Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1040: Industrial and Commercial Big Bang

After the fleet organized by Datang Western Company left the Guangzhou port, it did not go directly south to the South China Sea, but first went to the Hong Kong Navy Pier, where it gathered a number of naval **** ships, and then sailed straight to Luzon. go! &1t;/

In this huge fleet, there are ships from Datang Western Ocean Company, immigration ships from the Immigration and Reclamation Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, and a navy **** fleet. In addition, even Datang Nanyang Company sent two merchant ships to follow the large fleet. Go south, in order to keep warm and avoid encountering the invasion of pirates. &1t;/

After all, piracy activities in the South China Sea are quite rampant these days. Many of the pirates who used to operate in the coastal waters of Datang have entered the South China Sea. In addition, they heard that it is easy to make money here, and there are not a few pirates who came from other places to make money. &1t;/

Even if it is a ship of an overseas trading company with an official background such as the Nanyang Company, if only one or two ships go to sea, it is not safe to encounter pirates. After all, pirates do not care what kind of ship you are. In their eyes, these The merchant ships that are single are all fat, and they will bite hard if they catch them. &1t;/

In recent years, many merchant ships that went to sea for trade have never returned. Although many of them sank in the storm, in fact, many merchant ships were looted by pirates. &1t;/

Several fleets are united, with more than 20 ships, some of which are large and small, the largest is nearly 1,000 tons, and the small is only a hundred tons, but since it is a ship that dares to go to the sea, the worst. It is also Guangzhou Ship, Fu Ship and the like. &1t;/

Such a huge fleet, and apart from a few professional warships, other ships are all armed merchant ships, let alone ordinary pirates with such strength, even if the Portuguese saw it, they would not dare to act rashly. &1t;/

Although the Portuguese's naval strength is strong, the Portuguese need to control more sea areas. They need warships to maintain the local area in Europe, on the west coast and eastern coast of Africa, along the coast of India, all over Indonesia, and the eastern coast of South America. The safety of the sea area and the **** of merchant ships required the Portuguese to control so many places. Although the overall strength of the fleet is relatively strong, it is not very strong when spread evenly across a certain sea area. &1t;/

Otherwise, they would not sit back and watch Datang Western Company build colonies in Luzon and Banten. &1t;/

This place in Nanyang is too close to the mainland of Datang. It is so close that the Portuguese feel helpless. The Datang Navy leaves the Hong Kong Naval Base, and it won't take long to come to Malacca. It doesn't take much by then. , a dozen warships at random can block Malacca, block the Strait of Malacca, and completely cut off the Southeast Asian spice trade that the Portuguese have been doing for many years. &1t;/

Although the strength of the Datang Navy is not strong, so far not even a single battleship has been commissioned, but there are more than 20 cruisers and frigates of several hundred tons. &1t;/

Such a force, even the Portuguese, needs to be treated with caution, not to say that a war can be waged. &1t;/

If they want to win the Datang Navy, they have to dispatch warships from the Indian Ocean waters and even the African waters. Not to mention the time spent on this trip, and more importantly, there are too many warships in these waters. How can they maintain the local waters? Control? &1t;/

Based on this environment, the Portuguese could only turn a blind eye to the Tang Dynasty's establishment of colonies in the Southeast Asian region, in addition to provoking pirates to attack, as long as the Tang Dynasty continued to engage with their Portuguese. Trade, if they don't stop their Portuguese spice trade, then they will endure it. &1t;/

Anyway, their Portuguese control the trade route from Europe to East Asia. As long as the Tang Dynasty cannot deliver goods directly to Europe, in the end, they will need their Portuguese. &1t;/

It's just that they don't know yet that the Datang Empire has quietly opened up European routes, and at the same time is trying to introduce Spaniards to Southeast Asia. &1t;/

The huge fleet traveled all the way south, and under the action of the monsoon, their ships raised all their demeanor and sailed to Luzon with the greatest sailing! &1t;/

In fact, in the winter season, the only ships going to sea are them. Most of the ships going south will set sail during this period. Ships heading south from North Korea and Japan, Tianjin, Jiaozhou and other places along the northern coast of the Tang Dynasty ships, and even ships heading south from Shanghai Port. &1t;/

