Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1041: What should I do if the food prices go up? Copy the house!

For a country in the early stages of the development of the industrial revolution, the demand for steel and other infrastructure materials is very huge. All walks of life have a huge demand for steel, but limited by technology, the output of steel is is limited.

This is why many countries focus on the development of the steel industry in the early stages of industrial development.

Of course, whether it can develop depends on the specific situation of the country. The steel industry is a heavy industry, and it is the most important heavy industry in modern industry. It does not mean that it can develop if it wants to develop.

However, in the Datang Empire, there are no obstacles to the development of the steel industry.

There is a huge demand, and China can also find minerals such as iron ore and coal mine, and there is no problem in transportation in some specific industrial cities.

The population is large and workers of all types are plentiful.

The basic modern education system has been established, and all kinds of today's technical talents have been cultivated. This part of the talent gap can also be solved.

All of this means that the steel industry in China is about to take off!

The Ministry of State-owned Enterprises is increasing investment in the steel industry.

As the state-owned enterprise management department of the Datang Empire, the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises is responsible for leading the development of domestic industry and commerce. It implements the concept of 'industrial power' proposed by Li Xuan, the Son of God, and also shoulders the heavy burden of developing the national defense industry. Enterprises often choose to invest in heavy industry. The three major categories of steel, chemical industry, and machinery have always been the core investment industries of the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises. Although other industries will also invest, they will choose private enterprises that are unwilling to invest or have no strength. investment in some industries.

Based on this concept, the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises is raising funds for the second round of expansion of Jiangnan Steel!

Because of limited funds and huge investment in steel, they are more inclined to use the limited funds on the cutting edge. Jiangnan Iron and Steel Company has developed smoothly, and it is sitting on Dangtu Iron Mine, which is backed by the main stream of inland water transportation such as the Yangtze River, which can be transported by ships. The iron and steel products produced are conveniently transported to the banks of the Yangtze River.

And not only along the Yangtze River, but also many tributaries connected with the Yangtze River, such as the Xiangjiang River, the Ganjiang River, the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, the Huaihe River, and the Yellow River Basin, which can be widely radiated.

Farther afield, it can also be transported to coastal areas by sea.

Based on these advantages, the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises has already built Dangtu Industrial Zone into the largest heavy industry base in China with the iron and steel industry as the core, and it is reasonable to invest in the establishment of the second-phase production base of Jiangnan Iron and Steel Company.

However, because of the huge market of the steel industry today, many private capitals have seen the opportunity of the steel industry, and some powerful businessmen have already begun to enter the steel industry.

In Dangtu, there are at least three civil steel enterprises under construction. Although they are not large in scale, the investment is only tens of thousands of taels of silver, and the output is not even comparable to the leader of Jiangnan Iron and Steel Company.

This all proves that private capital has already begun to get involved in the typical heavy industry of steel.

In many other places, small-scale iron and steel enterprises have emerged one after another. The small-scale may only have dozens of people, but the large-scale ones already have hundreds of people, and they are widely distributed. Basically, they have now found iron and steel enterprises. Mines, or places with more convenient transportation, have now emerged steel-related industries one after another.

Before, private capital entered the shipbuilding industry the most, with less steel and less machinery, minerals, etc.

However, in the machinery industry, there is not much private capital entering at present. It is not that they do not want to enter, nor is it that the empire has a policy to prohibit them from entering, but it is machinery, you must have technical talents!

And now the technical talents who understand machinery, the price is not ordinary expensive.

A technician who can repair common equipment has a monthly salary of at least 12 taels of silver. This is silver. You may not get it if you want it. Besides, all kinds of machinery and equipment are also expensive.

The machinery industry is profitable now, and it is very profitable, but the threshold for entry is also high. If you don’t invest tens of thousands of taels to enter, you can’t even buy equipment, and you can’t even hire technicians. What kind of business is there?

However, compared with heavy industry, light industry is currently the field where domestic private capital is concentrated, especially the textile industry.

Seeing these reports on the development of industry and commerce, Li Xuan couldn't help but sigh, Chinese people still dare to fight, and they have to let go of a policy hole, even without special support, private businessmen themselves will catch Live the opportunity and develop it.

Today's Datang Dynasty is the most friendly dynasty to businessmen in China for thousands of years. This era is a golden era for anyone who wants to engage in industry and commerce.

Policies allow, and even tax support, because of the issue of merit assessment, in order to promote, although most of the local officials are from traditional Confucianism, they also try their best to develop industry and commerce and develop people's livelihood.

At the same time, there is a healthy financial environment, and the flow of funds is more convenient.

At the same time, there are also vast domestic demand and overseas markets.

These, for those businessmen, are almost everywhere gold, all they have to do is to collect a certain amount of funds, hang up signs, recruit workers to produce, and then they can make a lot of money.

However, Li Xuan is also vigilant behind this seemingly prosperous industry and commerce, because in his opinion, this situation is somewhat similar to the reform and opening up of later generations. In the process of this rapid and barbaric growth, many outbreaks will definitely occur The problem is that if one goes wrong, it will cause a big problem.

For example, recently, many officials in the Jiangnan area have reported that, because of the huge demand for silkworm cocoons and the high purchase price, many farmers have started to grow mulberry trees on the land that used to grow food, in addition to planting mulberry trees on the original land. Although this situation has only started for a year or two, many officials are worried that the grain production in Jiangnan will be greatly reduced, from a granary that can provide a large amount of surplus grain for the empire to a grain that needs to be transported from other places. scarcity area.

This situation makes Li Xuan vigilant!

After all, although the development of industry and commerce is very important, the food issue is even more important!

