Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1046: Koryo problem

However, even if they were challenged by the severe cold, the Sixth Army firmly controlled the situation of the war in Liaodong. They were waiting for the weather to warm up, and when the weather warmed up, even after the snow melted, the roads were still muddy, and they would not be able to stop them at that time. The pace of the sixth army advancing!

Regarding the war in Liaodong, many generals of the 6th Army are still optimistic.

Liaodong can definitely be won. There is no doubt about this. The puppet Ming Liaodong King Hui wanted to rely on the help of tens of thousands of remnants and aliens. Is it the Datang 6th Army that has undergone systematic training?

Just kidding!

At the beginning, Emperor Zhengde had an army of more than 100,000 troops, as well as the Tatars, and the 50,000 Tatar cavalry led by Alta Khan himself assisted in the battle.

So now the only question is, when will Liaodong be won!

In this regard, Lieutenant General Lei Wan made a plan: "According to the latest plan of our Privy Council, in the near future, we will continue to increase our shipping capacity to transport enough ammunition and other supplies, and wait until the weather is slightly warmer, about April or In May, we will launch a new round of large-scale offensive, striving to take Ningyuan and annihilate about 50,000 thieves in the direction of Quang Ninh!"

"Wait, we will continue to attack until we capture Liaodong Town!"

"It is expected that in the fall of this year, we will end the large-scale war in Liaodong and readjust the deployment time!"

Li Xuan nodded slightly as he listened. According to the war schedule of the Privy Council, the battle in Liaodong should be ended in autumn. Although the time was relatively long, it was even longer than the ash in the autumn and winter of the previous year. Some, but the Datang Empire's investment in these two directions is unequal, and at the same time affected by the geographical location, it is reasonable to wait a few months.

After all, the current Datang Empire actually does not have much urgency for Liaodong. There is not much difference between winning a few months earlier and winning a few months later.

In order to avoid mistakes, and in order to avoid a large number of casualties among the soldiers, it is acceptable to slow down the rhythm of the battle appropriately.

After Lieutenant General Lei Wan of the 6th Army finished speaking, Lieutenant General Bao Yifen of the Navy also gave an answer to the Liaodong war. Of course, Lieutenant General Lei Wan of the 6th Army considered it from the perspective of the Navy, while the Navy's Bao Yifen also gave an answer. Lieutenant General Yifen speaks, naturally, from the perspective of the Navy.

Bao Yifen said: "Since the fall of last year, our navy has started to specially organize **** forces to provide full **** for the transport fleet. During the whole process, there was no example of a transport ship being sunk by an enemy navy. ."

"At the same time, our navy is always on alert for the direction of North Korea. Before, it has repelled offending North Korean navy many times and completely controlled the mouth of the Yalu River and the western coast of North Korea."

"Follow-up, our navy will further blockade the Korean Peninsula and even the entire northern coastal waters, and is always ready to provide Deng 6 cover!"

"Furthermore, our navy suggested that we can properly carry out the Deng 6 operation in North Korea, seize Jeju Island in the early stage, and directly board the 6 Korean Peninsula in the mid-term to attack Seoul, forcing the North Korean Li clan to withdraw from the coalition with King Hui of Liaodong, or directly annihilate the Li clan. !"

"Following, we can support local dignitaries to establish a new Korean kingdom, or simply as a direct colony!"

The Korean kingdom didn't know what medicine it was taking, and it always stood with King Hui of Liaodong. The Military Intelligence Department analyzed that it was estimated that the North Korean Li family was threatened by King Hui of Liaodong and had to do it.

Speaking of which, the Korean kingdom is also quite wrong. It is sandwiched between King Hui of Liaodong and the Tang Dynasty. Needless to say, the Tang Dynasty is awesome, but King Hui of Liaodong is right next to them. Said that in the past two years, King Hui of Liaodong sent troops to the Korean Peninsula twice, and the army of the Korean Peninsula was vulnerable to the Liaodong Ming army with complete guns and artillery.

But these are not important to Li Xuan, the important thing is that the current Korean kingdom is their enemy.

Is the enemy, we must kill him!

The Tang Empire was very busy before, and didn't have time to take care of the Li Dynasty, and there was also a Liaodong King Hui at the time!

If you simply send troops to the 6th Korean Peninsula, the logistics will be more difficult, and you can't get a lot of troops all at once, and the continuous combat capability is limited.

Moreover, Datang was also on Liaodong Peninsula's Lushun Deng 6 before, so it was too lazy to pay attention to North Korea.

But now, the army has already entered Liaodong, and King Hui can't protect himself. At this time, it is reasonable to clean up the Korean kingdom.

Of course, there were also deliberate pushes by military generals behind this matter.

Is it credit for recovering Liaodong? Must be a big credit.

But if North Korea is occupied, will the credit be greater? Bullshit, for sure!

In China's thousands of years of regaining lost soil, reunification, etc. are normal, and no one will say how awesome your dynasty is, because this is what you should do.

But expanding territory is different.

In the past dynasties, regardless of whether it is for the emperor or for the courtiers, the expansion of the territory is the greatest credit.

The emperor likes to expand the territory, because it will make him famous in the past life, become a Mingjun or something, and the courtiers also like it, because the credit is huge.

Seeing that the Liaodong side is about to be taken back, this large-scale war is about to end. Even if there will be a large-scale foreign expedition in the follow-up, it is estimated that there will not be any in a short period of time. In this case , the generals also want to take advantage of the last wave of credit.

By winning Liaodong, and by the way, North Korea, can they set off their status as the founding generals, and have the confidence to compete with many people for higher titles.

Everyone now knows that the Son of Heaven is going to reward the ministers after the battle of Liaodong, and the generals and dukes will be given out as rewards.

So many people are thinking of taking advantage of the last chance to get a wave of credit, and then make their qualifications look better when they are awarded.

As for the thoughts of the ministers, Li Xuan did not block it. In his plan, the Korean Peninsula, even if it is not directly annexed, must be actually controlled.

For Huaxia, the Korean peninsula is the side of the couch to allow others to sleep soundly!

But how to deal with it, he still has no idea!

Direct annexation to the mainland, set up a province? Or do you want to set up a colony, in the form of a territory under the direct jurisdiction of the cabinet? Or just find a few cats and dogs to re-establish the Joseon Dynasty and make it a vassal state of the Tang Dynasty?

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