Almost most of the ships going to the south will set sail during this season. They will travel all the way south, and after reaching their destination, they will conduct trade, and then wait until April or May next year, they will start to take advantage of the southwest monsoon to head north. &1t;/

This forms a complete route of north-south maritime trade! &1t;/

Therefore, many ships in Guangzhou Port and Lianzhou Port began to set sail for various ports in Nanyang. Most of them went to Malacca, and there were also other ports in other Nanyang indigenous countries, and they were also the first batch of ships to go south this year. &1t;/

In the next few months, there will be ships going south. They either leave later, or they leave from further north. The entire southward wave can continue until the end of the monsoon. &1t;/

However, Datang Western Company naturally doesn't care about other people's ships, they only care about their own fleet! &1t;/

After the first batch of ships going south, the second batch of ships organized by Datang Western Company also officially went south. This time, in addition to the ships owned and leased by Datang Western Company, other private merchant ships also followed the company The Tang Xiyang Company's fleet went south, and the merchant ships that followed along, naturally wanted to go to Luzon and Banten for trade. &1t;/

Throughout the winter, the Datang Western Company is expected to send a total of 21 merchant ships to the south, more than half of which are the latest 680 merchant ships, and the rest are Galen ships with relatively large tonnage, or simply Fu. Ship, Guangzhou ship and other traditional Chinese ship types. &1t;/

Other private trading companies will also send more than 20 merchant ships to Luzon or Banten for trade, and their ships are generally smaller. &1t;/

But the ships that can go out to sea these days are not small, and the key point is that the value of the goods loaded on these ships is huge, and the goods on each ship are worth tens of thousands or even more than a hundred thousand taels of silver. &1t;/

Among them, a 680 merchant ship of the Datang Western Company, not counting other goods, the silk alone is worth 100,000 taels of silver! &1t;/

The total value of these ships sent by Datang Western Ocean Company is more than one million taels of silver, and it is interesting that most of these goods are not purchased by Datang Western Ocean Company themselves, because they do not have so many activities. funds. &1t;/

Most of the goods were purchased with loans. From the Royal Bank and other banks, they used the company's many ships and other fixed assets as collateral, and loaned millions of taels to purchase the goods. &1t;/

But as long as there are no major accidents along the way, such as the accident that the entire fleet sank when a storm hits, even if one or two of them are sunk during the process of going out to sea, as long as most of the ships come back safely, then their profits can be turned over. times! &1t;/

Don't think that the doubled profit is very high, in fact, it is not high, because the risk is too great, and a large-scale storm is really encountered, and the entire fleet is wiped out. &1t;/

Otherwise, why are the profits on the European route more than ten or even dozens of times, because on such a long route, all kinds of risks are too great, regardless of whether it is attacked by pirates, attacked by indigenous people, or attacked by other countries The fleet was looted aboveboard, or simply sank due to a storm, and then there was a problem of sepsis. In short, the loss was too high. &1t;/

Those dead sailors and sunken ships are all costs, so in the final calculation, the overall profit is not as exaggerated as dozens of times, but there are still several times or even a dozen times. &1t;/

Well, the premise is that there is a monopoly route. &1t;/

The maritime trade in the East Asian waters is naturally not as high as the European routes, because there is basically no monopoly problem in this sea area. Everyone can run. There are many people running here, and the profits will naturally be diluted. &1t;/

But even so, the profits of the East Ocean and Southeast Asia trade are still considerable, which stimulates many investors to buy ships and go out to sea full of goods to seek fortune opportunities. &1t;/

After all, this is a business where the profit can be doubled or even several times after one trip. Even if it takes the risk of being attacked by pirates and sunk in a storm, many people will recognize it. &1t;/

Because there are too many risks in maritime trade, many maritime trading companies in the Tang Dynasty now adopt a joint-stock system, and many shareholders invest together to share risks. &1t;/

The joint-stock reform of Datang Nanyang Company and Toyo Company is a typical example of this background. &1t;/

