashore to have a look, but he could only take a casual look.

The language barrier made it impossible for the two sides to communicate in depth, and basically all the people who were supposed to run ran to the city not far away. Except for the 6th team members and the captive coolies, there was no other pier at the seaside. alive.

Well, after taking a few glances and confirming that the supplies are sufficient, Ying Zihua was too lazy to stay on the shore, so he hurried back to the boat again.

In the next whole day, they were busy replenishing supplies. It would take a little time to replenish the three large ships. In addition, they also found some materials for repairing the ships at the dock, but However, Ying Zihua changed his idea of ​​repairing on the spot, but brought craftsmen and materials to the ship, and later found a remote place to repair.

Because he has already seen that in the city not far away, a large number of Ottomans are gathering, the number may be nearly a thousand, and a lot of artillery has also been launched, including dozens of cavalry!

In order to avoid any accident, Ying Zihua changed his original plan, and after spending a day rushing to supply supplies, in the evening, he directly led the fleet to evacuate.

What was left was a devastated pier!

This made the local Ottoman officials furious. At first, they scolded the Portuguese, but when they asked later, it was not some white people with blond or red eyes, but a group of people with yellow skin and black eyes.

Who is that? Could it be pirates from the Persian Gulf or India?

Naturally, they didn't know that the people who attacked Jeddah Port were from the distant Eastern Empire, Datang. Well, they were not the official armed forces, but the private armed forces of a commercial company of the Datang Empire.

The language barrier, coupled with the lack of smooth information exchange in this era, and the general lack of people's knowledge, this also led to the inexplicable battle between the two sides, and it was still confused.

But are these important?

It's not important!

Ying Zihua successfully grabbed the supplies the fleet needed, and the Ottomans successfully repelled the 'pirates', regardless of whether they were Portuguese pirates or Indian pirates...

Everyone takes what they need, hello I am hello everyone!

According to legend, several key officials of Jeddah Port were later promoted to fortune because of their achievements in repelling pirates, and they also received awards sent by Suleiman I.

After leaving the incomprehensible place of Jeddah Port, Ying Zihua recorded in the report that Osmans are very aggressive and reject outsiders.

Although it was said that there was no trade agreement with the Ottomans, they also successfully replenished the supplies. On the whole, the fleet of the Datang Western Company still achieved their original goal!

Ying Zihua led the fleet to continue to the south, and occasionally encountered other ships along the way, but in the waters of the Red Sea, there were some small boats, most of which were local merchants' ships, and the three led by Ying Zihua were large ships. , When people see it from a distance, they hide and walk away.

Ying Zihua was also reluctant to make any extra efforts. After sailing for a few days, he re-entered the northeastern coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean, and directly found a remote and uninhabited safe haven, then lowered anchor and started repairing the ship. There are no Portuguese or others, and it is simply planned to build a simple port here, leaving a few people stationed as a supply port.

After repairing the ships, Ying Zihua's fleet will continue south, and then they will enter the Portuguese sphere of influence!

Just when Ying Zihua and the others were on the eastern coast of Africa, the large-scale fleet organized by Datang Western Company also set sail once again, leaving Guangzhou and heading all the way to Luzon!

This time, the fleet organized by Datang Western Company has a total of twelve ships, of which the smallest tonnage is 500 tons, and most of them are standard 680 merchant ships of nearly 700 tons. In addition, there is a full displacement. reached more than 900 tons.

These twelve ships are not expedition ships, but standard trade fleets, which are full of various goods and construction supplies. At the same time, there are also a thousand immigrants organized by the Immigration and Reclamation Division to go out with them. , the migrants will leave on three other migrant merchant ships.

In addition, the navy also sent a cruiser, a fleet of two frigates and three patrol ships to escort!

According to the relevant agreement reached by the official and Datang Western Company, this winter, Datang Western Company will officially hand over the Luzon colony to the government. The empire has officially established Luzon State to manage Mindao Island. Therefore, accompanying the fleet, there were also dozens of middle and low-level officials selected by the Ministry of Personnel.

When these fleets arrive in Luzon, one naval frigate and three patrol ships will form an independent Luzon fleet that will be stationed in Luzon for a long time.

It is precisely because of the relevant agreement that the government officially organized more than 1,000 immigrants to go to Luzon.

After these immigrants arrived in Luzon, each person could get 20 acres of land for free. If a family has three or four members, they can directly obtain hundreds of acres of land.

Of course, due to the danger of colonization by seamen, especially the frequent attacks by the natives, before these immigrants came out, the young adults, including the robust women, received simple military training and learned how to use guns to fight. .

And the young and strong men among these immigrants had already been incorporated into the Luzon Militia Battalion on the spot before they left, and became a part of the Militia Battalion.

These militias will also become an important part of Datang's military force in Luzon!

When Datang Western Company set sail at the exclusive dock, many people were very curious when they saw this huge fleet. Today, Datang Western Company is still a relatively mysterious company in the public, because the trade license has not been announced to the public. , so they did not know the specific situation of Datang Western Company.

But many people know that this company is full of weirdness. It recruits a large number of retired soldiers. It also has private armed forces, including battleships. It seems to be very abnormal.

It's just because this company is wholly owned by the Royal Assets Although they think it's abnormal, they don't say anything. After all, the whole world belongs to the emperor, and it doesn't count for the emperor to set up a company with private arms. What!

Now, this mysterious company once again organizes a huge fleet, and they are very curious, what exactly does this Western company want to do!

What else can you do, do business!

You must know that managing colonies is the most important core business of Datang Western Company!

So trade is important, but building, expanding, and managing colonies is even more important!

You must know that in the estimated revenue of Datang Western Company, a very important source of income is the tax share of the colonies!


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