Therefore, at the cabinet meeting not long after, Li Xuan convened a meeting in response to the memorials submitted by some officials on this matter, and asked the cabinet to come up with a suitable solution, on the premise of not harming the development of industry and commerce and the interests of farmers. Stabilize grain production in the Jiangnan region.

The Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Commerce and other departments of the Cabinet held many meetings, and finally finalized the preliminary plan!

First of all, because the current situation of changing grain fields to plant mulberries is not serious, and the court cannot use various administrative means to forcibly interfere with what farmers plant, because those lands are their private property, and it is their freedom to plant what they like. .

Moreover, it was only a few years after the founding of the Tang Dynasty, and they could not adopt some radical behaviors and put themselves on the opposite side of the vast number of peasants.

However, it is impossible to convert a large number of grain fields to mulberry trees.

Therefore, the initial plan is to start from the tax incentives for official farmland and newly developed wasteland.

Those who rent official farmland must grow grain, and farmers are not allowed to grow other commercial crops without permission, including cotton and mulberry trees.

The land acquired by renting and purchasing is also within this scope, and a restrictive clause is added, and these official fields must be used to grow food.

Newly reclaimed wasteland, regardless of its type, can enjoy tax incentives, but now it is stipulated that only newly reclaimed wasteland for grain cultivation can enjoy tax incentives. If the reclaimed land is for planting mulberry trees or cash crops such as cotton , do not enjoy tax benefits.

In this case, to a certain extent, it can limit the conversion of some land to food crops!

At the same time, on the other hand, many officials in the cabinet believe that it is natural for farmers to pursue higher returns. You cannot make them give up their interests, and you must also stabilize the grain production in the Jiangnan region for the empire.

The most fundamental solution is to reclaim more land, especially food development in the Huguang area!

At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the economic benefits of farmers planting food are not much lower than those of planting mulberry trees and other cash crops. In this case, it can also be adjusted from business and taxation.

For example, the appropriate increase in taxes on raw silk enterprises will increase their costs, and then in order to pass on the costs, they will inevitably put pressure on the prices of raw materials, and thus curb the rapid rise in the price of silkworm cocoons.

In addition, food prices can be appropriately raised in certain areas to ensure that farmers are profitable to grow food.

However, the cabinet has different opinions on how to raise the price. Some people think that the local government yamen can directly purchase grain to raise and maintain the price of grain, so as not to hurt the farmers.

However, some people think that it should not be the direct intervention of the government and yamen, but more flexible measures should be taken to allow the Ministry of Commerce or the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises to do this.

After repeated discussions at the end, it was decided to integrate several grain companies in the Sidao area of ​​Zhili under the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, and first set up a Zhili grain company in Jiangnan, whose core functions are grain storage, grain price stabilization, and disaster relief.

If the effect is good, it is extended to other provinces!

Zhili Grain Company, from its core can only know that this is not a profit-oriented company, but a state-owned enterprise to maintain food security.

Of course, in the process of purchasing and selling grain, certain profits will definitely be generated, and these profits will also be used for subsequent purchases and storage of more grain.

The establishment of the Zhili Grain Company has a direct relationship with Li Xuan, because Li Xuan personally instructed the relevant officials of the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises to put forward this plan. Otherwise, the mind is still full of feudal antiques, and there is nothing modern at all. The officials who are conscious of administrative management only know what kind of direct government interference, forced pricing and the like.

So direct and reckless, the effect is not good, and the impact is not good, it is easy to cause rebound!

How good is it to start a grain company directly, you can control the price of grain any way you want, and you can also easily attack those unscrupulous grain merchants who like to play hoarding grain, take the opportunity to raise prices, and make a fortune.

Although the Datang Dynasty has implemented grain restriction policies in many disaster-stricken areas in recent years, and dealt with some grain merchants who took the opportunity to hoard and raise prices, there is no clear reason for this kind of treatment, and most of the treatment methods are Indirect processing is carried out in other names.

Because in the Tang Dynasty, there were no charges of speculation or price gouging. Other grain merchants bought food with money, and people liked to hoard it instead of selling it, or sold it at extremely high prices. Strictly speaking, that is also the case. their freedom.

However, this kind of behavior is unacceptable to the government. In the past, one case was found and one case was dealt with, but the only way to deal with it was through other methods. Some follow the trend, and those whose gains are not so large are basically not dealt with.

But to be honest, we can’t keep doing this forever, and it’s not enough to directly introduce relevant restrictive laws. Therefore, we should deal with it in another directly establish relevant grain companies, and then according to each In different places, a guiding grain price range has been introduced. Those who exceed this range will be directly imposed administrative fines and will be punished with bankruptcy.

The purchase and sale prices of grain companies also fluctuate within this range.

When the grain output is large, stabilize the price and prevent the local grain price from falling. When the grain output is low, supply a large amount of grain to stabilize the local grain price and prevent the grain price from skyrocketing.

This is the main core task of Zhili Grain Company at present.

Although the Tang Dynasty did this in the past, it was usually done by local yamen, and it was done through administrative means.

Today, with such a professional grain company, it will be much easier and more convenient.

As for whether the Zhili Grain Company can accomplish this task, what if it encounters daring grain merchants who are estimated to drive up grain prices and compete with the grain company?

What else can be done, if these grain merchants are just ordinary, just normal business methods, and they have not driven up the price of grain to an outrageous level, then the grain company will directly run them into bankruptcy with their incomparable financial strength.

Although the Zhili Grain Company, which is backed by the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, has no money on its books, it can allocate a large amount of grain and funds every minute, and can directly run and go bankrupt all grain merchants in the world.

What, the grain merchants are too powerful, and they can't do it with the grain company of the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises. What should I do in this case? Are we going to draw tens of millions of taels from the national treasury to fight a vigorous food war!

Fuck it, just raid the house!

The tax inspection team is not for nothing!

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