The ships went south one by one, and Li Xuan, who was in Jinling, also got relevant reports from the Ministry of Commerce, Customs and other departments, but of course he was not concerned about these trivial matters, he was concerned about the sea trade to the Datang Empire. The benefits of industry and commerce. &1t;/

The cabinet consolidated the reports of several subordinate departments and presented to Li Xuan the industrial and commercial development of Xuanping in the first three quarters of seven years. &1t;/

With the continuous stimulation of sea trade, the sales of export-oriented commodities have greatly increased this year, whether it is new industrial products such as soap, matches, weapons, and cloth, or traditional export commodities such as tea, silk, and porcelain, or some other products used for Exports of goods have increased substantially. &1t;/

At the same time, most parts of the country remained stable, especially after Zhili Sidao, the economic powerhouse, maintained political and military stability, all kinds of production returned to normal, and the economic level returned to normal, resulting in a huge demand for consumer goods. &1t;/

Coupled with market demand in other regions, this has led to a sharp rise in domestic demand for various agricultural and industrial products. &1t;/

When overseas trade and the domestic market have great demand for various products [31 Novel Network Update Fast], that is to say, this era has become the best time for people engaged in industry and commerce to make money. &1t;/

Anyone with a bit of capital or brains can start a family-style workshop and produce something, as long as the quality is not too bad, then basically there is no need to worry about the market. It is hard to say how much you earn, but you will definitely make money. &1t;/

Seeing that opening a factory to make money means that more capital is poured into it, which in turn drives the large-scale development of industry and commerce. &1t;/

The overall situation today is that a large amount of capital continues to pour in, and existing factories are actively expanding production without emergency, and a large number of factories and various enterprises have been established quickly and intensively. &1t;/

In the first three quarters of Xuanping’s seven years alone, the Ministry of Commerce has counted more than 10,000 new manufacturing companies of various types. As for those small-scale service companies, trading companies, or simply It's a small shop and so on, it's even more numerous. &1t;/

There are a lot of them, that's because the taxation of the Tang Dynasty was strict, and all business operations, no matter how big or small, were required to be registered. Even if you set up a street stall, you had to register for a 'personal business license'. &1t;/

The Ministry of Commerce is very lenient on the registration of individual business operations. As long as you report your personal identity, explain what business you want to engage in, and then pay the cost of ten copper coins, then you will be fine. You don't even have to go to the local commercial yamen to register, go to the village chief to get an application form, and just fill in the form to apply. &1t;/

Of course, there are a few restrictions for the enterprise class, but in general, the restrictions are not large. &1t;/

So if you want to do business these days, the official documents are not a problem, as long as you are not in the business of those weapons. &1t;/

As a result, the registration scale of various commercial institutions is quite large! &1t;/

If you meet a random person on the street, maybe there is a trading company under their name! &1t;/

However, these tertiary industries such as services and sales are difficult to measure industrial exhibitions in this era. Therefore, when the Ministry of Commerce measures industrial and commercial exhibitions, it is often measured by manufacturing. &1t;/

There are more than 10,000 new factories of various types. Although most of them are small-scale factories, many of them are medium and large-scale factories employing more than 50 people. &1t;/

Among them, various new industries have become investment hotspots. Textile is the most popular industry at present. More than 15% of the factories in the newly added enterprises are textile factories. They are either weaving factories or spinning factories. , or printing and dyeing factories, etc., followed by all kinds of daily-use products. These sub-sectors are more complex, but generally speaking, they are daily-use products, or consumer products. &1t;/

The exhibition of various consumer industries also led to the exhibition of other industries. The three major categories of minerals, steel and machinery directly benefited from the exhibition of various consumer industries and gained rapid development. &1t;/

Jiangnan Iron and Steel Company, which has just been officially put into production, is in short supply of various types of steel products, wrought iron and other steel products, and its orders have even been placed in two years! &1t;/

Today, although the steel industry of the entire Tang Dynasty is already expanding rapidly, it is still in a situation of insufficiency. &1t;/

In addition to military needs, the private needs of steel this year are mainly used to build various tools. &1t;/

Especially farm tools and kitchen utensils, and how many people are there in China? At least 1.5 billion, how much steel is needed here? &1t;/


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